Chapter 32

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The second Tubbo and Tommy got home, Phil told them what happened. 

"Yeah, that's what he told me at least." Phil ended the sentence, looking at Tubbo and Tommy. 

Tommy was confused but Tubbo had an odd look on his face, one that made Phil slightly worried. 

"You good Tubs?" Phil asked, looking at the shocked boy. 

"Y- Yeah, let me go and speak to Ranboo, to see if he's ok y'know..." Tubbo mumbled the end and ran off before anyone could say otherwise. 

Tubbo ran up the stairs and into his and Ranboo's room, shutting the door and locking it behind the. 

"Tubbo, you good there?" Ranboo asked, putting down his phone and sitting up to face Tubbo. 

"You promised me you wouldn't do that anymore..." Tubbo looked at Ranboo, the anger in his eyes scaring Ranboo slightly. 

"Wouldn't do what?" Ranboo asked, utterly confused as to what was going on. 

Tubbo stared at the ceiling and took a deep breath. Of course he wouldn't know what's going on, there's no reason why he should remember in the first place. 

"Just... promise me you won't do it again ok?" Tubbo looked back down towards Ranboo, giving him a look of sadness. 

"Tubbo, what do you not want me to do?" Ranboo asked again, wanting an answer.

"Ranboo pro-"

"Tubbo! What do you not want me to do!" Ranboo yelled slightly, something he rarely did which startled Tubbo. He gasped and jumped back slightly. 

"Look, I'm sorry Tubbo, but I'm not promising anything until I know what happened." Ranboo shook his head and picked up his phone again. 

Tubbo walked towards Ranboo and took his phone, placing it in his back pockets. 

"Hey, give me back my phone!"

"You want to know what's going on, right?" Tubbo asked, receiving a violent nod from Ranboo. 

Just as Tubbo was about to start explaining, Tommy burst into the room. 

"I'm sick of you guys leaving me out ok. I'm going to sit down, and you guys are going to continue talking and are going to include me." Tommy walked in and shut the door. Somehow he had learned to pick locks and managed to sneak in. 

"Fine." Tubbo pointed to a place on the bed and Tommy ran to sit down. 

"The last time Ranboo did that, we were about 9 or 10..." 


"Tubbo, I learned to do something really cool!"  Ranboo ran towards Tubbo and knocked him to the floor. 

"What did you learn boo?" Little Tubbo asked, standing up then helping the taller up. 

"Follow me!" Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's hand and pulled them through the school corridors, taking him to the bathroom on the top floor of the school, the one which no-one used because it was so far away. 

"Why are we here Ranboo?" Tubbo asked, looking towards Ranboo who was looking around the hallway. Once he saw it was empty, he shut the door and locked it. 

"No-one can know about this, ok?" Ranboo looked towards Tubbo and put out a pinkie. Tubbo gulped and wrapped his pinkie around Ranboo's, making Ranboo giggle. 

Slowly, Ranboo walked towards the bathroom mirror. Tubbo walked closer to Ranboo to see what was going on. 

Ranboo moved the hair from his face, revealing his green eye. A sudden flash surrounded them forcing Tubbo to close his eyes. 

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