Chapter 36

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They all had the best time they had had in WEEKS that day. Everything just felt so normal, like nothing had changed. They were there for hours, watching the fish and running around trying to find Fundy, who with his new power to walk, was running off at any chance he could get.

After a few hours, Wilbur decided that they were going to try and find Nihachu. They were ready to leave and everyone was very tired. However, Fundy didn't want to leave.

"'APA I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!" Fundy yelled, trying to pull his hand out of Wilbur's grasp.

"Fundy, we've had a good time and we've seen everything here. We need to go home now." Wilbur said, going down on one knee and trying to talk to Fundy. But he didn't listen, no matter how much Wilbur tried.

Soon, Fundy managed to slip out of Wilbur's grasp and run away through the aquarium.

"FUNDY, WHERE DID YOU GO?!!" Wilbur yelled. Everyone else had gone to the café which left Wilbur to look for his son himself.

Wilbur looked left and right, searching for his son, yet he couldn't see him anywhere. He ran around frantically, looking in the weirdest locations that he knew Fundy would think of, but he was nowhere to be found.

"FUN-" Wilbur began to start yelling again, but he bumped into someone who looked to be trying to get somewhere.

"Niki?" He span her around to see the worried expression on her face.

"Wilbur, we need to go, they found Fundy, but it's bad news, c'mon!" She said quickly, her thick German accent making it hard to understand what she said, but the second Wilbur heard Fundy, he immediately started following her.

"Where is he?" Wilbur asked as they were running.

"He fell into one of the deeper fish tanks, round about-" They came to a sudden halt. There, in front of him, was his son, cold and wet and frantically paddling, trying to keep himself above water.

"Fundy, it's ok daddy-" Wilbur began, but Niki took off her jumper and shoes and jumped into the water, swimming to Fundy and holding him. She swam back to the edge and lifted them both up, placing Fundy in Wilbur's arms and hoisting herself over.

"Oh my god! Baby are you ok!!!" Wilbur placed Fundy down on the floor and checked for cuts and bruises.

"Papa! Som'one threw m' in!" Fundy starter crying, standing back up and wrapping his tired arms around his dad.

"Niki, thank you so much! You saved him!" Wilbur grabbed Niki and pulled her into a hug, not caring that she was getting them soaked in dirty water.

"It's fine, I know how much he means to you, so you don't even have to worry about it." Niki giggled and tried to wring out her sleeves, failing miserably.

"Here," Wilbur said. "Take my jumper, I'm quite warm and you look pretty cold." Wilbur placed Fundy back onto the floor and taking his jumper off, giving it to the shaking person in front of him.

"Are you sure will?"

"Positive, you saved my sons life, taking my jumper is only a small amount I need to pay back to you!" Wilbur picked Fundy back up, moving the hair from his face.

"WILBUR, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?" Phil ran over to them, confused as to why everyone was covered in water.

"Fundy was thrown into the water, Niki jumped in to save him." Wilbur looked at Niki, who was blushing profusely.

"Thank you so much Niki!" Phil gave her a hug as well.

"Wait, will, did you say that Fundy was thrown in?" Techno turned to Wilbur. Techno had been there the whole time and no-one had noticed, but at least he had been paying attention.

"Yeah he was." Wilbur stared at his sleepy son.

"Fundy, can you describe the person who threw you in?" Wilbur asked the child.

"She had long, 'ed hair and was with 'nother girl. She had a lot of f'eckles and really blu or green eyes. It was scawy papa!" Fundy started crying.

"Hush little one, it'll be ok..." Wilbur shushed Fundy and stared at Phil, red hot anger in his eyes.

He knew EXACTLY who that person was...

Hey guys!!! I am SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING! I broke my laptop and couldn't upload for ages, and then when I got Wattpad on my phone, it wouldn't work for a bit, and then I had to write the actual chapter and it was just a lot all at once. I love you all so so so so so much and I want to thank you all for sticking with me, even when my upload schedule has been awful. Love you <333

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