No More Weakness.

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I covered my eyes and rubbed my temples in irritation as a vase smashed to the floor, thrown by my livid father, pacing the room and shouting angrily at no one in particular.
"Father for God's sake calm down, your blood pressure will raise,"

"To hell with that! My youngest daughter is getting married to that slimeball Valentino, she's getting married to him in a few weeks and whether we like it or not, he's going to be my son-in-law! You expect me to calm down?!" he yelled.

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of water as I watched him vent like an overgrown temperamental child. Since the day we left the Guerrero mansion Father has been yelling, throwing fits and just about anything he could get his hands on. Vases, shoes, bottles, books, whiskey glasses and dishes.

And one one occasion, a full bottle of Scotch.

He had come to stay a few weeks with Kazimir and I to discuss some business regarding the Mafia. Father hated the Guerreros and wanted nothing to do with anyone from their family. So when he found out that Jasmine was seen with Damen and Sabrina, he went red with rage and practically flew down there.

Kazimir was a little more composed about this who!e thing, I expected him to get angry and start plotting to separate them and destroy the family entirely, but he didn't say anything about it, right now he was out doing some work with his underdog.

"Are you telling Mother that Jasmine is getting married?" I asked.
"Why would I? So she could come down here and yell at me? Saying we should be happy for our daughter and accept Valentino into the family? I don't think so," Father snapped.

"Father I know you might'nt it like it but we have to tell her sooner or later. They're getting married and she has a right to know," I said reasonably. "If she finds out from someone else it won't be good for us. She might act irrationally and that'll leave us in-"

"Andriana don't start. I didn't leave Colombia to get away from your mother's nagging to come here and hear it from you. I'll tell her when I'm ready," Father growled as he stormed outside. With an exasperated sigh, I finished my water. Feeling an ache in my lower back I decided to head to the massage room.

On my way over there I thought back to that moment when I was with Jasmine. She hadn't changed a bit with her honey blonde hair and baby blues. Her skin looked rosy and her body had a nice figure. I wished I could say I was happy to see my baby sister after so long, but I couldn't.

She was getting married, she was to be Valentino's wife. She was going to be Luciano's daughter-in-law, Sabrina and Damen's sister-in-law. I clenched my fists thinking about it. She would be known as Mrs Jasmine Valentino Guerrero. It infuriated me.

I pushed the doors to the massage room open and my masseuse, Isla jumped out of shock. When she saw it was only me, she relaxed. I closed the doors and pulled off my sweater. "I'd like a massage please Isla, back, legs, shoulders and neck."

"Of course ma'am, right away," she said as she rushed to get her oils and lotion. I went behind a curtain and stripped out of my clothes then laid flat on the soft massage table. Isla covered my lower regions with a sheet and cracked her knuckles. Soft music played in the background and I closed my eyes, trying to relax.

I've been stressed out as hell for the past few days, a good massage might e the best thing. Isla poured lavender scented oil on my back and shoulders and started her massage. Ten minutes into the session I could feel some of the tension in my muscles seep away. Isla sure knew her stuff.

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