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Kapok was going crazy remembering that time.

Why did he commit suicide?! How could he commit suicide! What if Lin Muan died like this again!

The scene she witnessed was played in her mind countless times like a movie. With bright red blood and beautiful face intertwined before her eyes, eating and sleeping in class, always thinking of the lonely and lonely teenager, the thin and tall figure.

And Xiao Xiang has been countless days and nights.

She is guilty.

She is the culprit.

That beautiful boy committed suicide because of her.

The boy she liked to the bone was killed because of her.

Self-blame, guilt and regret are like a mountain pressing on her heart. Kapok collapsed and she feels that her life has become a gloom at this moment. She will not be redeemed and she will live in this guilt all her life.

She is done.

Then the matter did not just end after that. At that time, the truth about his suicide popped up like mushrooms.

It turned out that his parents had divorced a long time ago. It turned out that he had been abused by his mentally ill mother. It turned out that his mother committed suicide some time ago.

When Kapok heard the news, tears rushed out in an instant. She squatted on the ground and wept silently, tears falling from her fingers.

The classmates all looked at her in surprise. They didn't know why Kapok was so sad. She was just for the sake of a good friend to fight injustice. In short, it was not her fault that things turned out like this.

But what they didn't know was that the boy, who had been kept in her heart and stored properly for many years, watched him carefully and secretly every day, and learn everything about him firmed in her heart.

She knows that he likes to drink pure milk of that brand, likes rainy days, doesn't like umbrellas, catches cold easily, and doesn't like taking medicine. He doesn't like talking to others, and he is always alone in a quiet daze, looking at people with dark eyes. It seems to be able to suck people in.

He is just a lonely and lonely child.

Kapok had a serious illness, burned into a delusion, lying on the bed talking nonsense, crying hard, her eyes almost swollen. When something goes bad to the extreme, it seems to rebound.

Like Kapok, for example, after being burned out of consciousness, she returned to the time three months ago.

At this time Xu Jing hadn't confessed and Lin Muan had not committed suicide. Everything was still calm, as if the heartbreaking scenes in her memory were just experiencing a nightmare.

But Kapok knew that she only wanted to do one thing now and that was to find Lin Muan alive and then spoil him to death.

When Kapok saw Lin Muan the next day, his smile was radiant, and his eyebrows were crooked. Lin Muan glanced at her and suspected that he had known a fake Kapok some time ago.

She followed him very naturally and started chattering again.

The sound was crisp and soft, but pleasant to the ears. Lin Muan listened silently, before taking out a pair of white earphones from his pocket.

No matter how good the voice is, it seems noisy if there are too many words.

Lin Muan stretched his brows a bit as if he listened to the soft music streaming out of the earphones. The world is so beautiful.

Kapok stared at him puffingly, helplessly. Her bulging eyes and cheeks were like a chubby pufferfish. Lin Muan glanced at her lightly and the corners of his mouth rose slightly imperceptibly.

The white earplugs and lines made the face look more and more beautiful. With slender eyelashes, pink lips, an indifferent boy. But he was so beautiful and outrageous. The depression in Kapok's heart disappeared without a trace in a short time.

Lin Muan that is like this just wanted to make people dig out their heart and give it to him. How could she get angry.

She feel very happy to be able to walk next to him in this way.

Kapok began to talk to him often when they were in school. Lin Muan looked like he was indifferent every time but occasionally he would just say something to her. Just like that, it also surprised others and made Kapok excited.

As a result, her biggest hobby every day has become to make him talk.

During class, Lin Muan propped his head and looked out of the window in a daze. Kapok closed the book on the table and ran over. Turning the chair in front of her upside down, supporting her cheeks with both hands and blinking her eyes and staring at him. Profile.

"Lin Muan, what are you doing?"

The expression on his face did not fluctuate and even the light in his eyes was not assigned to her.

"Lin Muan, are you in a daze?" Kapok was reluctant, her mouth still swaying crookedly.

It's just that the person in front of her is still full of indifferent eyes, pursing the corners of his mouth as if he doesn't smell. Kapok's eyes rolled and her lips opened and closed: "Lin Muan, I recently discovered a delicious milk brand. Would you like to bring it to you tomorrow?"

"Not need."

The dumbfounded person still looked out the window. His expression unchanged but two words popped out of his mouth immediately. His voice was clear, like a pearl falling on a jade plate, very nice and Kapok smiled successfully.

"Why?" She continued to ask.

"I don't want to change."

"Oh" Kapok nodded, "Well then--"

The class bell rang.

"I am leaving..."

Kapok got up and returned to her seat. After a while, Lin Muan retracted his gaze looking out of the window and projected it on the girl not far in front. She was happily talking to the person next to her. From his perspective, you can see that the corner of her mouth up.

