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As night fell, when she returned to the hotel, Kapok sat cross-legged on the bed, flipping through the photos in the camera one by one. When she saw the two of them taking a photo, she was immediately irritated. She immediately connected to the Internet and uploaded it to her mobile phone.

  Then while Lin Muan was taking a bath, she changed his screensaver desktop and avatar.

  They played here for nearly half a month. When they returned, it was just a few days before and after the Spring Festival. Mu Ming and Zhao Xuan said in advance that they would not come back.

  A project in the institute happened to be tight so the vacation was cancelled.

  During the exam results came out, Kumian was admitted to the graduate school of their school and the two praised her on the phone. Kumian hesitated for a few seconds but still didn't tell them about Lin Muan.

  On the day of returning to China, there was a little snow in Jiangcheng. When the two of them left the airport with their luggage, they were trembling with cold. The temperature difference between the two places was terrifying.

  Lin Muan immediately opened his coat, wrapped Kapok in his entire body then took the suitcase in her hand.

  After waiting for a while in the wind, a taxi finally arrived. When he went up to close the door, Lin Muan's scarf covering his face accidentally fell off, revealing most of his face.

  The driver's master glanced at him in the rearview mirror and asked a little uncertainly, "Are you...Are you the actor of the TV series that was playing recently, called..."

  He frowned and thought for a few seconds then slapped his thigh abruptly, " Lin Muan, right! Oh, let me tell you, my daughter loves you and chats there all day long. All the posters in her room are your posters." After he finished, he continued to look at him and then said affirmatively, " It's absolutely true. I've seen your poster countless times and it's exactly the same!"

  "Can you give me your autograph?!"

  Kapok chuckled and said calmly, "Master, you admit it wrong." Everyone says he looks like that male celebrity so he has to wear a scarf to cover his face when he goes out. "If he really are that celebrity, how can he be in your taxi with me?!"

  "Everyone has a driver and a security guard to pick him up."

"This is a bit reasonable, but...but it's really very similar." He looked at Lin Muan from the rearview mirror. Hesitating and daring not to be sure.

  Kapok chuckle, "You really do not want to believe, let him give you sign of his name. You fool your daughter back saying it was just up at the airport to meet him deliberately want?"

  "Hey, this is also OK. Come, young man, I'll trouble you."

  He quickly took out the pen and paper and handed it from the driver's seat. Lin Muan took it calmly, brushed a few strokes and the signature of Long Feifengwu was printed on it.

  The driver master took it and Fang immediately exclaimed as soon as he caught his eye, "Oh, boy, you have practiced. This signature is really beautiful." After he said, he looked up at Lin Muan and praised, "Just like you. People are just as beautiful!"

  Hey, he is really an ice-carved jade. His brows and eyes are porcelain muscles like snow. Apart from the poster in his daughter's room, it was the first time he saw such a delicate person.

  Today is really an eye-opener.

  The car stopped at the gate of the community, Lin Muan took the lead to go to the trunk to pick up the luggage. Kapok bent over and thanked the master in front of her. He smiled very happily and waved his hand at her extremely enthusiastically.

  The two of them dragged the box and walked slowly. They haven't returned for a long time but here has not changed at all. It is still a familiar building, even the flowers and trees as if they have not changed their appearance.

  Kapok has always felt that those short months were the most unforgettable and beautiful memories in her life.

  Even if later they will have more time to create countless other happy moments.

  But always, it is different.

  "Do you miss this place?" Kapok couldn't help asking. Lin Muan turned his head, grabbed her hand and kissed her lips then clasped her fingers and put it in the pocket of his coat.

  "Yes," he replied softly then stared at her and added solemnly, "I really missed it."

  He think that every time he dream back at midnight, he will come back here and then after waking up from the dream, he feel lost and empty. Tossing and turning, awake all night.

  "I want too." I have thought countless times, if we don't have to grow up so that we can stay in that period of time for the rest of our lives without separation and without pain.

  She took out the key to open the door and the moment I pushed it open. The breath of dust came to her face. The house where no one lived in the past two years exudes oldness and loneliness.

  Kapok glanced around inside, scanning the familiar displays and furnishings. Her eyes moistened inexplicably.

  "How long has no one lived here?" Lin Muan was obviously a little surprised. His eyes widened in a little surprise and stared at the scene in front of him in a daze.

  "Two years," Kapok said calmly.

  Lin Muan couldn't help but stared at her, hesitatingly and slowly asking. His voice was a little astringent, "Why... not coming back?"

  Kapok turned her head and met his sight. The corners of her eyes were a little red and she sucked her nose. Smiled, "I don't dare."

