70 (FIN)

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The thoughts of more than 70 days were finally satisfied at this moment, Kapok nestled in his arms, lying comfortably.



  "I miss you so much," Lin Muan hugged her and whispered in her ear. Kapok shrank into his arms and said, "I miss you too."

  He was warm. No, the cold quilt in the past quickly heated up, Kapok pressed her hands and feet tightly, squinting her eyes comfortably.

  "Mianmian..." He cried again and Kapok replied softly with her eyes closed.

  Lin Muan began to whisper in her ear what was going on with someone recently, low, soft and magnetic, not good.

  Like a lullaby, Kapok responds differently and the consciousness is gradually blurred.

  The light in the room was still on, softly hitting her face, delicate and gentle. Kapok seemed to have lost weight recently, her chin was sharpened a lot and she looked a little clearer.

  Her pink lips pressed lightly, her nose was white and small and her breath moved slightly. Lin Muan looked at the person in his arms and couldn't help lowering his head to kiss her.

  Kapok responded instinctively with her eyes closed. Her small tongue curled around him and sucked gently, an uncontrollable impulse rose from all over her body and the hand under the quilt began to wander restlessly.

  Two murmurs overflowed from Kapok's lips, soft, sweet and charming and instantly seemed to have been lit up. Lin Muan's movements became more and more unruly, his clothes gradually became messy and his breathing became more and more rapid.

  At the last moment, he stopped.

  Kapok couldn't help rubbing against him, her mouth still muttering dissatisfaction. Lin Muan shackled her body and her voice was depressed, "Mianmian, don't move."

  "I'm uncomfortable..." Her eyelashes trembled and opened. When she closed her eyes, most of her sleepiness faded away, leaving only hazy lust in her eyes.

  "Quickly give it to me," Kapok started rubbing again.

  Lin Muan took a deep breath and stopped her movement.

  "No, there is no--" His words stopped abruptly and his body froze.

  Under the quilt, Kapok had already grabbed him and sent it into her body. Wrapped tightly with the familiar warmth and dampness and the pleasure rushed to the top of his head in an instant.

  Lin Muan frowned and let out a muffled snort. Kapok had already squinted her eyes and moved slightly. Her white face was filled with satisfaction and enjoyment and her mouth was still muttering vaguely.

  "It's okay... um... just once."

  Reason collapsed at this moment and Lin Muan immediately turned over and suppressed her.

  The low groan gradually increased, sometimes long and short. In the silent night, it didn't stop for a long time.

  The day after Lin Muan returned, the base received a batch of air conditioners. She heard that it was donated by people from the society. Thanks to the warmth of the new air conditioners, Kapok spent most of the next month of inspection.

  After returning, she treated the caring people a lot.

  After another month, Kapok graduated formally as a graduate student and worked in Professor Li's laboratory, completely settled in City S. Lin Muan bought the house by the sea and the name of Kapok was written on the real estate certificate.

  The name is, the bride price.

  Kapok has taken out scholarships and project bonuses for the past few years and bought him a mid-priced scooter called a dowry.

  The weather is getting hotter and hotter. It may be due to too much work intensity recently or it may be a common problem in summer. Kapok has become more and more lethargic recently. When she suddenly nauseated and retched during a meal one day, she finally remembered that her aunt had not visited for a long time.

  From preparing for graduation to working, Kapok was very busy every day and her menstrual period was never accurate, Kapok didn't pay much attention.

  And now that these symptoms are added together, there is no doubt that they all point to one result.

  The mood was suddenly very complicated.

  Behind her, Lin Muan gently followed her back and looked at Kapok's expression tentatively and said, "Or, I'll go to the pharmacy to buy something to test?"

  Kapok nodded.

  Within two minutes, Lin Muan quickly came up with a bag, breathing a little and his face flushed. He handed the contents of Kapok a little nervously.

  At this moment, squatting on the toilet and looking at the two eye-catching red lines, Kapok was a little bit at a loss. She remembered that night and she was suddenly upset.

