Chapter 37

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"THAT ABSOLUTE SON OF A-" Wilbur beganc but Niki covered his mouth and muffled out the last word so Fundy didn't have to hear it.

"What's going on?" Tommy and Tubbo came running up to them, staring at the three people drenched in water.

"Niki, have you seen ANYONE of that description?" Wilbur asked in a stern tone, scaring everyone to the core.

"Um, when I was working at the front desk two ladies approached us. One of them fitting that description, and I don't remember the other one, all I know is that they looked really angry." Niki told him.

"Do you know where they went?"

"No. Once they left, I never saw them again. I'll go and check the sign-in book to see who they were and if they've signed out or not." Niki gave him a smile.

"Thank you, I would really appreciate that." Wilbur gave her a small smile.

"It's no problem." She gave him a smile and a small peck on the cheek before walking into the staff room. Wilbur starting glowing a bright shade of red before calming himself down and turning his attention back towards his shivering son.

"'apa, what' going on?" He asked him, in a small voice, his teeth chattering between every word.

"Don't worry about that. For now, let's get you something warm to wear that isn't soaked." Wilbur looked at Phil, Techno, Tommy and Tubbo.

"Guys?" Wilbur asked them, not having to say what he needed.

"Here, he can have my jumper, wasn't cold anyways." Techno took of his red hoodie and helped Fundy take off his own yellow one, replacing it with his own. The sleeves were way to long and the bottom came down to the floor, but it would do for now.

"There we go little one." Techno ruffled Fundy's hair, making him giggle. Wilbur have a sigh of relief and mouthed a quick thank you to Techno.

Soon after, Niki returned.

"Have they signed out?" Wilbur stood up, looking down at Niki.

"Sorry will, they have." Niki looked down to the floor. Wilbur have a sigh and placed a hand on Niki's shoulder.

"It's fine Niki, don't worry about it. As long as you and Fundy are safe, it's ok." Niki looked back up to Wilbur and they gave each other a hug.

"PAPA!" Fundy yelled. Wilbur swivelled back to Fundy and knelt down again.

"What's all that noise for?" Wilbur asked.

"What is goin' on. I wan' to know!" Fundy said quietly.

"Isn't he a bit young W-" Phil began.

"No dad. He's not too young. He may still be a baby, but he needs to know the truth, lying to him his whole life is just as bad." Wilbur looked up at Phil, who said nothing, but nodded back.

"When we get home, I'll tell you ok?" Wilbur said to Fundy.

"Yes papa." Fundy said. He wrapped his arms around his dad and allowed him to pick him up.

"I think we should probably go now guys." Tubbo said, looking at everyone's tired faces.

"That sounds good." Niki smiled.

The car ride home was silent. Not the good kind of silent though, the bad kind of silent. The kind of silent that made all the bad thoughts in your mind come rising to the front.

Tubbo and Tommy tried to the lighten the mood by singing "Jump in the Cadillac" by Bruno mars when it came on, but it failed.

So there it was. Silence.

They remembered what Phil did, that made Wilbur angry enough. Then SALLY threw her own son into the water, that was just adding fuel to the fire in Wilbur's heart.

"Wilbur, you need to calm down..." Tommy saw Wilbur getting angrier by the second. He didn't want a replay of Phil, but with his brother instead.

"Papa, do as tom-tom 'ays..." Fundy moved his tiny hand to Wilbur and held grabbed his hand, helping calm Wilbur down almost instantly.

"Thanks foxy..." Wilbur gave Fundy a kiss on the head. Wilbur looked over to Tommy and gave him a little nod, making Tommy smile and turn back to facing the front.

When they got home, they got Fundy changed into clean, dry, warm clothes and put him in Wilbur's room so he could play with the toys. Then Wilbur allowed Niki to use some of his clothes to change into something dry.

When they knew for sure that Fundy was safe, they walked into the living room and sat down.

"What are we gonna do..." Wilbur looked around the room.

"There's nothing we can do Wilbur." Niki turned towards Wilbur.


"We have no actual proof that it was Sally who threw Fundy in the tank." Techno said, crossing his arms. Wilbur leant back onto the sofa and put his head in his hands.

"My ONE job, ONE JOB, was to protect my son, and I can't even do that..." Wilbur looked like he was about to cry.

"Wilbur, look at me." Niki said, forcing Wilbur to look at her.

"From experience, I can say that no parent is perfect. Every parent I've babysitter for has made a mistake, like leaving the house before I get there, leaving a 4 or 5 year old alone for 15 minutes or so. It doesn't matter who you are, you're never going to be perfect, and that's ok."

"But it's not, I need to be!" Wilbur yelled.

"No you don't!" Niki yelled back. She never yelled before, so it was weird, but she knew what she was doing. "Fundy loves you for you, he doesn't need you to be super-dad and save you from everything in his life, he just needs you to be there after it happens."

Phil looked over at Tommy, who was staring at the floor, tears in his eyes. Phil put a hand on his back, making Tommy snatch his head up and look at him.

Niki's speech was moving, for everyone.

Suddenly, they heard a big bang from upstairs. Wilbur jumped up and ran up the stairs. He opened the door to his room and looked around.

Everyone heard a loud cry from upstairs. They ran up to Wilbur to see what was going on.

The room was empty, the only thing left was a note in scribbly, obviously rushed handwriting.

If you want him back, do as I say, and he won't get hurt

HEHE! I'm back in business and the first thing you get is angst! I really do hope you enjoyed this chapter though, I love you all so so much and hope you stay the amazing people you are.

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