|Chapter 22.| Rose.|

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|Chapter 22.| Rose.|

Rose didn't expect to wake up in a comfortable bed when she had fallen asleep on the streets

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Rose didn't expect to wake up in a comfortable bed when she had fallen asleep on the streets. She had killed police officers during her escape, she had stolen a car and they had given her chase. The when Rose had leaped between buildings on other sides of the street the Titans knew that she was special, a clear sign that she had some sort of superpowers.

Rose had been sleeping on the streets for weeks, and it's where she had fallen asleep last night.

Dick watched from the camera and realised that she was awake. He hadn't figured out what he was going to do with her. And he hadn't figured out whether she had intentionally killed those police officers or if she just didn't have control of her powers. Clearly she had some sort of super strength.

Dick was distracted when his phone started ringing. He smirked when he saw that it was Ellie, there was usually only one reason Ellie rang him so late.

Dick answered the phone. "Do I need to ask what you're wearing? Or can I leave it to my imagination tonight?" Dick asked Ellie.

"I just met an old friend of yours" Ellie said with a false tone of excitement in her voice.

"Yeah?" Dick asks her. "Who's that?" Dick didn't really have any old friends in Gotham. He was always the loner type because of being Robin at night, couldn't get too close to anyone.

"Arthur Light dropped by for a visit. He didn't like the decor in the Manor so he blew half of it up. And he must have had a terrible spat with my mother and younger sister, since he beat them pretty bad" Ellie joked falsely with Dick.

Dick's smile slowly slipped. It wasn't the conversation that Dick was expecting to have with Ellie.

"Dr Light is out of jail?!" Dick shouted at Ellie.

"Yeah. He came here looking for Isabella" Ellie tells Dick.

"Are you alright? If he hurt you I'll-" Dick's blood started to boil, if anyone touched her he would rip them apart.

"-easy killer, I already have a decent beating. I'm more concerned that he knows Isabella is Valkyrie, and that he knew to come here" Ellie had a smile on her face at Dick's protectiveness, Dick could hear the smile in her voice.

Dick hadn't thought about Dr Light in a long time. The Titans dealt with him in a dark time. It was almost immediately after they locked Dr Light away, Garth was killed, and then Jaime and then the Titans disbanded.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now