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Hey y'all! Just so you know, I am alive! I haven't gone away; I've just been busy with college stuff. I leave next Saturday for move-in day! Yay I'm excited for that, but I'm also excited to meet my roommate and to get to know the school inside and out!

But anyway, here's the next chapter, hope you'll enjoy it!

Disclaimer: Twilight characters are not mine, just used for admiring! And the song used for this chap belongs to its respectful owners.

Edward saw my frozen state and answered, "I don't think there's any need for that, I mean, you've heard me sing, you've heard her sing.""

"But we want to hear you both together, right everyone?" Emmett pointed out.

"I actually want to," Jake added.

"Me too. I've never actually heard Bella sing, so it should be interesting," regarded Billy.

"And this would show if they really good enough for each other," Jasper included, "Not that I think you'd be bad."

"The point is," Carlisle interrupted, "we, all seven of us, want to hear the both of you to sing so we can decide whether or not this would be good for you, Bella."

"But," Esme called in, "most of us have heard what she can bring to the table," she smiled at me, and I smiled weakly back, "so it's up to her whether she wants to sing or not." She then turned to me. "Do you want to do this, sweetheart?"

I looked at her, then back at Edward. I could tell he really wanted me to say yes, but wasn't going to push me. I was so glad he didn't say anything; I would've swooned over anything he said anyway.

I shook my head, just to clear it, then finally said, "Um, it's ok. I'll do it. I mean, it won't be recorded, will it?"

"Not if you don't want to," Edward told me.

"Whoo! Yes! I'll get my bongo set!" Emmett exclaimed, and he ran out of the dining room.

"And I'll call Alice and Rose too, so they can come see," Jasper replied, and he walked out, dialing on his cell phone.

An hour later, Rosalie and Alice and the rest of the crew came and were sitting on the couch in the living room. Emmett was sitting behind his drum; I was ready with my guitar; Edward stood beside me on my left. Tanya, unfortunately, was also here, standing beside Jake. There was something going on between those two, because they kept whispering to each other, but I decided to push that thought back when Edward tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, Emmett wants to know what song we're doing," he whispered.

"Oh," I blinked. "Um,how about Jimmy Eat World?"

""Hear You Me" ?" Edward asked, surprised.

"Yeah! How'd you know?

"I love that song!" He smiled, then I smiled, then he turned back to the crowd. "We'll be singing "Hear You Me" by Jimmy Eat World."

(Bold: Edward

Italic: Bella

Bold and Italic: Both)

I started the guitar intro, and then Emmett came in after. Then Edward started to sing.

There's no one in town I know

You gave us someplace to go

I never said thank you for that

I thought I might get one more chance.

My voice started out shaky because I was so nervous. I was surprised I could still play.

What would you think of me now

So lucky, so strong, so proud

I never said thank you for that

Now I'll never have a chance

May angels lead you in 

Hear you me my friends 

On sleepless roads the sleepless go 

May angels lead you in

What would you think of me now? 

So lucky 

So strong

So proud

I never said thank you for that 

Now I'll never have a chance

May angels lead you in 

Hear you me my friends 

On sleepless roads the sleepless go 

May angels lead you in

Having Edward here next to me helped calm the nervous butterflies in my stomach and throat. I found my voice sounding a little stronger.

May angels lead you in

May angels lead you in

May angels lead you in

May angels lead you in

I noticed that Edward had these small mannerisms at me, and they made me smile. He was so sweet, he knew how nervous I was, so he was trying to make me feel more comfortable. He even put his hand on my shoulder during the guitar solo. That made my day right there! I knew I couldn't think of it as more than a friendly gesture, but I couldn't help it. Then he looked straight into my eyes.

If you were with me tonight 

I'd sing to you just one more time 

A song for a heart so big god wouldn't let it live

May angels lead you in

Hear you me my friends 

On sleepless roads the sleepless go 

May angels lead you in

May angels lead you in

Hear you me my friends 

On sleepless roads the sleepless go 

May angels lead you in

Everyone cheered and applauded for us when it ended, but I noticed that Tanya clapped slowly, like she didn't care, with a scowl on her face when she looked at me. ..I didn't know what her problem was with me. I mean, if she was jealous, she didn't have anything to worry about. Edward and I were just good friends…even though I wanted us to be so much more.

But anyway, Edward gestured to Emmett so he could get his spotlight, and Em cheered too. I thought that was a very nice thing he did for his brother.

After that, I signed my name on the recording contract, took some pictures with the management team, and took some with Edward.

It was turning out to be an amazing day.

A/N: Hey y'all! Thanks for reading! And for those who are still with me on this story, I love you soo much! And also, if you go to my profile page, you'll notice a poll. If you want to figure out what it is, go check it out, and I'll see you guys next week!


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