Chapter 39

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"So she's like us?" Techno stared up from the report and looked around the room. No-one gave a response.

Wilbur, who was still holding Fundy in his arms, looked around the room, mainly to check to see if everyone was ok. And everyone was, at least they seemed to be.

Apart from Tommy.

"Tom, you ok?" Wilbur asked Tommy. He was holding the picture of the girl in his hand, which was shaking violently.

"Someone hold hi-" Was all Tommy could hear before he fell to the floor.

When Tommy was first in the adoption centre:

Tommy walked into the adoption centre, everything was different. It wasn't the same as his home, which had been burnt to the ground, it didn't smell the same, it didn't sound the same and it certainly didn't look the same.

He unpacked his things into his room and made his way to the main hall. Everyone was there, eating and talking and playing and having fun, but Tommy was lonely.

For a very young child, be had to grow up very quickly, leaving him quite lonely even though there were tones of people around him. But one day, some new people joined.

Now it wasn't a good thing. When people are sent to the adoption centre, it's never a good thing, but for Tommy it was.

There was a boy, a few years older than Tommy, and a girl, not a massive amount younger than tommy, but still younger than him. From the first day they met, they managed to become the best of friends.

Now, as Drista was a cute child, and her brother was rather dashing, they were constantly taken from the adoption centre and placed back into the adoption centre.

Every time Tommy would cry and beg for them to stay and every time they would return within the next week or two for their 'bad behaviour' or for their 'refusal to adapt to change'. However, everyone at the adoption centre knew that wasn't the real reason.

Drista would act up on purpose so she could be sent back to Tommy, she didn't want to leave him alone with the people she knew he hated the most, with the people that filled him with the most hatred and rage.

One day, the same thing happened. Dream and Drista were taken away, tears would shed, promises made, and then they would leave, the same as every single time, but they new they would see each other again within the next week or so.

Tommy waited a week, they still weren't back.

"It's fine," Tommy thought. "They must be to busy to send them back right now."

Then 3 weeks, and they still weren't back.

Then a month...

Then a year...

They weren't coming back.

"TOMMY! TOMMY!" Ranboo was yelling at Tommy, trying to get him to wake up.

"G- Guys?" Tommy tried to sit up but they pinned him back down.

"No, you stay there. I'm getting you a glass of water." Ranboo stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Tom-Tom?" Fundy got off of Wilbur's lap and stumbled over to him. He had noticed that Tommy looked distressed and wanted to calm him down.

"What happened tom?" Techno asked.

"It's nothing..." Tommy looked away.

"THOMAS NATHANIEL INNIT YOU TELL US WHAT HAPPENED RIGHT NOW!" Phil boomed. "Me and you may not be on good speaking terms right now, but I am your father and I still care about you! Now, tell us what's wrong." Phil knelt down next to Tommy, helping keep him sat up.

Ranboo walked in with the water and gave it to Tommy, but Phil immediately saw how shaky Tommy's hands were and took it from him and placed it on the side.

"Fine. Me and..."

"Her?" Techno pointed to the photo that was still in the ground.

"Yeah her, she used to be my best friend. We were in the adoption centre together. I was a bit older than her but she was way more mature than me. She was really sweet and kind so she was being adopted all the time, but once she showed her true colours to everyone, they sent her and her brother back." Tommy took a second to wrap his head around things.

"One day she left me..."

"And never came back..." Phil ended the sentence for him so he didn't have to.

Tommy looked up at Phil and started crying.

"It's ok mate, it wouldn't have been her fault." Phil said, trying to comfort his son without crossing the boundary between the two that they had formed.

"But what if it was. What if she wanted to stay there to get away from me because I was being clingy or irrational!" Tommy whined.

"I promise you, no-one would ever want to leave you on purpose Tommy, no-one ever in the whole world." Ranboo said, giving him a hug.

"If you want tom, we can go and see her." Wilbur said, finally speaking.


"Yeah, if she was that important to you, then I'm sure we can warm up to her as well, even though she did injure our poor little tubs..." He started to get angry but calmed himself down.

"I know what she did was wrong and Tubbo could be I grave danger right now, but I need to see her. She was such a sweet, kind person. The only thing she ever did was threaten me with a fork." Tommy started laughing at the memory of Drista being given a fork and threatening both Tommy and her brother.

"She wouldn't do that without a motive. Something that would make her want to hate them with a passion, and it would have to be a damn good reason at that!"

"It's pretty late right now, so we won't go and visit now," Phil began. "However, once we wake up in the morning, the first thing we'll do is eat and then we'll head straight there, ok?"

"Ok..." Tommy sighed and stood up slowly so he didn't pass out again. Once he regained his balance he walked upstairs and into his room.

"Phil, take baby steps with trying to get back to Tommy. If you go too fast he'll remember and you'll have to start from square on..." Wilbur reminds Phil. "From experience of the situation, I should know..." Wilbur sighed and remembered the sad memory that happened years ago now.

"I know Wilbur... I know"

HELLO! A chapter on Tommy trauma for you. Please tell me if the story line doesn't match with this chapter, it's been ages since I've properly gone through the story so I don't 100% know what's going on right now 😂

If you have any ideas for the chapters of the story then I would happily write them for you. I love you all so so much and I hope you never stop being such amazing people! <3

Sleepy Bois Inc Au &lt;3 (Adoption)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now