En başından başla

I cutted her word by replying.

“YESSS I DO! I REALLY REALLY DO! I love her more than myself, I'm willing to do everything just for her, is that enough for you?”, I shouted loudly with my mad tone.

“No. I said divorce her”

I sighed out deeply, suddenly a crazy loud chuckled out from my mouth.

“I'm tired. I'm just going to my bedroom now”, I spoke out under my breath then walked away without waiting for her reply.




I am very stressed out. My mind was very tired, restless and too over -thinking.

I have to think about Jennie, also about my mom.

I'm still curious about is right that Jennie cheating on me?


When will mom stop hating Jennie and accept her as her daughter -in -law like her own child just same like me.

It's seven in the evening. Mom invited someone to dinner with us. I just serve my kids to a meal regardless of what they discuss about.

Louis sat on my lap. I had cooked carrot porridge for him earlier, less sugar and no extra powder like Jennie had taught me before, he really likes it. Liam and Jane are also here, eating their grandmother's food for the first time, everything was fine.

“Lisa, why you don't eat with us?”, asked Minnie to me. Yes, she is the one who Mom wants me to.

“Can't you see me feeding my child now?”, I coldly replied without looked at her.

“Lisa.”, called my Mom firmly.

“How was Grandmom’s cooking , Kids?”, I ignored her.

“Sho gud, Baba. I like this food”, replied my princess with her cute smile.

I giggles softly while stroking her head.

“Liam, how about you?”

“This is good, like Mummy’s cooking!”, replied my prince happily.

I smile sweetly to them, glad they loves it since that's all just Thai’s original foods. They actually not used with it, good things they're enjoyed it.

“Let me feeding your son, Lisa”, asked Minnie to me with a shy tone.

I looked straightly to her with my cold eyes.

“That's right, Lisa. Let Nienie try to take care of your children”, added my Mom.

“It's fine. I know how to take care of my own children. After all Louis really likes to whine if the person he is uncomfortable holding”, I replied without looked at them, just simply spooning the porridge to my son.

“O-oh okay”, she stammering while looked down.

“LISA!”, Mom hit the table with her hand.

I furrowed my eyebrows harshly.

“Mom, my children was here now. Please...”, I emphasized.

She seemed to be so disappointed with me. I don't care.

As soon as we're finished eating, I sat in the living room with the kids, Dad, and they are also here.

“So Lisa. I have something to discuss with you”, spoke my Mom.

“There have nothing to us to talk about, Mom”, I simply replied.

“Shut up and listen to me”

I sighed out deeply.

“Kids, go to the bedroom and play okay?”, I told them. They nodded cutely then walked to the room. My dad takes the youngest to go outside for taking some fresh air outside there. He is also so done with my Mom's behavior.

“So, Mom?”, I spoke out.

“This is Minnie”, she introduced that woman to me.

“Ok, Hi then”, I gave her a simple greeting.

“Hiiii Lisa!”, she greeting me back happily.

“So Minnie, Lisa is a government military officer and is a top national officer who holds the position of “Captain” now.....”

So she trying to make proud of me in front of this woman? Okay go ahead if you want, Mom.

“....Besides that she also owns land in part of her father’s Tea plantation, no less than that, Lisa also holds the largest stake in her father’s company and several other business companies, right Lisa?”

Did she really need to tell all of that with her?

Yes, I owned all of that property, but all that I do as a secret without the knowledge of Jennie and her family, only my family knows about this.

I did all this without Jennie’s knowledge because I wanted to save as much property as I could only to my children and wife for their enjoyment in the future.

I just nodded to my Mom.

“So Minnie If you marry Lisa, your life will be guaranteed forever by her”, added my Mom happily.

I chuckled loudly, like so loud. The laughter that always made my Mom so irritated.

“Mom, you’re so funny!”

“Lisa!”, she annoyed.

After a satisfying laughing at my mother. I sat back nicely, wiping away my laughing tears. This is so satisfied to makes she gets mad.

“Mom, I have nothing from before, now, tomorrow and forever”, I tried my best to not laughed again.

“What are you talking about and stop annoying me”, she stare sharply to me.

“I’m just an ordinary person who has nothing but my wife’s heart, that’s all what I have now”, I replied while smile proudly.

“That's not funny, Lalisa”

“That's it! Do you still want to marry me, Minnie? I just have my wife’s heart, wanna to share? Maybe it won't run out forever, that's what I've been living with all this time”

“No, she's just kidding with you”, Mom added again.

“I told ya. Listen to carefully, all my money, credit cards, house, cars, tea’s farm, business companies , stock partnership and all my property have belonged to my wife since I married her before, Mom. All my property already under her name and for my children when they are grow up and mature enough one day. I worked hard just for them all this time, there is nothing I can do with property other than having the woman I have loved all my life. She is not a materialistic, she also has her own property with her hard work paid, only me want to give all that to her, because what? Because I just believe and love her for me”

I told them everything with an open heart.

“So, do you still want to marry me?”, asked to the woman beside Mom, she just looked shocked at me without dare to reply anything. I smile widely.

“How could you do this to me, Lisa...”, someone spoke out behind me.

“P/S; Another wave is coming! 😂

Author Notes; Double updates for you guys today ❤️

-Spoiler ‼️

All the truth will be revealed in the next chapter 😜

My Bodyguard [ JENLISA FF ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin