You'd Think You Know Someone.

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(2nd Edit)


After that not so friendly exchange between Valentino and I, we continued walking to the infimary. Valentino was silent and so was I, neither of us said anything to each other. We made it to the infimary and Valentino opened the door for me and I walked in, winching a bit as my ankle was still badly sprained.

The infirmary was painted in blue and white with a few touches of black here and there. Several beds lined the wall and were separated by white drapes. A few nurses were walking around and I saw a woman wearing a doctor's coat standing by an observation table, writing on a clipboard.

Valentino approached her and touched her shoulder. "Buonasera Riley, sono tornato dal lavoro."
(Good evening Riley, I'm back from work)

The woman named Riley turned around and I took note of her appearance: long blonde hair that was twisted in a bun at the nape of her neck, flawless skin and gorgeous facial features. She was dressed in dark jeans, a long sleeved cashmere sweater and chunky leather boots.

"Hey Tino, how was your evening?" she asked pleasantly.
"Tiresome. I just came back from the club after killing Jaun Skavinsky. His damn wife nearly screamed my eardrums out," Valentino said wryly.

"Yes well, those Mexican bitches are special. We can use their voices as weapons, they sound like banshees when they open their mouths," Riley giggled. Then she turned to me and raised her eyebrows, her forest green eyes filled with curiosity. "And who might this be?"

"This is Jasmine," Valentino introduced. "We met at the club."
"Oh okay. Is she a new recruit here for a general check-up?"
"In a manner of speaking. She needs to have her foot checked."
"I see," Riley nodded and shot me an engaging smile. "Hi I'm Riley, one of the doctors in the infirmary. Well, doctors in training. I help treat the people who live and work here. I'm also a member of the family myself. Would you mind telling me what happened?"

"I was in the nightclub with my best friend when I got hot and went outside for some air. Then I saw him kill a man and I ran away. I tripped, fell and sprained my ankle, then he dragged me here against my will telling me I was a witness and he owned me and I was his property," I said efficiently.

"Tino how could you? She's only a teenager, she's too young to be mixed up with all this crap," Riley reprimanded Valentino.
"She's a witness Riley. You know the law about letting a witness live," Valentino said rolling his eyes. "And I didn't want to kill her without consulting Father."

"Oh sure, no problem. Go consult with the rest of your family about whether I should live or die. Take a vote. Why not flip a coin while you're at it?" I scoffed indignantly.

"Riley check her up please. I'll be back in a moment after I speak with Father," he said irritatedly as he left the infirmary, shutting the door behind him.
"Okay sure. I'll text you when I'm done," Riley said as she led me to the observation table. "Now let's see about that foot."


"I swear that girl is so fucking infuriating!" I groaned as I lit a cigarette while walking to my father's office where my brother and his wife were already waiting. After my mother so selfishly tore our family apart, my father had lost all sense of humanity. He became ruthless and cold and dedicated all his time to work. When I turned eight Father began training me to become a member of the Sangue Mafia.

Exceptionally bright, talented and the first born son of Luciano Guerrero, I attended a prominent private school with my cousins. I passed all my subjects and never had any complaints from my teachers. As I got older I started working out in the gym everyday for several hours at a time.

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