  It is indeed a safety period, but she don't know whether it was the reason why her aunt was inaccurate, or because...there were too many times that night.

  Just one negligence, so she won the lottery.

  In truth, Kapok is not yet ready to be a parent. She has just started her career and Lin Muan is a child completely in life. A big one makes her a headache, not to mention another small one.

  But no matter what, this child Kapok must be kept.

  Because...this is her and his baby, so how willing.

  Thinking of the future, there will be a little person who is as delicate and beautiful as him and after calling her mother. Kapok can't help laughing.

  In such a moment, there is a decision in her heart.

  When she opened the door and went out, Lin Muan immediately greeted her nervously. His dark eyes staring at her with expectation.

  "Let's go to the hospital tomorrow to check again." As soon as the voice fell, Lin Muan was stunned, his eyes widened. His beautiful face was blank and he spoke with uncertainty.


  "Are you saying that we are going to have a baby?"

  "If no accident, it should be", Kapok nodded earnestly.

  "Oh my God!" He immediately exclaimed then stepped forward and held her shoulders while looked around, finally his eyes stopped on the flat Kapok abdomen.

  He carefully stretched out his hand, placed it on it, raised his head and stared at Kapok with wide open eyes and asked with a trembling voice, "Is it here?"

  "Yeah!" Kapok nodded heavily.

  There was ecstasy in those eyes. He straightened up, hugged Kapok in his arms, rubbed his face against her neck and began to mutter.

  "Mianmian, Mianmian, I am so happy..."

  "We are going to have a baby, I will definitely learn to be a good father, teach him to talk, teach him to walk and grow up with him."

  "Great. , really great ... 」


  Hospital final results came out, Kapok and truthfully report prepared by Professor Lee. He was a bit complicated staring at her, sighed then earnestness opening.

  "Then I will give the seniors a hand at this time. After giving birth, I will arrange projects for you independently."

  After that, he solemnly instructed, "Pay attention to rest and give birth to a healthy baby."

  Kapok nodded at him very gratefully and solemnly said, "I will! Thank you Professor!"

  Since Kapok became pregnant, Lin Muan seems to have completely a changed person. All the angular furniture in the house has been wrapped in corners by him and he tells every day. While she is eating fruit, she is not allowed to play with her mobile phone frequently, stay up late and sleep late.

  He also checked the recipes for pregnant women on the Internet and started to learn how to cook.

  What's even more frightening is that people who have never liked sports before take her out for a walk every day. Sometimes when Kapok is lazy and refuses to go out, Lin Muan half-drags and half-holds her, like a kid. Tell her to go out.

  Kapok was accustomed to his temper getting bigger and bigger, especially when he started to have morning sickness and loss of appetite later. She always had to eat this and that in the middle of the night.

  Lin Muan didn't have any temper when she was awakened from a dream, so he immediately put on clothes and bought her all over the street without complaint.

  Sometimes Kapok would suddenly discover her conscience and apologize softly to him. She was behaving for a period of time but after a while, she would return to the original state again. During that time, Lin Muan was tortured and lost a lot of weight.

  Even Zhao Xuan couldn't help but blamed her several times.

  Kapok's pregnancy didn't hide from them. Zhao Xuan didn't say anything at the time but immediately bought a plane ticket and came to see her.

  Thinking that the two young people had no experience, she originally planned to take a vacation to take care of Kapok but when she saw Lin Muan like that, she felt relieved and her attitude towards him was much eased.

  The relationship between the two became harmonious.

  When she got older in the next month, Kapok seldom vomited and ate too much but her legs often cramped in the middle of the night and they were swollen. So Lin Muan started to learn massage techniques again, helping her rub her legs to clear the blood every day.

  Summer and spring came, the baby who had tortured the two for ten months was finally born.

  It may be because of the hardship of his father during his arrival, or it may be because of the busy Kapok work. Lin Xiaobao especially likes to stick to Lin Muan. He wants his father to eat and sleep. He will only think of his mother when he is hungry and wants to drink milk.

