Chapter 29

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After the whole Ranboo scare, Tubbo was in a state of shock. 

He was happy, everything had turned out ok in the end, but on the other hand...

He had let his defences down, the only thing he knew was keeping him safe from the painful outer world, and now everyone knew his troubles. 

Everyone knew that really, he wasn't ok. Everyone knew...

Sadly, they had to leave Ranboo at the hospital, where he would need to stay for the next week, just so they could make sure he was as healthy as he could be before he left. 

Once they had gotten home, Tubbo tried to dart up the stairs, but Phil managed to grab his arm and yank him back down, carefully dragging him into the living room and placing him on the sofa.

"Son we need to talk..." Phil brought a chair out of the kitchen and placed it in front of Tubbo, sitting on it and crossing his arms. 

Tommy, Techno and Wilbur sat down next to Tubbo, trying to comfort him as they knew that past memories were gonna be hard to bring back up. Fundy was sitting on Wilbur's lap, very confused however he tried to get in on the action and wrapped his tiny arms around Tubbo's waist, not quite reaching the whole way around due to his arms being too short. 

"Do you actually know how I found you, like honestly, do you know how I found you?" Phil asked, giving Tubbo a look, but he couldn't quite put a finger on what the look was.

 "Yeah, my jerk-of-a-dad dropped me off to you and never gave any information about himself. He left me alone, expecting me to forget him. But I didn't... Then we got in contact, and he remembered me, then left me alone again a few months later. He didn't even tell me where he moved to so I can't keep in contact with him!" Tubbo had held his side of the story in for so long, it was actually a relief to finally get everything out. 

"Tubbo, I'm telling you now, as a father. He did not want to leave you, ever..." Phil placed his hand on Tubbo's shoulder as a form of comfort. 

"What do you mean, of course he did. No-one ever wants me!" Tubbo started to yell, but Tommy grabbed his hand and squeezed it a little, telling him to calm down. 

"Tubbo, let me get something really quickly." Phil let go of Tubbo's shoulder, standing up and running upstairs to his room. There was the sound of rummaging and a minute or two later, Phil came back downstairs with a piece of worn paper and a picture. 

"Look at these Tubbo, we'll leave you to look at peace..." Phil shunned everyone out of the room, giving Tubbo a little smile before also leaving the room himself. 

Tubbo looked down at pieces of paper, one being a photo, the other a letter. He decided to read the letter. 

Dear Reader/

Here is my precious baby, Tubbo (I call him my Tubs or Tubster for short).

Please protect him as much as you can, I cannot even begin to explain how much I love him, he's my pride and joy, he's my son. I wish I could take care of him, however my life is too busy to take care of a child. The things I would do for him are insane, so please take care of him the same way I would. His other sadly passed away shortly after having him, however I know how much she cared for him, for the second he was in her arms, it was as if all the pain was gone. All the struggling and fighting had left the earth and we were finally at peace. 

With him is a blanket and a bee, the bee from me and the blanket from his mother before she sadly passed away. Please make sure he does not lose them, for they are the only things he has that might remind him of me, even remotely. I tried to take care of him for as long as he could, however as a single teen dad, it just feels impossible. We knew from the beginning of her pregnancy that she wasn't going to make it, she was just too young and it was too high of a risk, but she couldn't just get rid of him. 

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