|Chapter 88.| Gotham Vs. Titans.|

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|Chapter 88.| Gotham Vs. Titans.|

Barbara is struggling to deal with the floodgate that has opened upon Gotham

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Barbara is struggling to deal with the floodgate that has opened upon Gotham. Crane's fear toxin is now in the homes of millions of people, and the city is closer to chaos than its ever been before.

The heads of all of the GCPD departments are all talking to Barbara at once, and Barbara isn't listening to a one of them, her mind on the dead body she thinks is lying in the Manor, and she doesn't know that Isabella is alive once again.

Viv is helping Barbara deal with the crisis, and the main crisis is that everyone is blaming the Titans for the fear toxin flooding the city. Starfire is the one that accidentally blew a hole in the water feeder pipe.

Viv puts up her hand and all of the department heads go silent. "One at a time. Go" Viv points to Montoya first.

Renee Montoya, head of the Rogues Unit, and the one that had been tasked with bringing Crane in from the beginning. "From what we can tell, the contamination occurred approximately 8 hours ago at 11:39pm. Crane hit pump station 4, the main distribution point. We had it moved when Copperhead tried to poison the city years ago" Montoya explains to Viv and Barbara. "His fear toxin travelled down channel to the filter turbines, which feeds into all five burrows" Montoya concludes. Crane easily managed to infect the entire city overnight. The GCPD hadn't counted on Starfire melting a hole through one of the supply pipelines when they made this system.

"Do we know what this stuff is?" Barbara asks, forcing herself to break her thoughts from Isabella.

"Apparently the crime scene techs are calling it some unidentifiable hallucinogen, but after running it through the files it's clear it's fear toxin" Aaron Cash tells Barbara. "High concentrations. 0.09 parts per million" Aaron reads from the report.

"That doesn't sound so bad" Viv tells the department heads. 0.09 out of a million is a very small number.

"It's bad. If it were salt it'd taste like you were drowning in the ocean" Barbara quickly explains to Viv, and Barbara is amazed that Crane made a formula that is so potent even after being diluted so far.

"It's flavourless and odourless, we don't even know it's there without high level testing" Aaron continues to read from the report of the CSIs.

"Then we need to get on top of things" another voice tells the GCPD. They all look to the doorway to see Constance Bishop watching over them.

"Commissioner?" Montoya asks. "I mean...you know what I mean" Montoya apologises to Barbara. Barbara waves her hand for the talks to continue.

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