Crazily Unhinged-I Like It.

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(2nd Edit)


"As you all know, Jaun Skavinsky stole ten grand's worth cocaine from our warehouse, and since I do not encourage stealing, backstabbing and other treasonous acts such as that, I killed him," Valentino started off. "but then his Mexican buddies decided to come avenge him. An act of both stupidity and audacity."

"This meeting is to come up with a plan of retaliation. They killed Marko, Tess and Julio when they invaded today and wounded five of our other men. These bastards will pay for this!" Mr Guerrero said slamming his fist down on the table in anger.

"I just got a message from Chris, he said Donald Skavinsky is hosting a party tommorow night at the Brooklyn Party Space to celebrate his victory over another Mafia," Dario reported.
"Donald Skavinsky? Is he related to Jaun Skavinsky?" I asked.

"He's his father. He owns a majority of the drug cartels in New York, Miami, Vegas, LA and many other countries. He's also one of the most fearsome drug lords who ever set foot in America," Valentino replied. "And his son was a chip off the old block."
"Chris said the Mexicans will be there as well as a couple of their allies. It won't be easy to pick them off," Dean observed.

"Pick them off? What are you planning to do?" I wanted to know.
"We need to kill Donald Skavinsky. That will be our answer to his assault on our mansion," Enzo said grimly.
"So can't you just leave it at that? They've already killed three people from the Sangue Mafia and wounded five. If you further antagonize them, they might retaliate and there'll be more bloodshed than before. Lives could be lost."

"Sweetheart you still have a lot to learn about the Mafia, what is expected of a person, and the consequences of what will happen when someone breaks the code of the Mafia," Valentino told me. "If we were to leave it at that then that will send a message to the other Mafias: that we are weak, pathetic cowards."

"I see what you mean. In high school there were five groups a person could be categorized in. One: the princesses, two: the jocks, three: the nerds/geeks, four: the junkies and five: the loners," I said playing with a pencil. "The group you associated with usually identified the kind of person you were."

"Yes well this is different. If we let the Mexicans get away with killing our men, the other Mafias will automatically assume they have cartè blanche to do as they please with us," Sabrina said. "We have to eliminate them before they eliminate us."

"Why not just send someone in and let them cut off the security system and the rest of us can go in groups," Riley suggested.
"That would be most logical solution. But he knows everyone from the Sangue Mafia. Me, father, Damen, Sabrina, you- everyone," Valentino said grimly. "He could recognize us a mile away."

"He doesn't know me, he's never seen me before. I could get in under an assumed name, cut off the security system and give you guys a chance to get in," I said casually. "Like those spy movies I watch. Ocean's Eleven, Charlie's Angels, and my personal favourite, Colombiana."

Suddenly everyone stopped talking and stared at me. I looked from face to face, feeling unesy with the stares I was getting.
"My Persian flower that is brilliant!" Valentino exclaimed.
"That's a fantastic idea! Donald's never seen Jasmine before, she'll be a wolf in sheep's clothing," Dario mused.

"If she can get into the building wearing a wig, contact lenses and another name, he'll never suspect a thing!" Felix added.
"Jasmine you are indeed brilliant. You're starting to think just like us, keep it up and before long you'll be an adept assassin," Mr Guerrero said admirably.

"Wait what? I was kidding, don't take what I said to heart," I exclaimed.
"Too late, you talk too much. Ever heard the saying little girls should be seen and not heard? Now we can be ascertain you'll be of use to us," Damen said smugly.

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