Chapter 40

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"We'll go and see Tubbo first everyone, is that ok with you all?" Phil asked everyone who had just woken up. The have a low grumble in response.

"I'll take that as a yes." Phil got up from the table and walked into the living room, turning on the tv.

"... has been found and sentenced to 20 years for child abuse, kidnapping and physical violence towards the general public." The news reporter on the tv said. On the screen, there was a picture of Sally, her long red hair and her face, once smooth and beautiful, was covered in cuts and bruises. Phil sighed and turned the tv off again before Wilbur walked into the living room.

"Hey will." Phil took the still slightly sleepy Fundy from the very sleepy Will as he slumped onto the sofa.

"Fundy can't sleep without me being close to him. The second I leave he starts crying. I was up all night trying to calm him down..." Wilbur rubbed his eyes.

"It's fine will, he'll get over it soon. It was a very traumatic time for him, do remember that." Phil threw Fundy into the air, making him giggle.

"I can't help but feel this was might fault. I should have known this was going to happen. I should never had left such a young child on his own so far away from me." Wilbur signed.

"You keep blaming these things on yourself will. They weren't your fault, they never have been. Some things as a parent you just can't control. You didn't know that this was going to happen." Phil rubbed Wilbur's back.

"GUYS I AM READY TO GO!" Tommy burst into the living room, scaring Fundy and causing him to cry again.

"Oh **** I'm so sorry..." Tommy said, quieter this time.

"It's fine." Wilbur picked Fundy up and hushed him, calming him down almost immediately.

"Anyways, we should probably get going now or we'll miss visiting hours. Is everybody ready?" Phil peeked his head around to everyone in the kitchen.

"Yeah!" They all responded in unison.

The car ride was silent. Usually there was the babbling of Fundy as he talked to himself and pointed out obvious things like cows or trees or the colour of other peoples cars, but today he was asleep, leaving the car in complete silence.

Once they got to the hospital, they checked themselves in and walked to Tubbo's room.

"Ok, he is asleep right now, however, he can hear us. So, mind your language and stay quiet and respectful as we are in a hospital, ok?" Phil stopped everyone before they entered.

Tommy and Ranboo were the first ones to enter and sit down on the seats next to Tubbo's bed. Everyone else walked in and sat down where they could find space.

"Hey Tubs, we've come to see you today. I just wanna say, thank you so much for saving my ass out there, it really meant a lot." Wilbur smiled and Ph gave him a dirty look.

"Language Will, what did I say!" Phil had a strict tone to his voice but was still being quiet.

"Sorry Phil."

Ranboo looked at his sleeping husband and squeezed his hand, looking up at Tommy who looked back at him.

"You wanna go now?" Tommy mouthed and Ranboo nodded.

"Ok, I think we should go now, they're very specific on the times we can visit Drista and we definitely don't wanna be late." Tommy let go of Tubbo's hand and guided everyone out of the room.

"Thank you..." Ranboo whispered to Tommy before walking out.

The car ride to the holding centre wasn't as quiet. There was a lot of small talk, however they were yet to hold a conversation.

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