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Kapok despised Lin Heng's perseverance and underestimated his shamelessness.

"Let's talk."

He blocked the way of Kapok. On the busy street, passing pedestrians inadvertently looked sideways, Kapok frowned and nodded.


The restaurant has warm yellow lights and unique decoration. The seats are separated by green plants. The environment is quiet and quiet. It is a good place for conversation.

Kapok looked at Lin Heng on the opposite side, drank the water in the glass in front of her and tapped her chin.

"Let's talk."

"Lin Muan is my half-brother."

He said this sentence with a complicated expression. His eyes were staring at Kapok and his eyes were dark and heavy.

"Yeah." She nodded. Her face calm and her couldn't see a trace of emotion.

He observed Kapok's emotions and then continued to speak. His expression extremely sincere.

"My dad... loves him very much and our family actually hopes that he can come back..."

"Speaking of—"

He smiled bitterly.

"Dad should love him more. Every year when he will celebrates his birthday no matter how busy he is. Dad will personally come back to celebrate with him. At night, he will not leave until he is asleep..."

"Every time he is sick all his life, the whole family is very nervous and parents watched him all night for fear of negligence..."

He talked a lot. Kapok listened attentively, nodding from time to time but still did not say a word.

"My mother is also very good to him, so good that sometimes I suspect that I am not her own..."

Lin Heng said for nearly half an hour and finally when Kapok raised her hand to check the time for the third time, he stopped talking.

Then the topic changed and he tentatively spoke.

"He... seems to care about you."

"So?" Kapok asked rhetorically without any fluctuations.

"Can you help me persuade him--"

"No." Kapok refused without hesitation before he finished.

Lin Heng was stunned not knowing how to react. A trace of embarrassment flashed across his calm face, he blinked and then he organized his language very naturally.

"What you said, it must be much better than ours. Just tap a few sentences on the side, not too much..."

"It's getting late, I'll go first."

Kapok interrupted him then picked up her schoolbag and got up. As if thinking of something, she stepped forward, stopped and turned her head to stare at him with a solemn expression.

"Don't come to me again in the future. I'm very busy. I don't have time to listen to the story."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left without hesitation. Without looking at the expression of Lin Heng behind her, she walked to the door quickly and pushed away. The figure blended into the crowd.

Lin Heng sat there, his face no longer looks handsome. His eyes gloomily stared at Kapok's chair on the opposite side and a sneer was pulled from the corner of his mouth.

When Kapok returned, as expected the man was about to explode.

Seeing her opening the door, he rushed over and immediately questioned with dissatisfaction.

"Where are you going? Why don't you answer the phone?!"

"Temporarily and Jingjing and they went to North Street. It was too noisy and didn't hear the ringtone. Have you called me?"

Kapok took out her mobile phone and looked through it. When the red number was eleven, she looked up at him with some guilty conscience.

Lin Muan's cheeks swelled slightly, angering himself like a pufferfish. Kapok stretched out her hand to pull him and coaxed lightly.

"Well next time when I have something to do, I will tell you first, okay--"

"Don't be angry, I'm going to cook." After she finished speaking, he carefully looked at her expression and after a long time he lowered his eyes and said dully.

"Don't do it, it's so late, order takeaway."

Kapok suddenly raised the corners of her mouth, kissed his lips on tiptoes and said softly, "It's okay, cook noodles tonight, super fast!"

He did not say anything but silently followed her to the kitchen and helped her to tie her apron. Rolled up the sleeves and then consciously washed the vegetables on the side and then went to the bathroom to take a shower after it was done.


Kapok called her parents on the balcony.

Lin Muan sat in the living room glumly.

In the night breeze, her voice floated over, vaguely audible.

"Well, mom I know."

"I'll pay attention, don't worry and be quiet."

"I like more people. It's more lively. It's nice to be alone before but I have friends. Together, that would be better..."

"Then you pay attention to your body. I will do my homework first, bye."

Kapok hung up the phone. Lin Muan was sitting on the sofa staring at her while holding a pillow in his arms, his face pressed. On top, half of the chin is sunken.

His dark eyes were soggy like two watery black grapes.

Kapok walked over and sat next to him. He pulled down the pillow in his arms and put it on her lap then lay down, rolled over lazily and hugged his waist.

Rubbed like a kitten.

The thick, jet-black hair fell on her knees, soft and smooth.

"What did you say to your parents?" Lin Muan asked, knowingly. She gently pulled the hair that covered his cheek with her hand.

"Don't you hear all..." Kapok said lazily, closing her eyes.

"Xu Jing's distant cousin?"


"I said you live here temporarily and Xu Jing. The three of us live together..."

Kumian explained calmly.

Lin Muan didn't speak. Gu Zi lowered her head and combed his hair, fingers passed through his hair. The soft and smooth hair brushed the skin and the hand felt very good.

Her strength is neither heavy nor light and occasionally rubs his scalp with her fingertips, causing bursts of tingling.

Kapok narrowed her eyes and sighed comfortably.

