94.Hinata Hyuuga shinden: The Wilting Purple flower Part 2

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The flower has withered away,
But not in a useless way
It had blossomed in a life shortest
But its quality had been improved to its fullest.

(Copied from the 4th stanza of the same poem "The Withered Flower" by Green Peace)


"OI HINATA!!!" The air of Konoha reverberated with the shouts of Kiba and barks of Akamaru, his precious dog. "SASUKE HAS REURTNED BACK TO KONOHA!!"

"What? That's great news." Hinata said. During those years, Hinata pretended to improve her confidence in front her teammates and her other comrades. It was pretty successful as no one noticed it.

She started sprinting towards the Uchiha flat, where Sasuke lived and knocked on his door, which opened almost immediately.

"Oh! Its you." Sasuke said as he carefully observed Hinata. "You look beautiful. And by the way, take it as a compliment from your friend."

"I know Sasuke. I am not that foolish." She said as he let Hinata to get in.

"So, how's the anbu?" Sasuke asked after applying the silence seal.

"Oh! Very exhausting and very stressing." Hinata said as she sighed out of exhaustion.

"So stressing that you are tired from even thinking about it?" Sasuke asked as Hinata gave a sheepish smile.

"Anyways, on a serious note, I got a tip off from Ero Senin about that strange man, which you mentioned in a secret letter delivered by Ero Sennin's frog."  This was enough to make Hinata jump from her seat.

"WHAT IS IT?" Hinata shouted, almost tearing Sasuke's eardrum.

"He is a Kumo Ninja and his name is Takashi Hattori. We don't know anything besides that. So be very careful." Sasuke said before changing the topic. "Anyways, I just came back home to pack for an important mission."

"Huh? So quickly?" Hinata asked.

"Well, Kazekage Gaara got kidnapped by Akatsuki. I need to go and save him." Sasuke said as Hinata's shock knew no bounds.

"Kidnapped? Who were the members?" Hinata asked as Sasuke's face turned dark.

"Silent Blond..."

Sasuke only got to say the name of one member when he heard an unsatisfying crack and a blur of purple.

When his vision cleared, he saw the sofa broken into two pieces by Hinata, who had anger visible on her face.

"Sasuke! Go there and make sure that we don't lose another friend to that bastard." Hinata said, with fury in her eyes.

"I am actually packing for the mission." Sasuke said as Hinata nodded.

5 seconds silence.

"And oh! You gotta pay for that broken sofa." Sasuke said as Hinata just remained serious.

"Tell you what, I will give you money to buy 10 sofas so that I can break 9 of them." Hinata said as Sasuke broke down laughing only to stop when he noticed that Hinata was no longer laughing at all.

"You serious?" Sasuke asked, with surprise evident in his eyes as Hinata nodded.

"Damn! How much do you get paid in the anbu?" He asked.

"10000 ryos per fortnight as I am the squad captain of squad 10 of Anbu right now." She said Sasuke blinked twice.

"Amazing." Sasuke remarked before he pushed Hinata out of the house, said "But still I am not going to risk my precious item to be broken by you. So see you soon." and slammed the door in her face.

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