Petrova Family Drama.

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I've been sitting on the sofa in the corner for quite a while now and still Jasmine hadn't returned. Rebecca was next to me, eyes closed and breathing relaxed. Me, I simply sat there drinking and minding my own business. It was a strict rule of mine to never mingle idly in enemy territory. Although I did occasionally stand up to greet anyone who came by to offer their congratulations for my engagement.

I discreetly looked around to see if Sabrina and Damen were coming back. Unfortunately Sabrina drank too much and neded to use the restroom. Damen didn't want any man harassing her while she was in there, so he went with her. Not that anyone would dare to look at, let alone touch her when Damen was there.

He had a reputation for...making an example out of people who touched what was his. Touch his gun, he'll shoot you with it, touch his knife, he'll stab you with it, touch his woman, he'll dismember whatever part of your body that touched her. Believe me, I've witnessed it more times than I cared to remember. 

Classic example: Damen and Sabrina's first Christmas as a married couple. Father hosted a party, to celebrate the holiday and to respectfully show off his new daughter-in-law. She went upstairs to use the restroom and some perverted fool stumbled into the bathroom after her.

She managed to get away after kneeing him in the family jewels and breaking his nose, but before she could do that, he had ripped her dress and grabbed her hair, unravelling the whole thing in the process. She immediately called Damen on his cell and when he saw her disheveled condition, he flew into a rage and beat the guy up so badly, his face was covered in cuts and bruises.

It took all three of us—Dario, Theodore and myself— to restrain him. To make things worst, Father gave the brilliant suggestion to let Damen permanently deprive him of his... manliness. And that ladies and gentlemen, was the first step towards my little brother's unhealthy obsession with castration and emasculation.

Twisted little fuck.

"How are you and Jasmine getting along Valentino?"

My slightly depraved, mentally disturbing thoughts were thankfully interrupted by the sound of Rebecca's soft-spoken voice. I turned my head to the side and saw her smiling faintly at me. I smiled back and told her that Jasmine and I were getting along just fine.

How well she'd adapted to her role as a member of the Sangue Mafia, how much she's accomplished in such a short amount of time and how much of a difference she's made in our lives since her arrival. Rebecca seemed pleased by my answer. Pleased and proud of her daughter.

"Have you had sex with her yet?"

Her question caught me off guard.

She wanted to know if Jasmine and I had sex.

Talk about direct and straight to the point. Fortunately for me, I could answer just as directly.  "Not yet. She said she doesn't want to have sex until marriage."
"Are you saying a sweet girl such as Jasmine denied Valentino Guerrero sexual pleasure?" she chuckled.
"That's what happened," I said taking a gulp of Cognac while trying to keep the discomfort out of my voice.

"I'm glad to see she's kept her promise," Rebecca said smilingly.
"I've been meaning to ask about that. She keeps saying she made a promise to you, to not have sex until she was married," I said.
"When Jasmine moved to Brooklyn, she was only sixteen. She was smart, young, naive, pure. She wanted to be independent and make it on her own in the world. Being the headstrong muchacha she was, she wasn't going to allow anyone to hamper with her plans."

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