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Fundy jumped up in the morning, yelling to wake up his dad, who was still sound asleep.

"Merry Christmas my little foxy!" Wilbur picked up the child.

"'wert Christmas 'apa!" Fundy giggled. Together, the two woke up everyone in the house. They wanted everyone to open their presents together.

Once they were all awake and ready, they ran down the stairs to open presents. Fundy, being the child, had the most presents.

After an hour of giving and receiving gifts, shared laughter and happy smiles, everyone decided to have breakfast and get changed. They didn't have much for breakfast though, they still had to have a giant roast for lunch.

Fundy was sitting on the floor, playing with all of they toys that he was given with Tubbo and Tommy. Techno was talking to Wilbur and Phil was out cooking the food with Ranboo as help.

Phil had invited everyone they knew over, and by that he meant EVERYONE. There was your obvious people, like Wilbur, Techno, Tommy, Ranboo, Fundy and himself, then there were other people like Niki, Puffy and his friends who he only ever saw on special occasions like Eret, Sam, Foolish, Callahan and some others.

All together there were about 20 people in the house at the same time, so it was lucky they had enough room.

For Tommy, this was all quite different. He had never been in such a social situation, and for the first few hours, he struggled to join or make a conversation, but after a few hours, he managed to relax and talk to everyone.

After a whole day of talking, laughing, opening presents, giving presents, using presents and such, they all collapsed on the sofa with full bellies and still laughing to themselves at jokes said earlier. All of the adults were also slightly tipsy which made them more giggly.

Tommy sat up and walked over to Phil.

"Thank you Dad." Tommy gave him a huge smile.

"Awe, come here mate." He pulled his son into a well needed hug.

HELLO! This is quite a short little chapter that does not correlate with the story line WHATSOEVER, but it's Christmas and I thought it would be nice to write a little something.


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