Lin Muan retracted his gaze, took out the book to be used in this lesson, opened it and his brows were indifferent.

When school is over, Kapok followed him home as always. Picking up interesting things in the class and talking to him. Kapok has been talking to him recently and Lin Muan would wear headphones when he was upset. But sometimes it seemed to be listening. Looks like.

Just like now.

"During the afternoon experiment class, Fang Xiaoming used his mouth to blow the alcohol lamp but a gust of wind happened to burn off the hair on his lips. The whole classroom could smell burnt. Hahahahaha laughed me to death."

Seeing that he was listening, Kapok spoke more and more vigorously and her brows were excited. After she finished speaking, she was too happy and she leaned forward and backward with a smile. Lin Muan glanced at her indifferently and did not speak.

"Don't you think it's funny?" Kapok asked suspiciously, leaning over.

"No." He didn't hesitate, and then added, "And it's boring."

After that, he took out the familiar white earphones from his pocket and put them on.

Kapok: "..."

It's not cute at all.

The next day, Kapok changed the brand of milk he used to drink on his own terms. As expected, the person in front of him immediately frowned and pushed aside the bottle of milk in front of him and protested in a low voice.

"I do not want."

"Hey, try it. It's definitely better than what you usually drink--" Kumian brows gently, she will never say, she just wants to take the opportunity to say a few more words with him.

Lin Muan continued to stretch out his fingers, pushing the milk that was already on the edge of the table again, and protested silently.

Kapok touched her nose angrily, took out the brand he usually drinks from his bag, exchanged for the bottle of milk that was crumbling on the edge of the table corner and babbled helplessly in his mouth: "Well, don't change it. For you..."

Kapok and Xu Jing finished their meal at noon, and immediately habitually searched for the figure in the crowd. As expected, she saw him in the corner of the window. Kapok immediately looked at Xu Jing in front of her. She was helpless before she spoke. Said to her.

"Walk around, I'll go find Lin Li and others to eat."

Kapok smiled, blinked apologetically then walked in that direction with the plate and sat down very naturally opposite him. During this period of time, she have been familiar with the road.

Lin Muan raised his eyes and saw that it was her. Without frowning, he immediately continued to lower his head to eat.

"I made braised pork today! It's delicious!" Kapok recommended to him enthusiastically. Lin Muan ignored it and the next second, there was an extra piece of meat on the plate.

The sauce is rich and exudes a tantalizing fragrance.

He continued to eat the dishes on the plate, but still did not touch the piece of meat. Kapok squashed her mouth and said nothing.

In this way, the two maintained an unsalty, not indifferent, and very weird relationship. As time passed day by day, when the date pointed to March 30, Kapok was a little anxious.

One month has passed.

And she and Lin Muan just said a few more words than the others.

Three feet of freezing is not a day's cold.

He has been alone for too long, so long that he has forgotten how to accept the warmth of others, and he has frozen himself into a piece of ice. Perhaps even he has almost forgot whether the heart inside is still beating warmly.

This is too slow.

Kapok doesn't have so much time, she can't wait.

After school this day, Kapok pulled Lin Muan into the uninhabited alley near his home. At this time, the sky was full of clouds. The alley was extremely quiet, dark and cramped just the size of the two walking side by side, cracks in the wall. Moss can be vaguely seen from here.

Kapok pressed Lin Muan against the wall.

She stood on tiptoe, leaned closer, exhaled like blue: "Lin Muan, I have always been curious about one thing..."

He had a calm face and looked back at her calmly.

"Does your mouth also smell of milk--"

The curling sound was submerged between the lips and the teeth. Kapok sticks out the tip of the tongue and slid over the lips, then pried it apart, and leaned in. The two looked at each other, as if they were fighting each other, seeing themselves in each other's bright pupils. Eyes.

No one would admit defeat first.

It's so exciting.

Kapok hooked his tongue and slowly entangled it. The tip of the tongue was soft and moist, soft and sweet.

There was a smile in her eyes. Before she could move, the people in front of her had already pushed her away. There was no emotion in Lin Muan's eyes. He arched his middle finger and wiped his faintly moist lips. Especially sultry, Kapok couldn't help swallowing.

After a while, Lin Muan opened his thin lips, his face expressionless, and his voice was as clear as ever, with a faint husky tone.

"Kapok, do you like me."

Kapok smiled for a moment, with red lips and beautiful eyebrows. The meekness and softness that had always existed disappeared, like a seductive female fairy.

"You guess?"


Sister Naja: This sister bravery is not even a percent as Kapok. Sister willingly raised a white flag!

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