99. Wedding at the Hidden Leaf Part 2

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"ARRGH! I WILL KILL YOU!" Gaara's shout was heard across Konoha, startling a sleeping Uchiha, who fell down from the bed. 

What the hell? Sasuke thought as he got up on the bed. Ah! Nothing serious.

The next day (1 day left for wedding)

"Rise and shine! My foolish little brother." Itachi said as he shook the Uchiha awake.

"Groan! Is it morning already?" Sasuke asked in a frustrated voice. 

"Shouldn't you practice waking up by yourself?" Itachi asked.

"Anyways, who was shouting in the middle of night?" Asked Sasuke while Itachi twitched.

"Middle of night you say? It was only 7 pm when you went to bed." Itachi said before he chuckled. "It was the Kazekage dono. He realised that he was tricked into staying with Fuu by Naruto and other members of Konoha 12. Even Tsunade participated in this little game of theirs and it was amusing. So sad that you didn't get to participate it." He was quite amused to see the face of disappointment which Sasuke displayed.

"I wish that I could be part of it." Sasuke remarked.

"Well, I heard that he is psychological torturing Ino by threatning her to bury her into sand coffin. He has already buried Shikmaru and Naruto into sand, leaving only their head." Itachi filled in as Sasuke paled.

"Thanks God that I didn't get to join their foolish ideas." Sasuke said as Itachi just laughed.

"Now having second thoughts? Anyways, I thought that you were supposed to help your girlfriend." Itachi said.

"Not girlfriend! She is my fiancée." Sasuke corrected Itachi who nodded.

"Right! Your fiancée! I keep forgetting that you proposed her." 

A few hours later

"OHAYO SAKURA CHAN!" Sasuke shouted on finding Sakura walking on the road. 

The kunoichi turned around and smiled at Sasuke, while bringing her hand close to her palm.|

"Sasuke kun." Sakura said as she blushed. 

"Come on, Sakura. Let's go and check our wedding place." Sasuke said as Sakura nodded.  

As they started walking towards the wedding place, they realised that they had nothing to talk. 

Come on, Sasuke. Speak something right now or else things will get awkward. Sasuke thought as he continued to walk.

"Its beautiful weather today. Isn't it?" Sasuke blurted out.

"Y-Yes." Sakura said.

Sakura, What are you doing? Why are you stuttering like an idiot? She could hear her inner yelling at her.

Sakura, that was supposed to begin a conversation. Sasuke thought frantically trying to find a topic.

"Sasuke kun. I can feel some idiots following us." Sakura suddenly said as Sasuke came to a stop. 

The next moment, they disappeared in white cloud of smoke.

"Huh?! Where did they go?" Tenten said as she came out of the hiding place and looked around. 

"Maybe, they were filled by shame that they just disappeared." Kiba suggested.

"Tch. I was hoping to get a glimpse for my next edition of icha icha series." Jiraya said as he sighed. 

"And what would be its name?" 

"Oh! I haven't given a thought about it yet." Jiraya said nonchalantly, not even feeling the surge of Killing Intent behind him.

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