Chapter 25

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This chapter contains:

-Car crash

-Near character death


-Near panic attack

As time passed, everyone had to return back to school, even with all the reluctance, they still had to go.

Techno was thrilled to go back to school, because it meant he could have more time to himself, and meant he would have an excuse to be apart from everyone, homework. 

Tommy flat on refused to go to school, but with a little coaxing from Phil and Tubbo, he was forced to return to school. 

Tubbo was quite excited to go back to school again, because he loved his teachers and he was excited to see his friends again. 

Ranboo didn't really remember school that much, every time he went back to school was like a the beginning of school for him. 

Wilbur didn't have to go to school, because he had a son to take care of. He couldn't leave Fundy for a few seconds without bursting into tears. 

Phil was overjoyed that everyone was going back to school. He loved his kids dearly and loved protecting them, it made him the happiest he had ever been. But sometimes, he just needed a break from all of the tears and the madness of his giant household. 

"BOYS TIME TO WAKE UP!" Phil knocked on all of the bedroom doors, forcing them to wake themselves up and get ready before Phil knocked them out. 

Slowly, but surely, everyone was downstairs, dressed, fed and ready to go. 

"Will, will you be ok in here for half an hour or so?" Phil asked, shoving everyone out the door. 

"Yeah, should be fine. Say bye to everyone Fundy!" Wilbur looked to Fundy, who looked like he was about to cry, seeing everyone leave. 

"B- Bye-bye..." Fundy burst into tears. 

"Bye bye Fundy..." Everyone waved to Fundy, blowing him some kisses and getting into the giant car that Phil had to get. 

"Ok, just a heads up to you boys, I won't be able to pick you guys up later, so you'll have to walk home, is that ok with you?" Phil asked, turning to the boys. 

"Should be fine, we know our way home, and it would be nice to have a calming walk after school!" Tubbo exclaimed. 

However, the following day was not calming. On the first day back at school, throughout all 4 lessons they had, tones of homework was given, arguments had broken out and it was all together an absolutely awful day. 

"Damn, I didn't think school could get any worse, apparently it could..." Ranboo said, closing his eyes and sighing as he started to cross the road. 

"RANBOO WAIT!" Tommy yelled, grabbing his arm and forcing them to switch places, leaving Tommy in the middle of the road with a truck heading to them, obviously over the speed limit. 

The van sped past and left, not even stopping to see what happened. 

"OH MY GOD TOMMY!" Tubbo ran out to the road, pulling Tommy to into his lap, holding his hand. 

"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Tubbo yelled, tears streaming down his face as he tried to keep calm, knowing it would be best for Tommy and Ranboo if he stayed calm. 

"T- Tubster..." Tommy whispered, barely audible over the amount of screams that were heard. He slowly raised his hand and placed it on Tubbo's cheek. 

"Tommy, y- you're gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok..." Tubbo whispered back to him, making sure he knew he was ok. 

"Tubbo... It's gonna be ok...." Tommy's eyes slowly closed and his hand fell limp on his side, just as the sirens and flashing lights could be heard in the distance. 

Everything happened so fast, and not soon enough, Phil, Techno, Tubbo, Ranboo and a sleeping Fundy were in the waiting room, waiting to see if Tommy was gonna be ok. 

Ranboo was sat down, his knees against his chest, his head in his hands, thoughts going through his head as he tried to render what was happening. 

"It's your fault..."

"He could die because of you..."

"Blame yourself..."

Flashbacks of the previous car crash that his parents died in filled his head, along with flashes of Tommy saving his life, sacrificing his own in the process. 

"R- Ranboo, you ok?" Phil asked, looking over to the boy, who had his hands on his head. 

"It's my fault he's in this condition..." Ranboo mumbled, not loud enough for anyone to hear. 

"Speak up Ranboo, I can't hear you..." Phil walked over to Ranboo, placing a hand on his shoulder, making him flinch and back away. 

"It's my fault he's like this. If i had just looked before I stood out into the road then I would have seen the van and I would have not crossed the road and then no-one would have gotten hurt!" Ranboo yelled, crying as he let all emotions from the past 10 years out. 

"It's not your fault bud, it's ok..." Phil tried to get closer to him, but every step Phil took, Ranboo backed away. 

"But it is, don't you see Phil! Ever since I've been here, the only thing I've done is wrecked your life, and now I've risked one of them. I'm gonna go, contact me when he wakes up..." Ranboo stood up, wiping his red, puffy eyes and walking out of the hospital. 

"Ranboo wait!" Tubbo yelled, chasing after him. 

"What do you want Tubbo!" Ranboo yelled, turning around to see a very distressed Tubbo. 

"Where are you gonna go? I don't care where you go, and long as you're safe, that's all I care about..." Tubbo tried to catch his breath. 

"The only place I can go Tubbo, home..." Ranboo turned away. 

"Back to our place?" Tubbo asked. 

"That's not my home Tubbo, I don't fit in! I tried and tried, but all I cause is pain and misery. it's all I ever have caused since I was a child!"

"You're not going back... there, are you?" Tubbo asked, making tears fall down that he didn't even know he had left. 

"I have to Tubbo, I'm sorry..." Ranboo blew Tubbo a kiss before running away to... their... house.

Hey guys! This story idea came from the wonderful darkshrimpy so go and follow them. I love you all so very very much and I hope you are enjoying this story so far <3 xxx

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