Chapter 16

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3 Days Later:

It was 5 in the morning and Tommy had woken up to get a drink. He opened the door and stepped out, to hear the crying of a baby and the hiccups of Wilbur coming from his room.

Tommy walked into Wilbur's room and saw him cradling his son, trying to calm him down, while in his other hand, he was reading a letter. Tears were dripping down his face and onto his lap, making tiny puddles on his shorts.

"What's wrong Wilbur?" Tommy walked to him and took the letter from his hands, allowing Wilbur to hug Fundy with both of his hands.

Dear Wilbur/

I'm sorry...

I love you both so so much, but I think it's my time to leave. I have left you with our sweet baby. Please take care of him for me...

You may wonder why I have left. The truth is, I have fallen for another. I still love you, but my love for her is too strong.

Goodbye forever my love, tske care of our son...


"Oh Wilbur..." Tommy looked at Wilbur, who was staring at his son, still trying to calm him down.

"Let me take him..." Tommy whispered, taking Fundy from him and rocking him in his arms. Slowly, the baby stopped crying and started drifting back to sleep.

"What am I gonna do Tommy, he won't even calm down for me..." Wilbur looked at Tommy, fear in his eyes, the same fear as the day he had told Phil about the pregnancy.

"We're here for you Will, don't worry about Fundy. He's going to have the best life he could ask for, and the best dad he could ask for. I promise you now, nothing will ever hurt him..." Tommy gave Fundy back to Wilbur, startling Wilbur slightly, but he soon adjusted and cradled Fundy.

"I'm sorry Fundy..." Wilbur gave him a kiss on the forehead and Tommy went to go and get Phil.

Phil ran in a few seconds later and gave Wilbur a big hug.

"I am so sorry son..." Wilbur burts into tears again. Phil took Fundy from his arms and Wilbur put his head in his hands.

"You're not alone..." Phil said. Wilbur looked up to him, Phil gave him a weak smile, hugging Wilbur and Fundy close.

"Here, just take a look at him..." Phil gave Fundy back to Wilbur so he could get a closer look at his son.

His hair had turned more brown over the few days of his life, and it was as fluffy as Wilbur's. His eyes had also gotten darker, to the point you could class them as brown, but they were still light. The freckles hadn't changed, but he had a single mole on his tiny baby hand, one in the same position as Wilbur's.

"He's..." Wilbur began, happy tears brewing in his eyes this time.

"He's you Wilbur..." Phil gave Wilbur's shoulder a tight squeeze and walked out, going to his room to go back to sleep.

Wilbur sat there on the bed, taking a look at his son. Almost the exact look alike of himself. It made Wilbur happy. It made him feel more at peace with his son, like he wasn't stressed out. He knew how to do this. He was a father now, it was in his instincts.

He placed Fundy back down in his crib, giving him a light kiss on the head before walking to Tommy's room.

"Tommy..." Wilbur said, his voice a bit croaky from crying so much.

"Yeah Will?" Tommy put his headset down and turned his chair to face Wilbur.

"Would you... Would you like to be Fundy's godfather?" Wilbur asked, looking Tommy dead in the eyes.

"Yes! A thousand times yes!" Tommy's eyes widened and he ran to give Wilbur a hug.

Now, Tommy was a godfather. He had responsibilities, yes, but he was used to it.

"Thank you Will..." Tommy said as Will walked back into his bedroom, slowly closing the door as to not wake Fundy up again.

Tommy laid down on his bed and whispered something to himself, before falling into a deep and happy sleep.

"Thank you life..."

Another chapter the day after posting one, wow! I am just feeling very inspired right now, thank you all for reading this story, I love you all so so much and never stop being amazing <3 xxx

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