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"Hey, all the artists in your company can fall in love?" The actor who played with Lin Muan came up with gossip on his handsome face.

Zhao Di glanced at him and said calmly, "The rest of our company doesn't know that Lin Muan is okay."

"Oh." he nodded, his expression thoughtful.

The progress of this movie is very fast. From morning to afternoon, there is a night scene in the evening. When Lin Muan came back, it was almost early in the morning.

There was a small orange lamp in the room and Kapok was reading a book quietly leaning against the bed.

As soon as he opened the door, he rushed up tiredly then hugged her with the quilt and lay there for a long time without moving.

"Hurry up and take a bath," Kapok stroked his head and ordered.

"Yeah," he answered almost inaudibly.

After a while as if he had made a certain determination, he got up in a hurry, pulled out his clothes and went into the bathroom.

Kapok sighed low.

This is a far cry from the last time she followed him with the crew.

At that time there were only one or two scenes a day, loose and free and everyone in the crew was watching him carefully.

Kapok remembers that the two often have time to stay in the room together.

But now, almost all day is not free. From morning to night, even sleep seems to be squeezed out.

No wonder he fell asleep like this last time.

There was a patter of water in the bathroom. As time passed, Kapok's eyes were fixed there and the book in her hand remained unturned for a long time.

After taking a shower, Lin Muan walked out wearing a white T-shirt and trousers, opened the quilt and lay down beside her. The light lemon scent came, blending with the smell of her body.

Kapok put the book in the cabinet next to her and raised her hand to turn off the light.

As soon as Muan fell asleep, he held her arms tightly from behind. After a short while, a uniform and shallow breathing came. Kapok tilted her head slightly and kissed his forehead.

The three-day vacation was fleeting. Lin Muan escorted her to the airport while holding her for a long time and refused to let go. Kapok finally pushed him away.

The plane rushed high into the sky and thick clouds piled up outside the window. They were thickly white as if there was no shadow as soon as a person got stuck in and the words that had just echoed in her ears.

The soft lips pressed against her auricle and the low magnetic voice seemed to turn into light smoke and wisps of smoke penetrated in.

"Kapok, I really want to turn you into exclusive items and then live a life with me."


After May, the weather began to heat up. In summer, Lin Muan's appetite began to reduce. So in every meal Kapok need to open a video with him.

One is here and the other is there. Across the screen, eating dinner face to face.

But even so, he is getting thinner and thinner and his small face is about to become a big slap.

Kapok was worried and called Zhao Di to tell him left and right. He comforted, "The director said it would be more photogenic like this!"

Kapok: "You don't need to play the show, people must be raised."

Zhao Di repeatedly screamed and complained. " What can I do if you don't want to eat me? Do you think I can control that ancestor?! As long as he doesn't shake my face every day, I'll thank God!"

Kapok, "..."

The next day, she was on Taobao and bought a small electronic scale. The recipient's address was Lin Muan. Every night, she asked him weight in front of her and record the numbers.

If he can't reach the previous weight before the summer vacation, then don't go to see her.

At that time, Lin Muan showed a panicked face. His dark eyes were moist while staring at Kapok tentatively and luckily, then asked, "Mianmian, you are not serious, are you?"

Kapok smiled and said, "You can try. "

That pretty face collapsed in an instant.

The next day, she received a good news from Zhao Di.

"What did you do! He actually finished a meal today?!!!"

"Shanren has a clever plan."

The next day, "Fuck, he also added food today!"

Kapok: Of course, because yesterday was better than the day before yesterday. It's lighter.

The third day: "Fantastic, he actually started to drink soup."

Kapok: Yes, because there is still a lot of weight from the previous weight.

After half a month, Lin Muan almost cried on the other end.


"Can you cancel what you said before..."

"I eat a lot every day, but I don't grow meat." He stretched out his hand and pulled his face, grieving. "Maybe it's the baby fat on my face. No more, so it looks so clear water chestnut..."

Kapok almost laughed angrily at him.

She rolled her eyes secretly and said righteously.

"Actory, shameless, pretending to be pitiful, confuses the audience, it's all useless!"

"There is no more discussion about this matter!"

The expression on the other side suddenly changed.

If you describe it in words, it should be a cry.

On the eve of the summer vacation, Lin Muan was worried. His face was frowning on the screen and the mist in his eyes was hazy while staring at Kapok, looking through his eyes.

The skinny face was a little more delicate than before.

In Zhao Di's words, it's really photogenic.

The white neck and slender clavicle were exposed under the loose collar. The hair just washed was slightly fluffy. The bangs covered the eyebrows. The young man with red lips and white teeth looked at her pitifully.

