To Surrender, To Submit: Part Two.

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"Then so be it. You want to fucking treat me like a whore Val? Fine. What the fuck is stopping you?"

The moment those words left Jasmine's mouth, my heart began to beat violently in my chest. Right at this moment, I felt three emotions: awe, arousal and anger. Awe for the fearlessness and defiance she displayed, with no regard for the consequences. Arousal for the previous sight of her masturbating with the vibrator. And anger for the fact that I was awed and aroused in the first place.

If it were one of my old submissives who did this, I would've since long grabbed them by their hair, dragged them to my room and beaten them with my belt until I was satisfied. I would've done it, not for their masochistic pleasure, but to prove that as their dominant, I held the reigns. I held supreme control and they were nothing but sex slaves, existing for my sole pleasure.

But with Jasmine things were different. I simply couldn't stand the thought of hitting her and watching her cry, scream and beg me to stop because of the unbearable pain I inflicted on her fragile form. I'd never be able to live with myself if I hurt her and she was scarred, in any way.

Although, she did deserve to have her ass spanked for disobeying me. Torn between my desire to punish her and my urge to protect her, I felt conflicted and immensely irritated. Fortunately her dirty little mouth tipped the scale in my favour.

"It's okay if you're too scared to fuck me in the manner you want, I understand completely. Besides, I extracted more pleasure from a vibrator than I ever did from you."

Overwhelmed by the urge to put my teenage bride in her place and teach her a lesson in taunting me, I grabbed the belt and dragged her behind me, down the hall, up two flights of stairs and to a locked room that I haven't personally opened for a long time.

Reaching into a nearby vase where I stashed the key, I opened the door and went in, pulling my blue eyed beauty behind me. I've never brought Jasmine to this room before, not quite having a reason to. But now, after that incident in the living, I could come up with a dozen reasons as to why I needed to.

The Playroom

The Playroom

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"It''s.." she was struggling to get the words out when she took in the sight of the playroom. Her eyes widened significantly and her mouth hung in open-mouthed surprise. Using the belt as a leash, I pulled her inside and locked the door. I wasn't originally going to add a playroom to this mansion, but seeing as how BDSM was a part of me I wasn't willing to change, I couldn't not include it. That was like having physical sex without the genitals.

Undoing the belt, I watched her rub her sore throat, finding sick amusement in her actions. Taking off her robe, I tucked a finger under her chin and raised her head to look at me. "Why do you sabotage yourself this way Jasmine? Can't you be an obedient wife for once and listen to your husband? Must you always do what you want, when you want?"

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now