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Tenten: So welcome to 32nd installment of Crystal In the Darkness.

Shino: We hope that you will like it.

Sounds of multiple steps echoed in the Otogakure prision located far away from the Konoha and Suna nins.

"So how are you feeling now...... Kabuto Yakushi?" Naruto said as he remained composed.

The white haired male was holding his head with his hand. "It hurts a lot." He complained. "But thank you for showing the light. Itachi san."

"Oh don't thank me. You should thank the Silent Blonde here for saving you from me. I was planning to kill you actually." Itachi said as if he said nothing wrong at all.

"Are you joking?" Kabuto deadpanned.

"Anyways, here is the outfit you must wear Kabuto senpai." Naruto said as he handed the cloak.

"Umm, why did you call me senpai?" Kabuto enquired suspiciously.

"Well, let's just say, I am actually a lot younger than you Senpai."

Kabuto muttered something under his breath and said "But why are you accepting a snake in the akatsuki?"

"Because your edo tensei will come handy in the future." Naruto said as he walked along the corridor.

"But I mean why did you recruit a Orochimaru worshipper like me. I can easily betray you right now."

"Because, we have a deal for you Senapai." Naruto said.

"And what would that be?"

"A path to immortality. It will also go to Orochimaru after a significant event that is about happen in the future."

"Well. I am not going to ask what that event is because of the way you seem to talk about it. But I am going to ask how would you show me the path of immortality?"

Naruto silently put his hands out of the pockets and handed a vial to Kabuto and said "Zetsu clones. When I researched them, I found that it has the potential for the path of immortality. Don't worry, if you even lost it, we have more of them."

"But who are you exactly, Silent Blonde." Kabuto enquired suspiciously.

"I will reveal my identity when deemed necessary. Am I wrong......Madara?" Naruto addressed to Obito who shook his head to show that it was negative statement.

"So, how about we play a game, Kabuto senpai. You show me the best prisioners of the Orochimaru and I will give you more Zetsu cells for research and I will also assist you in research of edo tensei since I have a document regarding this forbidden jutsu."

The silver haired male seemed to reflect the offer for a moment. Edo tensei, zetsu cells and even Hashirama cells. The rewards were unlimited.

"Very well. I accept your proposition. Blonde sama." The Oto jonin said.

"Very well. Kabuto." Naruto said without saying Senpai to show his superiority in this situation.

The blonde let the Silver haired Jonin to lead them to a research room. In it, the four man saw a container containing water in it.

Kabuto quickly pushed some buttons. Immediately the container opened and the water turned into a naked man.

The man had a blue haur and sharp teeths. He was grinning as if he witnessed something funny.

"Ah! So you have finally decided to free me. Kabuto san." The man said as he grinned.

"Actually, it was Silent blonde sama here. He was the one who fought with Orochimaru who was defeated by Itachi." Kabuto said as he turned around and saw that Kisame was missing.

"Hey, where is Kisame Hoshigaki?"

"Well, he had to go and report to Leader sama about the defeat of Orochimaru and about keeping some positions free for new recruits." Itachi said.

"Wait, you know Kisame and did you just say that you have defeated Orochimaru." The man asked.

"Yes. He belongs to The Akatsuki. And yes Itachi did defeat the snake. Anyways, come on let's go........ Suigetsu." Naruto said "But first wear a cloth or I will kill you."

"Very well. I am coming. But before I join this little organisation of yours, I have a condition. I want the Kubikiribōchō. You see I am weak without that sword and I cannot fight wothout it."

"And you will have it. I know where that sword lies. It lies in the forests near the Wave Country." Naruto said.

"And how do you know about it?"

"Well. I was the one who killed Zabuza. Do you have any problem with that?"

"Nah. I despised the man for stealing the sword which would have been mine. And wait a minute. Are you Naruto Uzumaki?"

Naruto smiled under his mask as he removed it. "Yes, I am indeed him."

"But that's impossible. He died in your ha-" Kabuto was about to say but quickly realised about the awkward situation of one killing himself yet being alive.  "But how?"

"Two words. Special clones." Naruto said. "This whole incident shall remain a secret. I will apply a special seal which all members of Akatsuki has in order to avoid any mistakes which would expose my identity."

"B-B-BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE YET." Kabuto shouted still confused.

"Well let's say that there are a lot of surprises in one's life." The blonde said as he put the mask back on his face. "And Suigetsu. Wear something. I will give you our uniform once you get your sword. Is that agreed?"

"Yes Naruto. Understood."

As the blue haired man went to find his cloth, Naruto sat down and  started making the seal to applied on the new members of "The Dawn".

"So which people are in your mind? I mean whom do you want to recruit?" Suigetsu asked after the sealing process was complete.

"A certain number of people are in mind. First of all is Karin. No one knows about her Last name. But I suspect that she is an Uzumaki judging from her photo in Bingo book. She is in the Southern Hideout as we speak." Naruto said.

"Karin. I hate that girl. She is whiny and very annoying. Can't we just recruit someone else." Suigetsu enquired.

"Nope. We can't. Anyway s the second is Juugo of the Northern Hideout. He was the main source of Orochimaru's curse mark. He will be a great addition to the ranks of the Akatsuki." Naruto said as he went out of the Hideout.

"Naruto kun. I have to go to the redezvous point along with Madara as we have some business to attend to. So, can you two go and recruir the mentioned people." Itachi enquired.

"I will. You may go Itachi san." Naruto said as Itachi was sucked into Obito's dimension along with "Madara".

Tenten:I didn't understand why Shay-san wants to rescue others that can be classified as villains in original series.

Shino: Do you remember the killing of Hidan, Kakuzu, Sasori, Deidara and Zetsu? Well, Shay san had already planned this story before he even started writing. He decided to remove some of the seemingly evil characters to replace with the "weak ones".

Tenten:But they are not weak.

Shino: By weak, I don't mean physically. But they can be used easily to manipulate.

Tenten:Oh that makes alot of sense.

Shino ( to the readers): Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter and Shay san is really grateful.

Tenten: Also be tuned for the next upcoming chapter. And as always Peace out.

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