Chapter 10

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"Can I even call this home..." Tommy cradled himself on his bed.

"Of course you can..." Tommy looked up to see Wilbur standing in front of him, tears in his eyes as he looked at his little brother, now years older and probably more mature than he was himself.

"What do you want..."

"Tommy I-"

"Save your sorrys... You had the chance to say to keep me, but instead you allowed everyone to send me away, pack to that hellhole that people call an orphanage!" Tommy started crying, all the tears built up over the past few years finally falling down.

Wilbur didn't know how to respond to him, because he knew he was right. He could have said no, they could have kept him but instead, he decided to get rid of him, and he still doesn't know why...

"I'm sorry..." Wilbur muttered under his breath before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

What is wrong with me? Tommy thought to himself. They keep trying to get close to me and I keep pushing them away... No, it's not me it's them! They decided to get rid of me so they have to face the consiquences of their actions... Just keep your distance Tommy...

Soon after his brain had finished its little discussion, he fell asleep against the wall, huddling himself for some form of comfort.

-2 Hours Later-

Phil had fianlly managed to persuade Tubbo to go to bed, as it was a school night and he had to go to bed early. Wilbur and Techno were already in their rooms, Wilbur probably writing songs again and Techno doing his homework, the only thing he would do without hesitation.

He had started to worry about Tommy, it had been about 3 hours since he had run off from the table and he was getting worried. He knew it was his fault that he sent Tommy away in the first place and he had to deal with the pain he would have to go through again to gain trust, but it still hurt.

He walked through the upstairs landing and heard the light strumming of a guitar and the loud buzz of a computer coming from two rooms next to each other, the third room he heard loud snoring from and peeked in too see Tubbo already fast asleep.

The fourth room, however, had no noise coming from it. It was dead silent like it had been for the past few years where it had been empty and desolate. He opened the door, allowing some light from the hallway into the room, landing on a small figure on the bed. He was pinned against the wall, cuddling himself as he shivered slightly in his sleep.

Phil walked in, pushing the door too as he closed the window and closed the curtains to stop the cold air from coming into the room. Then, he picked up Tommy and placed his under the covers to keep him warm.

"I'm so sorry bud, I didn't want to but it was pressuring... I promise I will try as much as I can to regain your trust, no matter how much it hurts..." Phil gave Tommy a little kiss on the forehead before walking out and closing the door behind him.

He walked into his own room and turned on his laptop, pulling up the google search bar and searching in the initals JS into the search bar. Having Tommy back made Phil want to make everyone happy, no matter how long it took.

The first thing that popped up was 'JS Audio Firms'. Phil was confused as to what it meant, however he managed to find the address of this JS and his facebook account.

He decided that he would keep Tubbo off of school tomorrow to see if this was his father, as if it was then he would be in for a big shock. He would also take Tommy as he needed to regain his trust, the most basic thing, talking.

"I will help my children... No matter what it takes..." Phil told himsef proudly before placing the laptop on his desk and changing into his pajamas and turning off the light, getting into bed and having dreams about his meeting to this JS. Even after 13 years, he really hoped that this JS person would remember Phil and most importantly remember his son, Tubbo, who he promised to love forever...

Hello! Thank you for almost 900 reads! That's incredible thank you so much!!! I love you all so much and I really hope you guys enjoy my stories, it makes me happy to know you guys enjoy them. <3

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