Chapter 6

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There were some complications with the story line of this so I had to unpublish it, however they have hopefully been fixed now, if you find anything wrong with it then please say and I'll try and fix it.

Phil woke up and walked to the mirror, trying to cover up the fact he had cried himself to sleep before going to wake up the kids.

"Wilbur get up now!" Phil swung his door open and went to open the curtains, the sun shining directly in his face.

"Geez, got it!" Wilbur got up and kicked Phil out of his room, slamming the door behind him. He then did the same for Tubbo, Techno was already awake, so now all he had to wake up was Tommy...

"He slowly opened the door and walked into Tommy's room, shaking his shoulder a bit.

"Time to get up Tommy, you have school today..." Phil whispered, allowing Tommy to get up before opening his curtains and walking out, closing the door behind him.

Phil walked downstairs to see Techno, Wilbur and Tubbo downstairs in their uniform. Wilbur and Techno looked really smart, but Tubbo looked all ragged.

"God Tubbo, let me help you..." Phil chuckled and helped Tubbo do his uniform up properly. He then got out cerial for everyone as well as bowls, spoons and the milk. Then Tommy walked down the stairs.

"Hey Tom! Good morning, here, have some breakfast!" Phil let Tommy sit down and got his food ready before pouring everyone a drink of orange juice.

"You guys ready for school?" Phil asked all four of the boys.

"Yeah!" 3 of them said at the same time.

"I guess so..." Tommy said quietly.

"Don't worry Tommy, you and Tubbo will be together for the whole time because of the whole conecpt of years and stuff. All that's left to di is drive you to school!"

"Uh, dad, you may wanna change first." Tubbo said and everyone burst out laughing, including Tommy. Phil ran upstairs and changed quickly before running out of the house and getting all the boys into the car.

He sped through the traffic and too soon for Tommy, they were at the school.

"Have a good day boys!"

"Thanks dad! C'mon Tommy!" Tubbo grabbed Tommy's hand and pulled him out of the car and into his first day of torture.

"Lets go and meet my friends!" Tubbo pulled Tommy to a small group of people who seemed quite nice.

"This is Ranboo, and this is Purpled!" Tubbo pointed too the two boys and they waved at him.

"Hi!" Ranboo said. He had black hair that had random white streaks dotted around in it and his eyes were different. One of his eyes was a bright green and the other was a shade of brown that looked almost red.

"Hello" Purpled said. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He seemed quite straightforward at first but then he relaxed and he was actually really funny. For once, Tommy felt he had a friend group, however he couldn't trust them. Sooner or later he was gonna be sent away and then he would be back to square one again.

The day went past too slow for Tommy's liking but as the third bell went, it was finally time for lunch. He was walking through the hall when he was pushed into a locker by someone and he looked foreward to see a group of people in front of him.

"Why didn't you move!" The boy yelled. He had black hair and firey brown eyes.

"I-I" Tommy stuttered, he couldn't say anything.

"SAPNAP YOU JERK MOVE!" His head swivelled to the side to see a boy with brown hair and a boy with blonde hair running down the hall.

"Crap..." Sapnap backed away from Tommy.

"You said you stopped, go away Sapnap..." The blonde boy shook his head in a dissapointed way and the black haired boy walked off, dragging his feet alone the floor.

"Oh my gosh are you ok?!!" The brown haired boy hugged Tommy and looked at him, checking his face for bruises.

"Georgie give him some space!" The blonde boy held George's hand and moved him away, making George glow pink.

"Um... Thanks..." Tommy said quietly.

"It's not problem. Sapnap isn't always like this, he's usually a good person but he got mad and he doesn't take his anger out very well..." Dream sighed. Just as he did, Wilbur and Techno walked down the hall. Tommy ran to them and wrapped his arms around Techno's waist, Techno hugging him back.

"You ok Tommy?" Techno bent down to look at him.

"He had a bit of a scare, Sapnap got out of control again, but he isn't hurt. He's just a bit shook that's all." Dream said.

"Thanks for that Dream..." Wilbur said, hugging Tommy.

"I wanna go home..." Tommy whispered to Wilbur and he nodded.

"I'll take him to the office to call Phil, ok Techno. You guys go and eat ok?" Wilbur said, holding Tommy's hand.

"Ok, lets go guys!" George gave the two one last wave before walking into the hall with Techno and Dream.

"Lets go Tommy..." Wilbur told Tommy before walking with him to the office.

"You sure you're ok Tommy?" Wilbur asked.

"Positive, I'm just tired and don't wanna be here, it's what Dream said..."  

"Ok, here's the office, bye Tommy, see you when we get home ok?"


Tommy walked into the office and asked to go back to the house, to which they called Phil. It only took him 5 minutes to get there and the second he got there he pulled Tommy into a hug.

"I am so sorry you had to go through that on your first day of school mate..." Phil rubbed Tommy's back as he walked with him to the car.

"It's fine, it wasn't your fault. I just wanna go back to yours..."

"You can say home Tommy, it's your house too..."

"Won't be for much longer with the amount of trouble I've already caused..." Tommy thought before sitting down in the car and letting the vibrations drift him into a much needed sleep.

Sleepy Bois Inc Au <3 (Adoption)(Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