Chapter 41

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"Wh-" Phil tried to talk, but he was interrupted.

"It wasn't Drista's fault. She didn't want any of this to happen." Tommy told everyone, making sure they all heard.

"Tom, what do you mean by 'She didn't want any of this to happen'?" Techno stood up, saying something no-one else could say.

"Sally-" Wilbur cringed. "is Drista's aunt. Her mothers are away so she has to take care of her. She was dragged into this because she believed that what she was doing was for a good cause. Once she realised what was going on, she realised how bad Sally was." Wilbur cringed again.

"That makes sense. She is adopted, like all of us. Once we gain trust for the family we're put into, we trust them fully, no matter what." Ranboo said walking over to Phil.

"Tommy, do you know if Drista's parents were informed about what is going on currently." Phil asked Tommy.

"As far as it goes, no. Apparently they've tried to get through to them but their phones have always been powered off or on silent. Every time they try, they can't get though to anyone."

"Looking through the report of her, we did see that she had a brother. Was he informed?"

"Yes, he was informed." Tommy responded.

"Then why isn't he here, why isn't he here trying to help her when she needs him?" Wilbur asked, holding the sleepy child close to him.

"She told me that they fell out a few days before their parents left, she never told me why though." Tommy looked back at the door.

"She's going to be fine, we promise you, we won't let anything happen to her." Ranboo gave Tommy a weak smile which he returned back.

"Ok, let's all go home shall we?" Phil looked around. Everyone nodded and slowly, they filed out of the building.

Once again, the car ride was silent. This time it wasn't as uncomfortable, but it still wasn't the type of silence that most enjoyed sitting in. There was an eerie sort of tension between them all still, especially between Tommy and Phil.

Phil was trying his hardest to get back onto Tommy's good side, even though he didn't deserve to be. He had been an awful man, but he still thought there was something he could do to show Tommy that it would never happen again, but there wasn't. So they would have to deal with it until they could sort everything out.

Once they got home, Phil walked into the front room, calling Tommy in with him. Everyone else understood what was going on and walked upstairs to their rooms. Ranboo went into Wilbur's room to play with Fundy though. Be couldn't bare to go into his room though, be couldn't without Tubbo.

"Tommy, we need to talk." Phil sat down on an armchair and Tommy sat on the furthest chair possible away from him.

"I know what this is going to be Phil. 'I wAnT yOu To KnOw HoW tRuLy SoRrY i Am'. I'm sick of it. Do you know how many times I've heard that with all my other foster families and they've still ended up sending a me back!" Tommy started crying.

"I know Tommy, but that's not what I was going to say." Phil looked his son in his eyes that looked alarmingly like his own, yet they weren't.

"Then what were you going to say?" Tommy had calmed down a little bit, enough to be not yelling but still enough so he could sound mad.

"I was going to say, I deserve this. You've been nothing but the best thing someone could ever be and I treated you awfully, so if you want to ignore me and if you want to ignore me, then please do, I would be ok with that as long as I know that you're still safe."

Tommy finally realised how much Phil cared for him. He was willing to let his son ignore him for the rest of his life in order to keep him safe.

"I'll think about it..." Tommy stood up and walked over to Phil, pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you Toms..." Phil hugged him back before letting him go back upstairs.

Sorry I didn't update in a while, life has been very busy right now so I've tried to organise it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter x

Love you all so so much and hope you always stay the amazing people you are <3

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