Chapter 23

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After explaining everything-

"So he's gonna be staying here then?" Tommy asked, looking at Ranboo who was still sleeping.

"Yeah, is that good with you guys?" Tubbo asked, mainly looking at Tommy, who was avoiding his gaze. 

"Should be good with me and Techno, however try not to be too loud cause it might wake up this little guy!" Wilbur flung Fundy up into the air, making him giggle loudly. 

"Tommy, is it ok with you?" Tubbo looked at Tommy, who was still looking away from him. 

"It should be fine..." Tommy mumbled, running upstairs and slamming his bedroom door. 

"Tommy..." Tubbo went to follow him, but Phil grabbed him and forced him to sit back down on the sofa. 

"Let him have some time to think Tubster." Phil gave him a weak smile and Tubbo looked at Ranboo, who was peacefully sleeping. He shook him awake, startling him and first, but he soon realised that it was only Tubbo and gave him a big smile. 

"Hey Tubs!" Ranboo sat up and looked at him. 

"Hey Boo, we need to start clearing space for your bed to go, wanna help out?" Tubbo asked.

"Of course." He stood up, helping himself with his good arm, and followed Tubbo to his room where they began to start tidying where his bed was gonna go. 

With Tommy- 

Tommy sat down on his bed, tears dripping down his cheeks as he hugged his knees to his chest. 

He liked Ranboo, he really did, he was such a nice person. 

But that made him jealous.

Jealous of the fact he was so tall, with his amazing fashion sense and his fluffy hair and his handsome face. He made all the girls and some of the boys go wild!

He made him angry. Angry for the fact that it seemed like Tubbo liked Ranboo more than him. Angry for the fact that girls that he liked would ask if Ranboo was single. 

He made him happy. Happy because he helped him when he was sad, and hung out with him when no-one else would. Happy because he stood up for him if anyone bullied him. Happy because he was there when no-one else was there. 

All these emotions confused him. He had never felt so much pure hatred and jealousy, yet pure love (PLATONIC) and appreciation for someone, and it scared him. 

And now he was going to be living in the same house. They were going to be eating every meal together, and going to school together and just being close to each other even when they didn't want to be. 

All this overthinking exhausted Tommy, but he didn't want to sleep. He always fell asleep and then ended up forgiving everyone, and he didn't want that to happen. 

If he was angry then he wanted to feel angry. 

If he was sad he wanted to feel sad.

If he was confused then he wanted to be confused. 

He stormed out of his room and went to go and make himself a cup of tea, trying to wake himself up so he didn't fall asleep again. 

"Hey Tommy, you ok?" Tubbo walked down the stairs and into the kitchen after he heard Tommy's door swing open and slam shut. 

"I- I'm fine Tubbo, just go away..." Tommy still wasn't looking at him, which confused Tubbo greatly. 

"No you're not Tommy, tell me what's wrong." Tubbo walked up to Tommy and forced him to look him in the eyes. 

"I'm jealous Tubbo, I'm jealous. I'm jealous and angry and sad and confused... and scared..." Tommy ended, tears swelling in his already red and puffy ones. 

"Why Tommy?" Tubbo asked, pulling him into a hug. 

"Because he's Ranboo Tubbo! He's tall and handsome and kind and brave and proud of who he is! The look you give him when you're next to each other is something so different from the way you look at anyone else and it makes me sad. Sad to know you love him more than me..." Tommy looked away from him again.

"Tom, look at me. Yes, I love Ranboo (PLATONIC), but you're my brother and I love you a lot too (PLATONIC), nothing can change that!" Tubbo squeezed Tommy's hand as he too started to cry. 

Tommy gave Tubbo a smile, giving him a little hug and walking back upstairs and into his room. 

Tubbo sighed and sat down, happy that what had just happened had been resolved. 

Hey guys! This chapter idea came from the marvellous @WOLFY1720 and just so it is known, the other half to the idea will be posted some time within the next week, as I am going camping tomorrow, so thank you for the idea!

I love you all so so much and never stop being incredible <3 xxx

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