Chapter 21

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This story idea comes from WOLFY1720 so thank you for the idea! <3

It was another normal day. Everyone had gotten bored so they decided to take Fundy to the park for the first time to see if he enjoyed it or not.

"Here we are Fundy!" Phil placed Fundy down in the sandpit and sat on a picnic table with Wilbur, Techno, Tommy and Tubbo.

"Thanks for the idea of coming here Tommy, I think Fundy's gonna like the park." Wilbur gave Tommy a big smile, taking a sip of his water.

"No problem, I just thought that maybe he would like meeting other people his age." Tommy responded, looking around the park.

Fundy looked around, seeing something out of the sandpit that he wanted. He crawled to the edge of the sandpit and hoisted himself over the wooden wall. He crawled over and sat down, holding it in his hand and waving it around.

However, no one saw where he went.

Fundy saw something further away and crawled to it, each time he saw something, he was getting further and further away from the family and more and more out of their sight.

"Wait, where's Fundy!" Wilbur stood up quickly, looking into the sandpit and not seeing his son. His eyes widened and a look of panic spread across his face.

He yelled Fundy's name, everyone helping out to find him.

With Fundy-

Fundy looked around, realising that he couldn't see his papa or his uncle's anymore. He crawled around, yelling 'APA! But no-one responded.

After a while he gave up and sat down, crying loudly in hopes that someone would hear him.

"Hey little one, what are you doing here alone?" Someone with white puffy hair and green eyes looked at him, rubbing his back.

"'APA!" Fundy screamed. The woman picked up Fundy and hugged him.

"Shhh, little one, we'll find your papa. There's a park over there so he must be there somewhere." She walked him over and placed him on a bench.

She looked around and saw someone roughly around the age of 18, in a red beanie and a yellow jumper. He was running around frantically, tears rolling down his cheeks as he was yelling a name. Fundy was it?

"'APA!" Fundy yelled, pointing at the young adult. His heard jerked in the dircetion of the child and he ran to him.

"FUNDYOHMYGODYOU'RESAFE!" He picked up the child and held him close, even more tears falling down his cheeks as he tried to calm himself down.

"I failed you Fundy I'm so sorry... I thought I could protect you..." He whispered to him.

"Hey, dude, who are you?" The girl with white puffy hair asked.

"I'm... I'm Wilbur, this is Fundy." He responded with, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm Puffy, and what's your relation to him? Are you his brother or?" She asked.

"I'm his dad." He held Fundy close, slightly scared of this woman.

"Oh you found him!" Tommy ran over and took Fundy from Wilbur.

"Are you ok Fundy, are you hurt?" He asked, still worried.

"I oki!" Fundy giggled, grabbing Tommy's jumper and closing his eyes.

"There you boys are!" Phil, Tubbo and Techno walked over, not looking as worried anymore.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Techno asked the woman, who was giving everyone a strange look.

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