  "I don't dare to come back, here are all traces of you."

  "When I see what food I want to give you in the kitchen, I will think of you lying on the sofa playing games in the living room. When I came to the room, you looked like you were pitiful and want to sleep with me..." "Lin Muan, how dare I come back..."

  Her eyes blinked, tears rolled down and she slid down her white cheeks all the way to her side lips.

  There was a sudden pain in his heart. Lin Muan dropped the luggage at hand, leaned over and kissed those eyes.

  Kissing softly, following the traces of tears then came to her lips, sucked and whispered softly.

  "I was wrong..."

  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

  Kapok pushed him away, crying silently in his arms. Her shoulders trembled and Lin Muan's heart trembled as he watched.

  He kept patting her back and coaxing lightly but his chest was still wet.

  The dissatisfaction, grievance and resentment that had been suppressed for many years were all vented at this moment.

  Even though Kapok had forgiven him a long time ago, these small scars are still engraved in the bottom of her heart and they are concealed by her in the name of love.

  Kapok is not a hypocritical person. After crying happily, she is a hero again.

  As soon as she pushed her luggage, she rolled up her sleeves and cleaned up. But Lin Muan who had only experienced that time never dared to ask her to do it again.

  "I'll come, I'll come." He took away the rag in Kapok's hand then pushed her onto the stool and sat down, digging out the Ipad and stuffing it into her hand.

  "Just sit here and play."

  Kapok stared at him with a pair of rabbit eyes and nodded, "I have received my heart."

  After finishing speaking, he immediately jumped off the chair and took the rag in his hand, sighed, "But let you figure out that I will be sleeping on the street tonight."

She looked at him with a serious face and said, ''A person is worth knowing and understanding."

Lin Muan : "..." He took the water quickly.

Kapok began to wipe the furniture, Lin Muan followed her in a daze with a dazed face.

  "You go sweep the floor," Kapok couldn't help but nodded her chin.

  "Oh oh good," he nodded quickly.

  Lin Muan was immersed in work, acting very seriously. Kapok looked at him a few times and couldn't help but lower her head and smile.

  Many furniture in the living room were covered with white cloth and she greeted Lin Muan to come and help.

  The two stood opposite each other. Each holding a corner, the white cloth covering the furniture was lifted and a cloud of dust was raised. Two smiling faces filled the dust with smiles flying.

  After spending an afternoon cleaning, buckets of dirty water poured into the bathroom and the house gradually recovered its bright and clean windows. The two of them took off their coats directly, wearing sweaters and struggling hummingly.

  Finally, after drying all the quilt covers and sofa covers in the washing machine, Kapok and Lin Muan collapsed on the newly laid carpet.

  Looking at the ceiling with dull eyes, breathing in silence, Kapok moved around and snuggled into his arms.

  Lin Muan embraced her.

  "I don't want to move anymore..." she said as if she was angry.

  "Me too..." Lin Muan was in exactly the same state as her.

  "I'm so hungry, can I order a takeaway today?"

"Okay, I want to eat hot pot!"


  "First order ten dishes of meat!"

  "Yes, that's it!"

The two hit it off and Lin Muan took it out. The order was placed on the mobile phone and the doorbell rang as soon as the rest was about to rest and the takeaway boy came in carrying two boxes and skillfully put them on the bottom of the pot and fired.

  Steaming, the red oil was rolling. The two couldn't help swallowing their saliva and then quickly put the meat in their hands. Almost gorging themselves.

  Smoky under the warm yellow light filled the room with the scent of hot pot. The body after working was extremely hungry and the table full of ingredients was almost wiped out.

  At night, they also sleep well.

  It was almost noon when they slept until woke up naturally. They had breakfast. It was freezing cold outside and she was too lazy to get out of the door. The two of them wrapped up on the sofa and started playing games.

  Hit and hit, and they hit together.

  The blanket gradually fell to the waist and the two people entangled on the sofa were unsure of what they were satisfied with bracing their reason. Kapok pulled the clothes down and held his hand.

  "Don't touch it, I won't help you this time."

  Lin Muan didn't hear about it, reluctantly looked for it and continued to bite her lips together and entangled her until she couldn't breathe and then reluctantly let go of her.

  Kapok kicked the man on him and said angrily, "Go to the bathroom by yourself."

  "No", he coquettishly rubbed his head against her neck and his wet lips rubbed her skin from time to time. Bringing a burst of strangeness. Kapok stared at the ceiling and the thoughts that had been accumulated for a long time blurted out like this.

  "Lin Muan ."

  "Or let's do it."

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