The Endless Cycle Of Heartbreak.

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"Xavier is your cousin?!" Damen, Sabrina, Riley and Theodore exclaimed in unison, shock quite visible on their faces.
"Yes Xavier is my cousin. Anthony is my mother's brother, Nancy is her sister-in-law and they're my aunt and uncle," I told them with a grin.

"My parents aren't exactly close with Uncle Ivan," Xavier said. "So it doesn't come as a surprise that he's kept the relationship between the two families a secret. My father frowns upon the way Uncle Ivan treats women, as well as the method he uses to control his Mafia and family alike."

"I never knew what business my father was engaged in, I thought he was a regular business man working in Colombia," I stated. "I never knew he was mixed up in the Mafia."
"How could that be? Surely she must've noticed Ivan's bodyguards following him everywhere and asked questions about it," Carson said confusedly. "She was a child, children are naturally curious."

"Andriana, Andrès and Jasmine were never supposed to be mixed up in the Mafia. Aunt Rebecca wanted them to have a normal childhood away from all this. When Andriana was old enough, her father began training her to become his successor," Xavier said with a sigh. "And years later she married that bastard Kazimir."

Hearing this I turned to look at Xavier, shock written all over my face. "Xavier what are you saying? Andriana...Andriana got married? When? How? I don't understand."
"Andriana? Is that what you used to call your sister?" Valentino asked. "Funny. Ivan never referred to her as Andriana when she used to come here. Everyone else knew her as Andria."

I looked at Valentino next and my eyes widened in disbelief. "You knew my sister? How? What is going on Valentino?"
"It appears Ivan's kept yet another secret from you my dear," Mr Guerrero said shaking his head.
"Secret? What secret!?" I exclaimed. "Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on? Xavier? Valentino? Sadie? Anyone?"

"Jasmine do you remember the day when Dario, Annalise and I told you about the woman that left Valentino all those years ago?" Sadie asked. "And we told you how painful it was to talk about?"
"Yes I remember," I replied. "That was the day Damen threatened me with his gun."

"He did what?!" Xavier demanded as he turned to look at Damen, outrage written all over his face. "You pulled a gun on my little cousin? You impertinent mother fucker! How dare you?!"
"Hey take it easy man, you know how I feel about Petrovas," Damen protested. "It's not my fault Andria's betrayal left me with a lifetime's worth of suspicion and mistrust of every Petrova that crosses my path."

"Can we please get back to the subject at hand?" I interjected. "What does my sister marrying someone else have to do with you guys? Did you know her personally? I know you used to work with my father, did you know Andriana as well?"
"Know her?" Valentino let out a bitter laugh and pitifully shook his head. "I was engaged to her. Andria — or should I say Andriana — was supposed to be my wife."

I could feel my mouth suddenly go dry and my heart skip a beat.

Andriana was supposed to marry Valentino? Oh my God.

"Forgive me Valentino, but I'm having trouble understanding what  I'm hearing. Please...please tell me this is all a joke," I murmured.
"Why don't I tell you a little story Jasmine? A little story about me. It's called Valentino's Fucked Up Love Story," he said coldly.

Three years ago


"Ahh! Valentino stop it, I don't like it, my skin is dry and the water is cold. Stop it!" Andria squealed as she moved out of the way of the cold water Valentino splashed on her. Her yellow two piece bikini proved to be advantageous in many ways. For one, it showed off her long, slender legs and gave her an opportunity to show off her tan.

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