"Hubby, Let's go?", I dragged Lisa's hand to our bedroom then locked the door.

We showered and prepared to go downstairs to have breakfast with Lisa's parents.

"I will not let you go after your period is over...", she whispered softly to my ear while smirked.

"If you can", I whispered back with a seducing tone.

She slapped my thigh harder while showing me her mischievous smile.

"Is everything alright, Lisa?", asked Mr Marco Bruschweiler with a curious tone.

"Everything is fine, Daddy", she replied while stroking up and down on my thigh area. I got shivering with her touch then stopped her hand.

"Invite everyone to eat, these are all my beloved wife's cooking", Lisa spoke out while smile widely turned her head to me.

That's naughty smile! Aish.

"Since you're here, we will discuss a few things about our business with a new stock contributors about our Tea's Plantation in Myeongdong after this okay, Lisa?", spoke out my dad in-law with a calm tone.

"Sure, Daddy"

"This food is all delicious, your wife is also great at cooking, Lisayah", added Mr Marco that's makes me smile shyly.

"I told you. She's really good at all, right Wifey?", asked Lisa while squeezing my thighs softly. I bit my lower lip tightly so as not to make a moaning sound in front of her family.

"T-thanks Dad-dy~"

I replied in low tone then softly snaking my hand then palm Lisa's tiny bulge between her legs.

"Ahhhh", she moaned out softly.

They looked at Lisa with confused face.

"Is your food still hot, Honey? I can blow if you want it", I smirked playfully to her.

"Stop it...", she mumbled to me more to begging.

"Like this?"

I gently stroked her sensitive part until she awoke her little dragon unexpectedly. I widen my eyes then quickly remove away my hand from her.

"I'm sorry~", I mumbled with a soft chuckled.

It's Day 6 in my parent’s place. My mother's behavior is still the same as her decision, I came here just to have fun with the children to them, but my mother's behavior made me become like a rebellious child to her. I took a long vacation, unlike Jennie she will be back at work in 2 days. She spends a lot of this precious time with me and the kids, I'm so happy my little ones can play with their Mummy who is very workaholic woman with her dream job lately.


This woman still remains beautiful and charming in my eyes, she is too perfect for me. There is no reason for me to duplicate her just to pleasure my mother. Having a graceful body like a virgin, the sweetest smile she had, the look in her eyes that often seducing me, everything about her was my favorite. No one can replace her even if something happens for me. Loving her is my duty, I can't make any mistake to perfecting this life with her forever.

6 in the morning, Jennie and I went out jogging together early in the morning while picking up the rising sun to illuminate the earth. We ran all the way to the foot of the hill and stopped to rested by the clear river. I took off all my clothes, only left my underwear and plunged into the cool, comfortable water to clean myself.

“Yahh!”, shouted the Kitten when I splashed water on her.

“Wifey, come here with me. It's amazing!”

“No, thanks”


“I don't know how to swim and don't bring any more clothes”, replied the brunette while sat on the big rock on the quiet side.

“Just take off your clothes, it's  just me here”, I replied while grinned.

“Pabo! No”

“Okay I'm coming to you”

I swam out of the water then straightly attack her lips.


“It's just you and me here”, I added then smirked playfully.

“No. We're in a public place, Lisa...”

“I told you it's just you and me here. This place is far from the crowds, you don't have to worry”

I unzipped her sweater and threw away all her clothes.

And yes. We're make love under the big tree beside the river together.

No one is here. Just Jennie's moans and skin -to -skin slaps between me and Jennie which we really enjoyed.

As soon as the romantic thing was done, we soaked in the beautiful silence river together before returning back to home. We spent this precious time to satisfying each other, after such a long time.



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