73. Reunion

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2 years ago

"Hey Rin." Naruto said in a hushed voice.

"Yes. You may come out of your hiding place." Rin said as she continued to play with the birds.

"Can I ask you for a favor? Will you please teach me Medical Ninjutsu?" Naruto asked as he came out of the darkness.

"I don't see the reason to say no. But why do you want to learn it?" Rin asked.

"Well you see. My two senseis are your teammates. I have just realised that it would be befitting if I learn something from you too. This will make the three members of the previous team 7 as my teacher.

Another reason is because I have realised that my banishment could have been avoided if I had treated Sasuke on the spot where he was injured.

Not to mention that I might need it to heal Obito in case he is injured by an enemy." Naruto said as he removed his mask.

"What about your burnt face? I can heal it, y'know" Rin suggested.

"Well, after I got the scar, I was cursed by Nezuko who was responsible for my damaged face."

"Yes, I remember that being mentioned in one of your letters along with a little information that Tsunade is the only one who will be able to heal your face." Rin butted in.

"Yeah! That's why I cannot let you heal my face. Even if you try, you will end up exhausting yourself. And I cannot take that risk." Naruto said.

"Very well. Anyways back to the original topic. I have decided to teach you only the first aid since you must be terrible in chakra control, it will be still enough for learning the jutsu. What do you say about it?" Rin asked.

"And why are you smiling? It's creeping me out." She added bluntly.

"Oh! I apologise. I am happy that I will be able to call all the members of previous team 7 as my senseis." Naruto said quickly retracting his grin.

Present time

"So, you have finally come, Rin sensei? How is the reunion according to your perspective?" Naruto said in an insane manner.

Rin just stayed silent and continued tending to Obito's injuries.

"Well, as much as I would like to know your answer, I am afraid that I cannot hear to your reason." The blond started walking away from the army.


"Why do you want to know where I am going?" Naruto said as he stopped in the west direction with the sun setting behind him. "I am taking my position in the west where the sun is setting." Naruto crossed his arms as he continued. "I will wait for Kakashi sensei, Obito sensei and Rin sensei to take their positions even if it takes time. I cannot fight with you without the previous generation of Team 7." With that, he sat down on the rock.

"You know we can attack you right now?"

"Yes, I am aware of it Sasuke. But I also know that you will not do it without the approval from your sensei." Naruto replied.

With Kakashi

Kakashi could not believe his ears and eyes.

The boy who was supposed to be dead under the falling rocks was now standing besides him with the same expression on his face as Kakashi's.

And the girl who had her chest and heart literally torn by chidori was now standing in front of them emotionlessly.

"O-O-Obito.....R-R-Rin.....H-H-H-How?" Kakashi's voice was hoarse as he fell down to his knees with tears forming in his eyes.

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