Chapter 18

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Wilbur had started to become exhausted.

Fundy would wake up at 3 in the morning every day, screaming and crying, forcing Wilbur to get up and give him attention.

Wilbur would spend an hour getting him to go back to sleep, but then he could never go back to sleep after. He would go downstairs an drink some coffee, trying to make himself less tired for the following day of activities.

He would then spend the rest of the day playing with Fundy, helping him talk, teaching him to walk and playing wuth him. Trying to feed him was the worst as he was a picky eater, so he would have to wash his clothes and his face at least 3 or 4 times a day.

Then he would spend 2 hours trying to get Fundy to sleep, and when he did he had to go into his bed and stay quiet, trying to sleep without waking up Fundy.

He would then wake up a few times in the night randomly, meaning Wilbur usually only had 3 or 4 hours of sleep a day, the other 20 were spent taking care of his son, he barely even had any time to himself anymore.

"Why don't you get a babysitter?" Techno asked, watching Wilbur try and fail to put clothes on the wriggling child.

"I don't know, it's just the thought of someone else take care of my baby scares me..." Wilbur sighed, letting Fundy crawl around in his nappy after a few failed attempts of getting his clothes on.

"I have a friend who's rather ok with children, I'm sure she would be fine with taking care of Fundy while me and you go out for the day, or even better, sleep." Techno looked at Wilbur's exhausted face as he crumpled himself into the sofa.

"Please, but are you sure she's ok with taking care of Fundy?" Wilbur asked, running to take Fundy away from the plug socket and putting him back on the play mat.

"I'm sure. She can come here and take care of him if you're still worried, 'cause then you'll be here as well, you could try and catch up on some sleep if you wanted."

"Thanks Techno..." Wilbur sat back down on the sofa, cradling a now tired Fundy in his arms.

Babysitter Day

Today was the day that the babysitter for Fundy was coming over. Phil had taken Tubbo and Tommy out somewhere so they were out of the house. Techno stayed so he could see his friend and work on his college work.

*Knock Knock*

"Coming!" Wilbur yelled, placing Fundy down and going to the front door. He took a deep breath and opened the door to see a rather small girl. She had shortish pink hair and had pale bluey-greenish. She had freckles dotted across her face and rosey cheeks.

Wilbur had a light blush across his face as she started talking.

"Hello, I'm Nihachu, you must be Wilbur." She said, a hint of german in her speech. Wilbur gave her a smile and nodded his head.

She walked into the house and sat down on the sofa.

"T- This is Fundy. He's very active and likes to play a lot." Wilbur had Fundy on his lap. Fundy had gotten shy and snuggled into Wilbur's chest, his tiny baby hands clinging onto Wilbur's shirt.

"It's ok bubba, this is Nihachu and she's really nice..." Wilbur told the ginger. He looked to her, scanning her body, detecting nothing that could harm him.

He made grabby and hands and Wilbur gave Fundy to Nihachu, trying to see if she was good with kids.

"Hey Fundy, how are you today?" Nihachu asked Fundy, his tiny hands wrapped around her index fingers.

"Happy!" Fundy's baby voice yelled to her, making her giggle. Wilbur gave a sigh of relief and fell into the sofa cushion.

"I take it he's a lot of work?" Nihachu had placed Fundy of the floor with his fox plush and sat down next to Wilbur. Wilbur was too tired to talk so he just nodded his head.

"You look really young to be a dad, how old are you if you don't mind me asking?" She asked.

"I'm 18, Fundy's 1..." Wilbur said, looking at Nihachu's face.

"Oh my... Where's his mother?"

"She... She left a few days after he was born..." His tone fading from tired to sad.

"What happened?" She asked, now holding his hand.

"For 9 months she faked her love towards me for Fundy, then once he was born, she ran of with another person..." Tears fell down his cheeks.

"I am so sorry... She's missing out on a lot, trust me. You look like you're a good dad..." She smiled to him.

"Go and get some rest, I'll take care of Fundy." She stood up, picking up Fundy off the floor and giving Wilbur a weak smile before going into the kitchen.

Wilbur pushed himself up and into his room, collapsing on his bed.

"So, how is she?" Techno asked, walking into his room and sitting down on his bed.

"Heaven..." He mumbled before falling asleep.

Techno laughed quietly and walked downstairs, greeting his nephew and his friend before going back into his room.

Hi! It's my birthday in a few days and I'm really excited. I'm the second youngest in my year out of 250 people, so that's fun. But I finally wont be called a child anymore so yay!

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. Just as a note, I don't really have any angst planned right now, but that might change soon depending on how I feel.

I love you all so so much, never stop being amazing! <3

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