The Beat Goes On.

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(2nd Edit)


The drive to St Francis was nice. The scenery was breathtaking and I found myself staring out the window all the while the car was driving. I was going back to school, my fingers drummed on my lap, anticipation for the day to begin visible on my face.

"Daddy don't forget to give us our allowance," Rachel piped up from the backseat.
"Alright baby. Here you go, one fifty for you and one fifty for your brother. Don't spend it all in one day, save it for the week," Dario said as he took out his wallet and gave Ryan and Rachel a hundred and fifty dollars each.

"It's nice that they get an allowance just like that," I commented. "In my family us kids had to earn our allowances."
"They also have to earn their allowances," Dario told me. "They aren't obligated to get an allowance, if they behave themselves, do their homework and go to bed then yes. If not they don't. Annalise and I are very big on discipline."

"Yeah and if we get really good grades and do everything we're supposed to do, Mommy and Daddy give us a treat at the end of the week," Rachel said happily.
"Oh really? What kind of treat?" I asked smilingly.

"It could be anything. A day where we get to choose what to do or where to go, having playdates with our friends-whatever we want. Mom and Dad even buys us new stuff," Ryan said grinning ear to ear. I smiled and turned back to the front. "You guys are so lucky to have parents who love you so much and cares for you."

"True, but there are times when I want to lock them in a closet! They're like two cyclones!" Dario said with a groan.
"No we're not," Ryan and Rachel exclaimed in unison.
"Yes you are! Can you believe it Jasmine? Once Annalise and I were in bed together and they were doing some mischief in our room. When they heard us coming they hid. While Annalise and I were doing our thing they were under the bed!"

I gasped and covered my mouth to stiffle my urge to laugh out in the most hysterical way. While Dario and Annalise were having sex Ryan and Rachel were under the bed? Good Lord. The car continued to drive for a while until we arrived at Ryan and Rachel's school: a prestigious private institute, hosting kids from kindergarten all the way to elementary school.

"Alright we're here, have a good day at school kids," Dario parked close to the school entrance so Ryan and Rachel could get out.
"Bye Daddy, I love you," Rachel reached up and kissed Dario on his cheek and hugged him goodbye.

"Bye princess, Daddy loves you too," Dario said lovingly.
"Peace out Dad, see you later," Ryan tried to scramble out ahead of Rachel but Dario grabbed his jacket and pulled him back. "Aren't you forgetting something son?"

Ryan deflated a moment and quickly hugged and kissed his father goodbye. "See you after school, love you."
"Love you too. Have a good day at school, behave yourself and be sure to look after your sister. Don't let anyone bully her."

"I won't Dad. If anyone tries to hurt her I'll do what Damen did when he got bullied in school," Ryan said cheekily.
"Damen got bullied in school?" I asked shockingly.
"Yeah he did. Don't tell him I said that," Dario whispered.
"My lips are sealed, I didn't hear a thing."

When the kids had left, the car started again and Dario drove off to my school. It was still early so I had adequate time to get to class and copy missed notes from Morgan. I just hoped I had enough time to do it.

Yesterday was Math, English Lit, Biochemistry and Economics. I'd copy the Math notes from Mr Thompson's class first since he was the least bit forgiving amongst my professors. My English Lit professor might let my absence slide since he knew how much of a bookworm I was.

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