Chapter 42

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A few days later, Tubbo woke up. He was still very injured and in a lot of pain, but with the right medication, he would be ok.

After he had been awake for a week, Phil was allowed to take him home. Everyone was thrilled that they could have him back home.

Tubbo was immediately sent to his bedroom with Ranboo so he could get comfortable again. He had already spent a lot of energy on walking around so he needed to relax again.

" I'm so glad you're back Tubs..." Ranboo hugged Tubbo lightly, sitting next to him on the bed.

The wind howled very loudly that night, so loud that it woke Tubbo.

He was even more surprised when he heard the door knocking. He turned to his clock to check the time.

"Who the hell would be up knocking on peoples doors at 2 in the morning..." Tubbo say up slowly and stood up, a strike of pain running through his body.

He very slowly walked down the stairs, gripping hard onto the railing until his knuckles turned white.

Once he had finally made it to the bottom of the stairs, he took a deep breath and then opened the door.

There, in front of him, was a bassinet. Inside the bassinet was a child, about 2, within it. He was crying quite loudly which could have been due to the fact he was dumped on someone's doorstep or from the cold.

Tubbo picked up the child and as he did, an envelope fell out of his hands. He brought in the envelope and kicked the bassinet away, closing the door behind him.

He took the child upstairs and onto his bed, where the crying woke up Ranboo.

"Tub, why are yo- OH MY GOD!" Ranboo sat up abruptly.

"Shhh." Tubbo hushed him and sat down on the bed, letting out a sigh of relief as he go onto the bed. The child was light, but the weight of him was enough for Tubbo to be in pain.

Once he had calmed down, the child curled up on Tubbo and fell asleep, Tubbo wrapping his arms around him to keep him warm.

With Phil~

Phil woke up to someone standing over his, shaking him awake.

"Mate, what time is it?" Phil rubbed his eyes while he tried to wake himself up to help his kid who was obviously in distress.

"It doesn't matter. Tubbo needs you" Techno had a very flushed look on his face. Obviously he'd been running around.

"Techno, why does it look like you've been ru-"

"PHIL!" Tubbo yelled from one of the rooms.

Phil shot up out of the room and shoved past Techno. He ran into Wilbur's room.

There was Tubbo, holding a child in his arms with Ranboo sitting next to him.

"W- Huh!" Phil walked over to Phil.

"I PROMISE IT'S NOT MINE!" Tubbo yelled, startling the child, yet somehow not waking it up.

It obviously wasn't that old. Phil looked and guessed that it was about a 2 years old.

"Where did you find it?" Phil asked, kneeling down on the floor and looking at Tubbo.

"I- I heard a knocking on the f-front door and I was the only one awake. I went to go and c-check who it was b-but by the time I got there, the p-person was gone and the child was in a basket with a letter on him." Tubbo was obviously struggling to talk. This was basically how his father had left him, he couldn't let this child have that same feeling. The feeling of being ditched at such a young age.

"Tubs, you need to calm down. Here, let me hold him." Ranboo took the child from Tubbo, rubbing Tubbo's back to try and calm him down at the same time.

"Tub, I know this is scary, but I need you to concentrate. Can you give me the letter?" Tubbo picked up the letter and handed it to Phil, trying to slow down his breathing.


Hello. You won't know me, but I know quite a bit of you, which is why I know you would be perfect to take care of my little Michael. He's very young, 2 years old. He was born the 31st of November.

His full name is Michael ******* but if you want you can change his name to Michael Minecraft so you can change him to be your own son.

I am not mentally ready to take care of an infant on my own, especially not at my age. I pass him to you in hopes you will give him a better life then I ever will.

"Wow, they didn't even put their name..." Phil scanned through the note again a few times.

Tubbo had the child back again, and now that he was calm, he could look at the child closer.

He couldn't see the child's eyes, as he was sleeping in Tubbo's arms. His hair was a very brown and messy, a lot like Tubbo's himself.

"He's so cute..." Tubbo giggled, tighting his grip around the child, his instincts to protect the infant kicking in almost instantly.

Ranboo felt the same toward Michael. He was such a small child, a lot smaller than a child should be for his age. This made him want to protect him from anything that could hurt him.

Phil saw the way Ranboo and Tubbo looked at the child and sighed.

He could not believe he was about to say this to Tubbo and Ranboo of all people.

"If you want, you can keep the child. You're old enough to become his legal guardians so if you want, we can keep him. This is a long process and it might take up to a year. It's entirely up to you." Phil looked from Tubbo to Ranboo and then to Michael who was sleeping soundly, unaware of what was going on around him.

"We'll think about it..." Tubbo said, still not taking his eyes off of the tired child.

Phil walked into Wilbur's room and shook him awake.

"Hey mate, where's fundy's old bed and mattress?"

"I'm the attic in it's box, why?" Wilbur asked, whispering as to not wake up his own sleeping child who had had a nightmare and was sleeping next to him.

"I'll tell you in the morning." Phil walked out and went into the attic to get the spare bed. He took it down and brought it into Tubbo and Ranboo's room. He built it very quickly and placed it in the corner of the room closest to the door. He then went into Wilbur's room again and room a pair of Fundy's pajamas.

Ranboo and Tubbo changed Michael slowly and then placed him in the bed. They put a thick blanket over him and a soft pillow underneath his head to he was comfortable.

"Thanks Phil." Ranboo turned to Phil and gave him a smile of thanks for both him and Tubbo, who was still mesmerised by the sleeping child.

"No problem mate. We'll talk about this more in the morning, but for now we'll let you and the little guy sleep." Phil turned off the light and closed the door. He left the landing light on and walked back into his own bedroom.

"What is going on in this house Kristen..." Phil said, looking at the picture of Kristen on the nightstand before turning off the lamp and going back to sleep, trying to think about how he was going to deal with the new child in his family.

Hello! A bit of a shorter chapter this time. I've been really busy so I apologise for the lack of updates and just overall contact in general, life has just been kicking me up the butt.

Lots of people asked if I was ok after my last poem and I just want to say that I am fine, thank you for caring, but I am fine. <3

Love you all so so much and I hope you never stop being the amazing people that you already are! <3

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