Chapter 38

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"Will..." Phil tried to calm Wilbur down. He was pacing in front of the sofa, making everyone dizzy.

"NO PHIL! DONT SPEAK TO ME, DONT TRY AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO! MY SON HAS GONE MISSING!" Wilbur yelled, scaring Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo.

"Wilbur please..." Niki said in a small voice. She was obviously scared too.

"NO! EVERYONE STOP!" Wilbur yelled again, even louder than before.

Ranboo started crying and Tubbo and Tommy pulled him into a hug, trying to calm him down.

"You need to stop Wilbur! We're all scared, but not just for a Fundy, but if you!" Techno yelled back to him in a calmer tone.

"Im scared Techno, she has my baby..." Wilbur started crying too, walking to Techno and hugging him tightly.

Suddenly, Wilbur got a message on his phone. He stood up and checked his phone.

Meet me at ******** park tonight ALONE and your son will not me hurt.


Wilbur held his phone in his hands until the screen faded to black, tears landing on the dirty screen that was covered in fundy's finger prints.

"Wilbur, I know what you're thinking, but you can't do it, it's too dangerous!" Phil stood up, shaking Wilbur's shoulders.

"Im doing it Phil, and you as ESPECIALLY after what you did!" Phil flinched and removed his hands from Wilbur's shoulders, backing away into the corner.


"No Niki..." Wilbur walked out and into his room.

Later that night, Wilbur got up and changed into his normal clothes that might protect him more. He didn't try to keep quiet, be knew that everyone knew he was going, so why should he.

"Wilbur please don't go!" Tommy kept trying to hold Wilbur back, but Wilbur wouldn't let anything get in the way of him and his son.

"Let me go Tommy, don't follow me, don't call me, don't do ANYTHING, do you hear me?" Wilbur gripped onto Tommy's arm really tight. Tommy nodded as tears pricked his eyes from how hard Wilbur was squeezing.

When Wilbur left, Tommy changed into his clothes and followed him. Even after Wilbur had had that whole talk with him, be couldn't leave him.

At the park:

Tommy hid behind a tree once he caught sight of Wilbur, his red beanie making him easy to spot.

"I see you came..." A girl with red hair emerged from behind a tree on the other side of the path from Tommy.

"You stole my son Sally, and I want him back!" Wilbur stood up from the bench and clenched his fist.

"You mean, him?" Sally gripped the small child and threw him onto the path. He had bruises all on his face and was crying harder than when he was in that fish tank.

"FUNDY!" Wilbur ran to his son, picking him up and cradling him in his arms.

Tommy knew something was wrong. No way would she steal his son and let him get away with it so quickly. He looked around and saw a few feet away from Wilbur, was a girl with blonde hair. She was holding a giant bouldering her hands and was slowly lifting it into the air.

Before Tommy could react, Tubbo flew out of the trees and ran in front of the girl, hitting him in the head with the rock.

"TUBBO!" Everyone yelled, emerging from their hiding spots behind trees, rocks and bushes and running to the boys side.

"Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, Niki,
Phil! What are you doing here, it's not safe!" Wilbur stood up, his son still in his arms.

"DID YOU REALLY THINK WE WERE GOING TO LET YOU COME HERE WITHOUT HELP!" Phil yelled, shaking Tubbo to try and wake him up.

"Crap, the police, let's go!" Sally said to the blonde haired girl.

"NO, I didn't want this to happen!" She yelled back to Sally.

"FINE! Get caught, it's not my problem!" Sally pulled up her hood and ran into the trees.

"Is he ok?" The girl asked Phil, who was stroking Tubbo's hair.

"I don't know..." Phil laid his head on Tubbo's chest and started crying.

"Police, put your hands up!"

"Officer! It wasn't them, it was me! Just get an ambulance or something, anything!" The girl yelled, walking to the police officer and allowing them to arrest her.

The ambulance showed up a few minutes later, taking Tubbo in one ambulance and Fundy in the other.

Fundy didn't need much care, just some medicine and something some stitches to fix up the cut above his eye.

Tubbo, however, needed to stay in the hospital a few days. After being hit by the rock, he lost some of his memories, which was hard on everyone. However, he had a giant cut on the back of his head that was quite serious.

They received a report on the girl with blonde hair a few days later.

Name: Drista Xdee
Age: 17
DOB: 05/07/06
Gender: Female
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Blonde
Description: Drista and her brother (Dream Xdee, age 20) have been in the orphanage for 12 years. They were sent there after their parents were killed in a car crash when Drista was 3. Drista was recently adopted by someone by the name of 'Sara Salmon' but it mainly taken care of by someone by the name of 'Sally Salmon'.

HELLO! Sorry, this chapter is a bit messy, I ended school today for the Christmas holidays I'm writing this based off of ideas that I've randomly come up with throughout the day, so if any of you have ideas for the story, please share them and I would be happy to write ideas off of them.

Love you all so so much and I hope you never stop being incredible <3

Sleepy Bois Inc Au &lt;3 (Adoption)(Discontinued)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum