Chapter 28

498 21 14


-Near death






With Ranboo-

Day one without Ranboo and everyone could already see changes starting to happen without Tubbo.

He would always get out of bed late and go to bed extremely late, not falling asleep until even later! Any time they would go and visit Tommy, he would always be zoned out and would always take half an hour longer in the hospital than was needed.

They soon figured out that this was because he was seeing Ranboo. He was leaving them before they could notice and was running off to go and see Ranboo, which did not bother anyone in the slightest.

What bothered them was the fact he would always return with red, puffy eyes, his cheeks stained with tears and a runny nose. It hurt everyone to see Tubbo this way, every time he would leave and return it pained them to look at him so sad and in pain.

Yet there was nothing they could do about it.

With Tubbo-

The next time they were with Tommy, Tubbo ran off in the middle of their session, darting out of the door before anyone could object. He ran as fast as he could to make sure there was as much time as possible to see his beloved.

He stepped through the door, quietly closing it behind him and turning around to face Ranboo, in the same position he had been in for the past week.

Tubbo sat down on the same armchair next to his bed, sitting in the same position and holding the same hand.

"Hey Ranboo, it's been a whole week without you now, and I have visited you every single day since you've been here. I really miss waking up, going downstairs and seeing you, it's one of the many things I miss, but if we listed them all I'd be here for years, not that I have a problem with it..." Tubbo giggled, wiping away the tears and looking at Ranboo, knowing that he was hearing everything.

"I know every morning I would usually wake up to your bed empty, but knowing that when I go downstairs, you wont be there really hurts me..." Tubbo couldn't hold back the tear anymore, no matter how hard he tried to they kept falling and falling.

"Ranboo, I really need you to wake up, please. You have no clue how much you mean to me, absolutely no clue!" Tubbo realised he started yelling and took a few seconds to calm himself down.

"Please, don't leave me like my mother did. When she dumped me with my teenage dad who had no experience with kids. And don't leave me like my father did, first when he dumped me with Phil, then when he moved away, knowing he would probably never see me again... Please don't leave me like them Ranboo..."

Tubbo looked at the clock to check the time, realising he had already been in the room for half and hour. He looked back down at the sleeping boy, the tiny cuts and bruises that had been there for the past week had faded slightly, some of the cuts leaving slight scars.

"I need to go now my beloved, I promise I will be back tomorrow, I love you boo..." Tubbo kissed Ranboo's head and walked out of the room, closing his eyes as he went to go and sit down in the reception, waiting for everyone to walk out of Tommy's room so they could go home.

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