Chapter 8

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As soon as they got home, Tommy was shaken awake by Phil.

"We're home now Tom..." Phil said, helping Tommy out of the car and closing the door behind him. Tommy only mumbled a quick thanks and ran up to his room, closing and locking the door behind him.

Even though Tommy knew that everyone in this household loved him, he didn't want to show he loved them back. He knew he shouldn't love them, but he couldn't help it.

Wilbur was so kind, helping when he was in trouble and playing his guitar when he needed help going to sleep. He had lots of friends and tried to help Tommy fit in as best as he could.

Then there was Techno, he seemed really selfish and uptight, but he was actually the best one here. He could relate to thing's Tommy had never thought anyone else had gone through before and made sure he knew he was safe.

Then Tubbo, slightly older than Tommy but seemed so young and innocent. He didn't know much about the whole situation that Tommy was going through, but he knew it was tough and made sure Tommy was ok through school and wasn't hurt.

Last was Phil, he tried to help as much as he could, but all in vane. He tried and tried to get close to Tommy, but any chances he was given were ruined by people or his tragic past getting in the way.

It wasn't fair. Other kids got to have a normal life with normal parents and normal siblings and a normal family, but instead, he got the horrid life he was thrown into. It wasn't fair how other kids could ask their mum or dad to go out, and Tommy couldn't even say he had any parents to ask in the first place.

Just as Tommy was about to curl up into a ball under his crisp, new bedsheets, there was a knock at the door.

"Can I come in?" He heard Phil say from the other door, to which Tommy let out a little hum in response.

"How you doing mate?" Tommy felt a drop in the end of the bed and knew that Phil had sat at the end of it.


"It's only me, you can talk..."

"No, I can't... You're not my dad. You'll say you love me and will never leave me, but then it will get to the end of the month and you'll send me back to that place, trust me it's happened before I'm used to it by now..." Tommy faced away from Phil.


"Just leave Phil..." Tommy said, starting to cry and Phil slowly stood up and walked out of the room. closing the door quietly behind him.

Tommy started crying and covered his face with the duvet so it muffled his crying. After a while, he cried himself to sleep.

When he woke, the sun had fallen from the sky and Tommy walked out of his room, trying to stay quiet.

"- send him back..." He heard Wilbur say.

"WHAT?!!" He heard Techno yell and the voices of three people hushing him.

"He knows what;s gonna happen and it doesn't seem like he likes us, we may as well send him back..." He heard a higher pitch voice, meaning it was Tubbo saying this.

"Boys, we're not sending him back, that's final..." Phil was standing at the kitchen counter, his arms crossed as he was surrounded by his three children. Little did Tommy know, his body had been moving more towards them when he had been listening to them.

"Tommy..." A monotoned voice said, making everyones heads turn to the crying blonde who was standing in the hallway.

"I-" Tommy tried to speak.

"I'll go and pack my things..." Tommy said, walking back up the stairs.

"Tommy wait!" He heard Phil yell from the bottom of the stairs, but in Tommy's mind, it was too late. He knew they didn't want him and were going to send him back, so why should be bother anymore.

"Tommy?" He heard Techno say and he turned around to see Techno with red puffy eyes behind him.

"I tried Tommy, I'm so sorry..."

Tommy fell onto his knees and burst into tears on the spot, covering his face with his hands. Techno ran to him and pulled him into a hug, hushing him slightly.

"It's not your fault Techno, remember I love you..." Tommy said before Techno stood up, composing himself and walking out, giving Tommy a sad smile before closing the door behind him.

Tommy packed the rest of his clothing, taking a picture of the family and putting it into his backpack before placing it at the end of his bed and lying down in his bed, taking one last look at his surroundings before falling asleep.

That night, he only slept for half an hour. He was trying to extend the amount of time he was there, he didn't know what it was but he was attached to this family. Even though at the start he had wanted to leave, now he actually was leaving, he didn't want to. Here, he knew someone loved him. but out in the cruel world of life, he didn't even know if there was anyone out there who would even remotely like him the same this family did.

"I'm sorry..." Tommy mumbled before finally falling into an aweful sleep...

Hey! Sorry it's been so long since I updated, I haven't had the motivation and school has been taking up a crap tone of my time. I'll try and write when I can but it takes so long and I genuinlly struggle with daily life so this is kinda last of my worries.

I love you all so so much, thank you for all the reads and I hope you know how much you all mean to me <3

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