Chapter 27

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-Near Death









The second Tubbo stepped out of Tommy's hospital room, he was rehearsing what to say and how to act. He knew that he should be calm and collected, but how could he?!!

Usually, Ranboo was always by his side to help him figure out anything confusing or troubling, or even slightly scary. He was there for everything, but now he was the one that needed help.

Ranboo was good at hiding his emotions, almost too good. He would bottle up all of his emotions and help others, hoping that it would help him, but it didn't. He bottled them all up so much that he just burst.

Tubbo ran as fast as he could once he realised what a dangerous position Ranboo was in. He was back with... them...

Once Tubbo got to his house, he could tell something was up. The windows were boarded up and the door was off of its hinges. He slowly opened the door as much as he could without ripping it entirely. There was glass scattered everywhere and all of the furniture was lying broken on the floor. 

"R- Ranboo?" Tubbo stuttered out, staying quiet so he could hear if there was a response. 

The further he walked into the house, the worse it got. Wallpaper had been ripped off of the walls and bits of the ceiling had been knocked out, leaving slight holes in the floor. 

"T- Tubbo..." He heard a quiet voice come from upstairs. Quickly but safely, he scrambled up the stairs. 

The closer he got to the voice, the more worried he got. There was tiny specks of blood all over the walls and what little was left of the floor. 

"Ranboo?" Tubbo asked again, a bit louder and more worried this time. Finally, he got to a room with the door lying on the floor, a giant pool of blood on it. 

"T- Tub..." Tubbo looked up and saw Ranboo leaning against the wall, holding his side. He tried to move but winced in pain and just ended up falling to the floor.

"RANBOO!" Tubbo yelled, catching him before he hit his head on the floor, which was covered in glass, tiny puddles of new and old alcohol splashing onto the two boys. 

"Hey Tubbo..." Ranboo mumbled, smiling at him and trying to sit up. 

"RANBOO WHAT HAPPENED?!!" Tubbo asked, trying to get Ranboo to take off his jacket so they could see his wound. 


Ranboo slowly approached the door, extremely scared for his life. He took a deep breath and placed his hand on the door handle, but obviously 'they' had other plans.

The door was swung open so hard that is came off of it's hinges. Ranboo was grabbed by the scuff of his neck and shoved into a wall.

"WHERE DID YOU GO!" They yelled, nearly making Ranboo almost cry, but he needed to stay strong, crying would make it worse.

He didn't answer, which made everything 10 times worse. A glass bottle was thrown into the wall, glass falling onto the floor, adding to the never ending pile of glass already thrown across the floor. 

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