  Lin Xiaobao grew up day by day, his face looked like his father. His facial features were small and exquisite and his white face was like a freshly peeled egg, soft and smooth which made people love it.

  Especially every time he ran around the room with his short legs, Kapok always couldn't help holding him in her arms and kissed him hard. Yelling at her heart, little baby.

  Lin Muan couldn't get angry and pressed her against him at night and asked, "Who is your beloved baby!"

  Kapok was knocked out of consciousness by him breathlessly and she kept begging, "You You, you, it's you, um..."

  "That's a call and listen to it--"

  "Be careful... baby..."

  After Lin Xiaobao was weaned, Kapok was completely engaged in work. Lin Muan took care of a series of his big and small things. It was strange that people who could not take care of themselves before became a father but they were like a different person.

  He was able to take care of Lin Xiaobao in every possible way. How to make milk every day, what to eat for three meals a day, teach him how to talk, take him out for a walknand do everything in great detail.

  When Lin Muan had to travel for two days because of the copyright issue of the adaptation of the comic into a movie, Kapok asked for leave to bring Lin Xiaobao at home. It was unimaginable and completely messed up.

  Finally, she looked at Lin Xiaobao who was sitting on the floor crying with a headache and took out her mobile phone to ask Lin Muan for help.

  After listening to Kapok, Lin Muan directed her to make milk powder, turn on the TV and told her to hold Lin Xiaobao in her arms and shake it slowly.

  Sure enough, the little dumpling immediately stopped crying, holding the bottle in both hands and sucking it with relish. His white and round cheeks moved, his black eyes were wet and still red.

  Being well-behaved makes people feel pity and he is very different from the previous devil who was crying and crying.

  Lin Muan posted the video over there. Kapok put the phone on the coffee table so that all of her and the child appeared on the screen. He looked at the two with extremely soft expressions.

  The soft eyes seemed to be able to pinch water out.

  "He's not crying?"

  "Yeah," Kapok glanced down at the little dumpling in his arms. He was staring at the two bears on the TV with wide eyes as if watching with relish.

  Kapok glared at Lin Muan complainingly, sighing, "I don't cry when I see TV. You are used to it."

  "You have been working hard for these two days. I booked tomorrow's air ticket." Lin Muan said softly on the other end. He laughed, the corners of his mouth raised, his eyes slightly bent and the fair and delicate face suddenly made people unable to move his eyes away.

  Even if he is a father, he still looks the same as before.

  There is no trace of time on him, just like the boy Kapok first met.

  At that time, he always liked to wear a blue and white school uniform with his hands in his pockets indifferently. Carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder, his body was thin and his expression was pale and cold.

  It's amazing and obsessed but it makes people afraid to approach.

  And now, he was smiling softly and softly at her.

  The end of the eyes is slightly raised, bent like a crescent and the eyes are gleaming as if they are filled with starlight which makes people can't help but want to fall.

  Kapok couldn't help smiling, and nodded gently.

  "Okay, we're waiting for you to go home."

 (End of book)

Sister Naja: Finally end of story! (ノД')

Truth to be told the last 15 chapter were so hard for me to edit. So much nonsense came up in those chapter where I ended up just to let it be and didn't do any change. So yeah, if you feel hard to read on previous last chapters, now you know why.

This sister love the story at the beginning, but somehow I felt the story get more bleak from the point where Lin Muan went abroad bit by bit. And from then on, either it is to be good to be true or the problem where I felt Kapok a bit cold and ungrateful on what Muan sacrifice. But but but, maybe the writer try to depict the growing state of mental and behaviour from the teen age to adulthood. Well, I know nothing about psycholgy so this is just what I felt.

Last, thank you for ready this story. I wish you can feel the happiness like me when I first start reading this story. I'm in the middle of considering several title for next book, a short one this time (`▽')

Until next time, au revoir!

The Beautiful He Doesn't TalkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