Touch Her And I Kill You.

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Just as I expected it to be, The Heights Casino was crawling with Mafia men and women who came for a night of gambling, drinking, smoking and debauchery. Crime bosses, drug lords and assassins were everywhere; crawling through the establishment like ants. No one noticed the five new arrivals— Mr Guerrero, Damen, Sadie, Valentino and myself— walk in and take a seat in a secluded booth.

"If Ishmael likes what he sees, Saturday night, you four will be headed to the Empire State Building to take care of the animals that killed his family members," Mr Guerrero said.
"Does he have children?" I wanted to know.
"Two sons and a daughter. His eldest son is in Vegas overseeing construction of a new warehouse, his daughter is with her family in Atlanta and his second son is home recuperating from a car accident two weeks earlier. His nephew Carl is coming to the casino with him to discuss the deal."

"How much are we being paid to do this job?" Sadie inquired.
"Depends on how well you succeed. Ishmael expects perfection and nothing less. This man killed his sister-in-law and brother after all, he wants him to suffer."

"Luciano, you made it."

All of us looked towards the entrance and saw a short, stocky man in his late sixties approach the booth, behind him were seven bodyguards and a man in his early twenties whom I supposed was his nephew Carl. Ishmael took a seat on the opposite side of the booth and I took a moment to inspect his features: small dark eyes, grey hair balding at the center and a button nose. He wore a formal grey suit and had a cigar in between his lips.

"I'm happy you decided to bring your people for me to meet Luciano," Ishmael said puffing smoke out from his cigar.
"I'm happy to offer my assistance," Mr Guerrero chuckled.
"I'll be sending Carl with you, the boy doesn't indulge much in the family business. It's time he learned to take responsibility."

I took a look at his nephew and saw he had the same eye color as his uncle and wore a navy blue suit. His dark hair was windblown and messy and he had a lean demeanor. When he saw me sitting next to Valentino, he pulled his sunglasses off. "Well, hello. And who might you be, gorgeous?"

"My name is Jasmine," I said taking a sip of gin to mask my displeasure at his behavior. Boys like him repulsed me. They see a pretty girl and instantly start flirting. Ugh.
"Jasmine is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he said winking flirtatiously.
"You're too kind," was my stiff reply.

"So who have you brought with you? Your best I hope? This job is no walk in Central Park, let me warn you," Ishmael said gravely.
"Only the very best," Mr Guerrero chuckled. "My son Damen, his wife Sabrina and my older son Valentino and his fiancé, Jasmine."

"Will she be coming with us? I'd like to get aquatinted with her, I'll even take her back to our house once this job is over, show her a good time," Carl said taking my hand and kissing my knuckles.
"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm spoken for. My fiancé doesn't appreciate other men flirting with me," I said sweetly.

"Fiancé? You're getting married?" he asked shockingly. "You can't be older than sixteen or seventeen."
"I assure you, I may be young, but I am as responsible as any thirty year old. My fiancé knows this, hence the reason he agreed to marry me," I said leaning my head on Valentino's shoulder. "Isn't that right darling?"

"Indeed it is," he replied as he wrapped his arm around my waist, an act of assertion and possession.
"You didn't tell me your son was getting married Luciano, and to such a young thing like her," Ishmael chuckled.

"Yes, she's marrying Valentino on Sunday," Mr Guerrero told him. "You're invited to the wedding of course. We are old friends after all."
"I'll be there. Now, shall we get down to business?"
"That's what we're here for, so by all means, yes let's begin."

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