Chapter 34

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Hey guys! This chapter came from the incredible mind of ElizabethWiener so go and give a big thank you to them! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! <3

Phil sat down on the bed after having a cold shower. He rubbed his temple and closed his eyes, thinking. 

How was he going to apologise to all of his children, especially Tommy. He had hurt all of his children in one moment, there was no way he was going to get out of this easily. 

He stood up, walking down to the kitchen. It was really early in the morning, about 4 or 5am so he didn't expect anyone to be awake. Yet there was Wilbur, drinking a cup of coffee with Fundy in one arm, sleeping peacefully. 

Phil looked down and tried to ignore that Wilbur was there, not wanting to start a conversation. He knew Wilbur was mad at him and didn't trust him, and he had no reason to. 

Phil picked up a cup and made a coffee as quickly as he could, trying to leave so he could get to his room without having to talk. 

Before he could leave, Wilbur grabbed his wrist and yanked him back hard, making him spill some of his coffee on the floor. 

"What the hell was all of that about dad?" Wilbur was whispering as to not wake Fundy, but you could sense the anger and frustration in his voice. Phil didn't respond and tried to move his arm out of Wilbur's grip, however it didn't work and Wilbur just held his wrist tighter, making Phil flinch slightly. 

"What was that about?" Wilbur almost yelled that time, making Fundy whinge slightly, however he soon hushed and calmed down. 

"It's a long story, you won't want to hear it now. It's really early-"

"I have all the time in the world Phil, sit down." Wilbur had a stern tone, forcing him to sit down. Phil hadn't never heard Wilbur use this tone before and it shook him to the core, he felt like he didn't have an option on what to do and what not to do. 

"Um. This time about 12 or 13 years ago, not sure how many years ago exactly, was the day that Kristen left me. Usually I'm good at hiding the fact that I'm in pain because I have time to prepare for it and help me get over it quicker. However, this year it just snuck up on me, and before I realised it, it was the day and I had been dreading and I hadn't had any time to prepare for it because I was taking care of everyone else..." Phil started crying. Phil didn't like crying, it made him feel weak and that was something he didn't want his children seeing in him, but once he started, he couldn't stop. 

"Oh god, Phil why didn't you just say..." Wilbur rubbed Phil's arms, giving him a look of sorrow. 

"I didn't know how, I didn't want to worry you, but I just ended up making it worse for everyone. I'm so sorry, I know you probably don't want to forgive me right now, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry..." Phil looked up to Wilbur. He really had become the man Phil had wanted him to be. 

Wilbur sighed. "I forgive you, but that doesn't mean I trust you yet. The real people you have to apologise to you are Tubbo, Ranboo and..." He halted, staring at Phil. 

"I know..."

"Ok, imma go and put this little one back to bed, good luck Phil..." Wilbur gave him a kiss on the forehead and walked back to his room. 

Phil sighed in relief. Two of his children accepted his apology, however he was scared of his other kids reaction, he knew it wouldn't be as easy as he had never told them the story of Kristin...

He decided to tell them later into the day, considering that it was still extremely early in the morning, however just as he had finished his coffee and decided to go to bed, Ranboo walked downstairs, doing his early morning routine as per usual. 

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