Chapter 33

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-Panic attacks


A few days later, Phil went out without telling anyone where, which was rather unusual for him to do.

"Where's Phil going?" Tommy asked, walking down the stairs after he heard the door shut. 

"I'm not actually sure Tommy, he didn't say he was going anywhere. It's probably nothing, come and help me bring the pizzas into the living room now." Wilbur beckoned for Tommy to come to him. 

They all sat down to have tea, watching Hamilton and singing along to all the songs. Even Techno joined in, however anytime he would start singing, he would roll his eyes. 

The first to go to bed were Fundy and Wilbur, as he was of course turning 2. It was also 3 weeks away from Fundy's birthday so he wanted to plan as much as he could without the little one hearing. 

The next were Ranboo and Tubbo. Tubbo fell asleep on the sofa so Ranboo needed to bring him upstairs, however he couldn't so Techno had to help the still injured boy out. 

"Imma head to bed now Tommy, you gonna stay down here?" Techno asked, standing in the hallway.

"Yeah, I wanna wait for Phil..." Tommy gave Techno a weak smile and said goodnight to him as he walked up the stairs and into his room. 

The house was so silent when everyone was asleep, it made Tommy sleepy himself but he didn't want to wait for Phil. However, he did end up falling asleep on the sofa, his head propped against the side. 

Tommy's eyes opened quickly and he sat up, immediately awake again as he heard the front door open and shut with a bang. Phil tumbled in and fell onto the sofa, obviously black out drunk. 

"Phil?" Tommy walked over to the sleeping? man on the sofa. 

"Ugh, it's you. Want do you want you useless boy!" Phil yelled, his words slightly slurred. Phil had never spoken to Tommy like that before and it really hit him hard. Tears pricked in his eyes and he tried to hold them back. 

"I was worried about you Phil, where did you go to?" Tommy sounded scared, yet worried for Phil. He wasn't in the right head space, obviously something had happened today. 

"It's nothing you! Just go away, I don't want to see your hideous face again for the rest of the night!" Phil stood up, slightly swaying on the spot, a glass bottle in his hand. 

"But Phil I-" Tommy began. 

"I SAID GO AWAY!" Phil roared, throwing the bottle. It scraped the side of his face and smashed against the wall, waking up everyone in the house. 

"What happened?!!" Wilbur came running down the stairs along with Tommy, Ranboo and Techno. 

"OH MY GOD TOMMY!" Ranboo ran as quickly as he could ,without hurting himself, towards Tommy and gave him a hug, pulling the crying boy into the hallway.

"DAD WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!!" Tubbo yelled, walking in front of the drunken man and slapping him across the face, leaving a red mark. 

Phil was crying now. It was obvious he didn't want to do those things, but right now he couldn't be forgiven. Not by anyone, and especially not by Tommy. 

Phil looked at Techno. Techno, who usually had a brave face on him. Techno, the one who looked up to Phil like he was a god. Techno, the one who followed in his fathers steps. 

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