Chapter 3

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Techno woke up, sitting up slowly as to not wake up the tiny, fragile boy who was asleep next to him. He remembered everything from the night before and processed it in his head.

"Tommy said full sentences to me..." He gave a slight smile, something he rarely does and stroked the boy's head, who gave a little smile and nuzzled up into the touch. He got out of bed and shook Tommy slightly to get him up and out of bed.

"Tommy, you gotta get up now bud..." Techno said quietly, slightly shaking him. He sat up and gave Techno a big hug before darting into his own room to get changed.

Techno looked in the mirror and saw the braids that Tommy did were still in.

"Might as well keep them in..." He thought to himself, putting on a hoodie and jeans before going downstairs to make himself some breakfast. He saw Tuboo, Wilbur and Tommy already sat down with Phil cooking something on the oven.

"French Toast boys!" Phil smiled as he piled up the pieces of sugary toast onto his plate and everyone started to dig in. Well, that was everyone except Tommy.

"Aren't you gonna eat mate?" Phil gave a worried look to Tommy, who shook his head and nudged his plate away. "You haven't eaten since we got here Tommy..." Phil said, even more worried now.

"I'm not hungry..." Tommy mumbled to Phil, who looked almost on the verge of tears. Techno stood up and mumbled something in Tommy's ear, to which he nodded his head and pulled his plate back and took only 1 piece of toast and beggining to eat it.

"What did you say?" Phil whispered to Techno once he sat back down next to him.

"Nothing, don't worry Phil..." Techno told him and started eating his French Toast. Phil decided not to question it and started also digging into his French Toast.

"Tubbo you little sh*t!" Will yelled as he picked up a fork and started chasing Tubbo around who had taken his last bit of French Toast and shoved it into his mouth.

"Eek!" Tubbo squeeled when Will picked him up and started tickling him. Phil didn't do anything and just gave a slight chuckle, turning to Techno to discuss something.

Tommy was confused. He had never seen a family that just got along like this, it was a whole new experiance. Well, he had one family that was like this...


"Come here you cheeky devil" His foster mother yelled whilst 5 year old Tommy was running around, screaming as she picked him up and started throwing him into the air, maing him giggle.

"What's going on?" The father said as he walked back in.

"Little Tommy here won't get out of his pajamas!" She pointed to the tiny boy who was wriggling around on the floor, trying to escape from her grasp.

"Get changed you cheeky monkey!" He yelled, swooshing Tommy into the air and bringing him upstairs to get changed.

*A week later*

"Tommy, go up with papa ok?" The woman whispered to Tommy, smiling as tears rolled down her cheeks. She gave Tommy one last big hug before running into the hallway and there was a large bang. She was gone.

Tommy and his father ran outside to escape from the evil men that were inside the house, both out of breath and crying. They watched as the house was set on fire along with Tommy's foster mother inside.

*A month later*

"What do you want brat!" Tommy's foster dad yelled, sprawled out on the sofa with empty beer bottles scattered around him.

"M- mama..." Tommy said, filling Tommy's 'dad' with rage.

"Your precious little mama is dead because of you!" He yelled, hitting him across the face, scarring his cheek.

"I'm taking you back to the orphanage!" He yelled, grabbing Tommy's wrist and draggng him into the car. Once they got there, he was thrown back into his old room, having to start a whole new life again.

End Of Flashback:

"Tommy! Can you hear me! It's me Techno!" He yelled as Tommy snapped out of the distant memory, his breathing speeding rapidly and his vision blurry.

"You know what we did last night, can you do that again for me?" Techno said in a calm voice. Tommy nodded and shakily walked to Techno, sitting on his lap and counting his heartbeats until he calmed down.

"It's ok... No-one can hurt you now, you're safe her..." He hushed Tommy, making sure he was fully calmed down before moving him off his lap.

"Thanks Techno..." He mumbled so only Techno could hear.

"Hey Tommy, we were thinking..." Phil started "Would you like to go to school with Tubbo? You're in the same year, so he would always be with you there?"

Tommy thought about it for a moment and then nodded his head slightly. Phil gave a big sigh of relief. He wasn't sure if it brought back bad memories for him as not much was specified about Tommy's PTSD on his information files. Not much was said about him at all other than how many homes he's been back and forth to.

"You go upstairs with Tubbo and play, I'm sure he'd love to play with you!" Phil gave a weak smile. Tubbo gave a big cheesy grin and put his hand out for Tommy to take. Tommy accepted it and the two went upstairs to play. Phil fell down on the sofa and put his head in his hands.

"What's wrong dad?" Will asked Philm wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"I don't think Tommy likes me..." He mumbled to Will.

"Why would you think that?!!" Will said, rubbing his back, genuinlly surprised by the words coming out of his fathers mouth.

"Techno can help him with panic attacks, your his pillow and you can sing him songs to calm him down. He plays with Tubbo and holds his hand, but with me... nothing..." He said, a lump growing in his throat as he felt himself begin to cry.

"It's not that he doesn't love you, he just doesn't know you. You need to talk to him, let him get to know you so that he can trust you. He trusts Techno because he stayed up all night with him and told him his whole life story. He trusts Tubbo because they're the same ages and went through the same sh*t. He trusts me because I allowed him to get to know me. You need to allow him time to get to know you, you know how bad his past families have beeb, he's just trying to protect himself. I'll give you time to think, ok?" Will said, giving him a pat on the back and walking upstairs to continue his song.

"He's right..." Phil thought to himself. "Tommy barely knows me, I just need to let him get to know me and I need to get to know him for us to trust each other... I'm such a fool..." He slapped himself in the face and closed his eyes, thinking about how to get closer to Tommy.

Just finished reading Flowers from 1970, highly reccomend you go and read it. I literally cried it's so good! The song that has been linked at the top was created about it and it's so peaceful yet sad at the same time, I suggest you go and listen to it. It's also on spotify at

Love you all so much <3

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