Kapok was indifferent, but her body began to check the ticket very consciously.

Once she was born and then cooked again, she called directly from the airport to the hotel this time. When she arrived, it was already evening and Lin Muan should have confiscated her work.

Kapok simply took a bath and changed into comfortable clothes while waiting for him to come back in the room.

Originally, there were still some things left in the school. Kapok stayed up almost until the early hours of the night last night. She got up early in the morning to clean up her dormitory and then catch a plane all the way to the present.

At this time, the whole body was lazy and tired and the familiar and comfortable bed in the center of the room seemed to be silently waving at her.

Kapok submissively fell into its embrace.

As soon as she touched the soft pillow, her pores clamored to obey it, obey it then Kapok sank into sleep obediently.

She don't know how long it tooks but suddenly there was a voice in her ears, noisy and messy, accompanied by the bang of the door, Kapok finally woke up from her dream.

The room was dark with a gleam of light shining through the cracks in the door and there was a faint voice. Kapok groped for slippers by the bed and walked over slowly.

The voice became clearer and clearer and her hands were gently twisted on the doorknob. Her vision suddenly widened.

The lights in the living room were not fully turned on and the dim yellow and ambiguous light flooded all over the floor. Lin Muan was lying halfway on the sofa with his eyes closed and a woman sat beside him, carefully feeding him water.

They did not notice an extra person in the room.

Kapok walked to the switch on the wall, stretched out her hand and snapped on the sockets, all the lights in the living room were turned on and the room was bright.

The dazzling light clearly made Lin Muan uncomfortable. He raised his hand to cover his eyes, frowned and opened his eyes laboriously.

The woman was shocked for an instant. Her gaze shot over, staring at Kapok and she said as if questioning, "You are?"

"His girlfriend." Kapok leaned on the wall, folded her hands around her chest then nodded her chin. The hand she put on Lin Muan's back.

"You can go back now."

Her eyes were clearly unwilling. Kapok looked at her with the same expression. Between the confrontation between the two, Lin Muan seemed to be awake a little bit, watching Kapok and start to laugh foolishly with a delicate tone call her.


Kapok then set her gaze on him. Lowering her eyes and looking at him carefully.

He is wearing a white shirt today. His hair is combed extremely neatly, his white cheeks are dyed with a little thin red and his lips are too gorgeous like a big red peony open and its color is burning like fire.

It is difficult for ordinary people to control such a color, especially on men but with Lin Muan's face, it is so amazing that people can't move their eyes.

The woman beside him became obsessed with her eyes.

He finished calling and saw Kapok didn't respond to him and he muttered it again. His eyes were half-closed, his long eyelashes trembled slightly. His crimson lips closed together and his voice was a little vague.

"I miss you so much..."

"Why didn't you come to see me..."

When he said this, his voice suddenly rose up, staring at her and asking.

"You really didn't come to see me!"

"You cruel woman!"

At the end, he started to cry. His mouth wrinkled and his face wrinkled. He grabbed the hem of her clothes as if throwing tantrums. Completely ignoring the other people beside him.

Kapok finally determined that he might be drunk.

Seeing this situation, the woman also reacted in shock. Her expression was slightly embarrassing and showed an unconcealable loss then she got up and showed a decent smile at Kapok.

"Today our crew had a dinner and Zhao Di was also drunk so I helped send him back."

"It's hard work," Kapok nodded.

The door opened and closed to get rid of the insignificant people, leaving only Kapok and Lin Muan in the living room.

He finished venting this meeting, leaning on the sofa with his head down. His expression uncomfortable and his mouth nagging thirsty.

Kapok turned around and went into the kitchen. She washed a cup and poured a glass of water for him. Lin Muan drank with her hand. For a moment, she pushed her away contentedly and closed her eyes.

Kapok calmly returned the cup to the kitchen then went back to the bedroom and took out the phone. She clicked it on, pointed the camera at the man on the sofa and spoke.

"Lin Muan."

No response, she raised the volume again.

"Lin Muan!"

"Um..." He opened his eyes in a daze.

"I'm Kapok."

"A liar!" He thumped the sofa underneath bitterly, angrily, "I don't believe it!"

He sniffed and began to complain in tears, "She doesn't come to see me!"

"She, she's a cruel woman!"

"I'm so pathetic, woooo..."

"No one hurts and no one loves..."

As he talked, those eyes slowly became lustrous and the eyes inside was full of water. The lights flickered and he began to sing pitifully.

"Little cabbage, the ground is yellow, three years old, no dad, four years old, no mother..."

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