The two of them enjoyed this rare leisurely quietness. After an unknown period of time when Kapok was groggy and wanted to fall asleep, his voice suddenly rang in her ears.

Low as if talking to himself or complaining of dissatisfaction with a soft nasal voice, thick and sticky.

"I want to live with you openly." After a long silence, Kapok hugged him tightly and sighed slightly.

"There will be a day of ...」


After that, Kapok always even met Lin Heng. Sometimes on the street, sometimes at the convenience store, sometimes beside the roadside stalls.

He would greet her very enthusiastically every time and by the way, he had a familiar smile on his face.

Kapok could only smile in embarrassment, nodded and then ended this encounter which was not accidental.

Lin Muan said that he used to study in Jiangcheng Private School which is far away from here but very close to his home.

So whether it was going to school or going home, Lin Heng couldn't be here.

The only reason is to meet her.

Kapok thought, Lin Heng probably didn't expect that Lin Muan would tell her everything. After all, he was almost judged to be autistic by the doctor.

How could a person like this open up to her?

Besides, they have only been together for two months.


Lin Muan outside had to live, not to move out and are driven out.

Father Lin is very busy. As Lin Heng said, he loves Lin Muan but this kind of love is a love piled up with money and material.

He is very rarely at home and most of the time Lin Muan and Lin Heng are together with their mother and son.

The two are about the same age. Lin Heng is a little stronger than Lin Muan because he has been well taken care of since he was a child. What he loves most is to find various reasons to bully Lin Muan.

He is very clever and what he does is very obscure. Even if he is accidentally discovered by his mother, she will only scold him and hide it for him.

The better Lin Shen is towards Lin Muan, the more jealous Lin Heng will be and he will definitely be more aggressive on Lin Muan afterwards.

Until one time, Lin Muan broke out and the two fought. He missed and pushed Lin Heng down the steps.

The final result was that Lin Heng lived in the courtyard for half a month and Lin Muan started living alone when he was fifteen years old.

He has lived in that home for nearly a year and no day has been truly happy.

If he can choose, he would rather continue to live with An Ling. At least when she is not sick she will be very nice and gentle.

So what Lin Heng said, I hope he will go back to live, Kapok wants to laugh very much.

Lin Muan's memory of this passage was brought up in a few words. For him, compared to the appearance of An Ling when she became ill, everything that Lin Heng did was nothing more than a slapstick.

He didn't tell Lin Shen just because he didn't care.

If possible, he is willing to stay in his own world for the rest of his life. Cut off from all interference.

But that day Lin Heng insulted An Ling and his indifference instantly turned into anger. It was rare to see him moved. Lin Heng became more excited and provoked and Lin Muan pushed him down the steps.

It's not a flop.

At that moment he really wanted him to die.

Being given up by Lin Shen was something that was expected. In addition to relief and ease, there was also a touch of unspeakable complexity.

It was like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. Isolating him from the last connection with the world.

The small flame deep in his heart finally swayed twice, extinguished and turned into darkness.

From then on, he stood in the abyss, long-sleeved without a trace of light.


At the beginning of June, there is one month left for the final exam.

The appearance of Lin Heng made Kapok a bit tricky.

She changed her route home and even though she took a circle, it worked well at least she didn't "encounter" him again.

Lin Muan found that Kapok had reduced the number of trips recently. Of course he couldn't ask for it. He took her to watch movies at home every day.

But at some point, he will still do his homework obediently.

So a week passed.

June 8th, Friday, light rain.

During the class, there was still the last class and the school was off. The whole classroom was full of restlessness and excitement. Kapok looked down to solve the math problems and neat rows of formulas were printed on the paper from the tip of the pen.

Kapok has good english grades and writes beautifully. The letters and numbers are written out of her hands which is a little more chic and beautiful than others.

Fang Yun always sighed with emotion before holding her homework to copy.

"Kapok, someone is looking for you at the school gate!" Someone shouted at the classroom door. Kapok raised her head from the exercises. A strange face appeared in front of her and she put down the pen and walked over.

"There was a boy looking for you, he just passed by and stopped me." She explained. Kapok nodded, took the umbrella and walked to the school gate with some doubts. There was some water on the road.

When crossing the boulevard, the rain hits. On the umbrella surface it made a ding-dong sound.

A long-lost but familiar scene.

It hasn't rained in Jiangcheng for a long time.

Not far from this road is the school gate and the silver automatic iron gate appeared in front of her and several people were faintly visible in the hazy rain and fog.

The sky was a little dark, Kapok's eyes widened. A familiar figure broke into the line of sight. As the distance got closer, his face gradually became clear.

"Lin Heng?" Kapok looked at the man under the tree not far away and whispered.

He beckoned to her. Kapok said a few words to the guard, opened the side door and walked over. Stood in front of him and asked calmly.

"Is there anything looking for me at this time?"

Lin Heng looked at her with a complicated expression and after a while, he spoke slowly.

"Lin Muan's mother... committed suicide."

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