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Outskirts of Konohagakure

As the wind blew carrying the leaves along with it, it lashed against the black cloaks with red clouds worn by two men walking towards Konoha without a single noise.

They were going to complete their mission: Kill Danzo and Return Itachi to Konoha.

The duo infiltrated into Konoha via Shunshin and started their search for the War Hawk who was always engrossed in killing anyone just for the sake of Konoha.

Naruto always admired people with patriotism. But he was completely against those people who kill and shout "ITS GOOD FOR MY VILLAGE/COUNTRY."

But before their mission, they decided that it would be better to take some rest. That's the reason they are sitting in the BBQ.

"Dango is the best. Nothing can beat it at all." Itachi said while popping a dango into his mouth.

"I disagree. Ramen is better than any other food including dango." Naruto objected with Itachi almost choking with his food.

Before they could even warm up the argument, they saw some people familiar to Naruto walking into the restaurant. It was Ino and Tenten

Naruto quickly motioned Itachi to stay silent and focus on the new company. They were lucky that no one had seen them yet.

In the meantime, the two kunoichis sat down and ordered for food.

"I wonder if Kamaboko would surpass his father." It was Ino who began the conversation.

Naruto winced at the name.

"Who named their child after a fishcake? Who copied my name?" Naruto thought.

"Who is he?" Tenten asked because she had just returned from a 1 month mission.

"It seems you are not paying attention to Konoha Rumour Mill. Isn't it Tenten?" Ino asked disapprovingly.

"Hey give me a break. I just returned from a 1 month mission." Tenten said.

"Anyways back to the original topic, Kamaboko is the heir of the Hatake family." Ino said.

Hearing this Naruto's and Itachi's eyes widened. Immediately Naruto smiled under his mask.

"WHAT?" Tenten raised her voice. "When was he born?"

"Well, he was born just 16 days ago. Master Kakashi is elated along with Sasuke kun and Forehead." Ino said.

"Hmm. Its interesting. I hope that he will make his parents and maternal grandparents proud. I should go and congratulate the Hatake household." Naruto thought as he kept the money on the table amd disappeared with Itachi in shunshin.

Outside the resturant.

"I never expected in my dreams that Kakashi senpai would have a child." Itachi commented as they walked along the road.

"Me neither. Its almost amusing to imagine him taking care of his baby. But what's more amusing is what would happen to his icha icha stash." Itachi chuckled upon hearing Naruto.

As they walked, they reached two divergent roads. Itachi was about to take the right when he saw Naruto about to take the left path.

"Umm. Silent Blonde. Where are you going? Aren't we supposed to go to the left in order to get Danzo's hideout?" Itachi asked as he quickly caught up with Naruto.

"Well. Let's say.... I am paying my visit to one of my acquaintance." Naruto said as he walked.

Itachi just stayed silent until they reached a house. He immediately recognised it as the silver haired jonin's residence.

Crystal In the Darkness (Sequel To The Crystal In The Light)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant