Chapter 2

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Hello! TW: Panic attack is mentioned in this chapter.

Techno's POV:

After Phil took Tommy upstairs to his room, me, Wilbur, Tubbo and Phil went and sat down in the living room, Wilbur, Tubbo and Phil on the sofa whilst I sat on the armchair. They put on some weird romance film and I sighed, rolling my eyes and putting on my reading glass, opening up my 'Tales of Theseus' book and starting it from the beggining for the 24th time.

"Why are you always reading that book?" I raised my head from the pages to see Wilbur staring at me, expecting an answer, but only to get a shrug in return as I put my face back into the book. Wilbur stared back at the TV smiled as Phil brought him and Tubbo into a warming hug. After about 15 minutes, the two boys fell asleep in Phil's arms and he smiled before picking them up.

"Imma take the boys upstairs alright mate? You should come to bed too." Phil gave me a smile and I gave a weak one back.

"I'll be up in a minute!" I said in response before getting back into the book, Phil smiled and ruffled my long pink hair, walking up the stairs and into Wilbur and Tubbo's rooms. After a few minutes of listening to the footsteps of Phil walking around upstairs, they finally stopped and Techno placed his book down on the side along with his reading glasses. He turned off the light downstairs and walked along the upstairs landing, trying to not make that much noise, that was until he passed by Tommy's room. He stood by the door and heard sniffles and heavy breathing. He opened the door to see Tommy curled up in a ball on his bed, eyes closed tightly tears rolling down his cheeks and his chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Tommy!" Techno whispered shouted. Tommy sat up, breathing deeply as tears ran down his cheeks. He squinted at Techno and started crying again. It was obvious to Techno that he was sturggling to breath so he picked up the tiny boy and rocked him side to side.

"Tommy, count my heartbeats..." He said in a calming voice and Tommy started counting.

"1...2...3..." Tommy began counting and Techno could feel his chest start to go in and out at a normal pace.

"Thank you Techno..." Tommy whispered, grabbing tiny handulls of Techno's t-shirt and cuddling him into him. Techno gave a weak smile and placed Tommy back down, only for him to be pulled back.

"Can I... braid your hair Techno?" Tommy whispered to Techno, who gave a little pitiful smile.

"Of course Tommy, let's go to my room, hair things are there!" He said, slowly getting Tommy out of his bed and bringing him quietly into his room where he allowed Tommy to put his hair into a long braid.

"How do you know how to braid Tommy?" Techno asked Tommy after he finished putting the hairband in and sat down next to Tommy. Tommy thought about telling him for a moment and then decided he trusted Techno.

"When I was about 3 or 4, my mum had really long hair, so she used to teach me to braid it! She had lovely hair and it was a lot like yours, minus the pink!" Tommy said, giggling slightly at the good memory as a tear fell from his eyes and made a path down his cheek. Techno wiped it away and brought him into a hug.

"It's ok Tommy, I understand!" Techno whispered into Tommy's ear.

"You do?"

"Yeah! Me and Wilbur were adopted from the same place as you when we were 8. Our parents died when we were 1 and a half and we don't have a very good memory of them, however I do remember one thing. My mothers warm arms. She gave the warmest hugs in the world. I miss her a lot..." Techno felt tears well up in his eyes, but then two tiny arms were wrapped around his neck and Tommy was sitting on his lap, hugging him tightly. They stayed in that position for a while until Techno heard Tommy start snoring quietly and he lay him down on his bed, tucking him under the covers and lying down next to him,

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