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When Kapok woke up, she was hugged in his arms and the familiar warmth came from the chest behind her which was rising and falling at a constant speed against her back.

She looked at the arm on her waist, gently moved it away from the top and then rolled and got out of his arms.

Lin Muan slept very deeply, looking stable and peaceful but after Kapok left, he frowned slightly and spontaneously looked in her direction.

After searching to no avail, he fell asleep on the pillow soaked with her scent.

Holding the quilt in his hand, rubbing against the quilt, his white face was nostalgic. Inexplicably, Kapok couldn't help but cocked the corner of his mouth, feeling very good.

Last night, one of them slept on the ground and the other on the bed but Lin Muan insisted on holding her hand before falling asleep.

Kapok could only sleep on the edge of the bed, dropped her hands and pulled him.

When he fell asleep in a daze at night, he suddenly started talking in a low voice. His voice was very soft as if he was floating from a far away place.

He talked about his family, his childhood and the past that Kapok never knew.

Darkness has given countless people courage. On this night, Lin Muan confided to people for the first time the memories that had been accumulated and fermented and almost turned into a cancerous tumor.

Kapok listened quietly with no strangeness on her face but her breathing was extremely light, for fear of disturbing him.

For Kapok, this moment is precious.

That is his world.

For the first time, he took the initiative to open the door for others.

Fortunately that person is her.

As usual, after Kapok had prepared breakfast, Lin Muan had just washed out. The moment their eyes met, it seemed as usual and there seemed to be something else.

If you really want to tell the reason, it might be intimacy.

The tacit understanding and trust after treating each other frankly.

Make people more intimate.

When Kapok went home several times, she felt that someone was following her but when she looked back there was no one.

Until one time she suddenly remembered that there was no soy sauce at home and then walked into the small supermarket on the corner of the intersection and inadvertently saw the boy through the huge glass window.

He was wearing a blue and white school uniform, carrying a black schoolbag on one shoulder and standing on the side of the road looking around anxiously.

Kapok squinted at him calmly.

His face was very immature. He was about sixteen or seventeen years old, his features were fair and delicate, tall and thin and he looked gentle and harmless.

Kapok took his gaze back, took a bottle of light soy sauce from the shelf next to her, walked to the counter to check out then pretended to find nothing and walked out with the contents in her hand.

In the surrounding light, seeing the boy seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. The setting sun stretched the shadow long and projected on the wall next to it, slender and distorted.

Not far from her shadow, there was a black shadow, keeping a short distance, closely behind her.

Kapok went home, closed the door and Lin Muan was sitting cross-legged on the sofa playing games.

The school uniform jacket was taken off and tossed aside, wearing a large white T-shirt, loose blue and white school uniform pants, white and soft neck, straight and slender collarbone.

The black hair covered his forehead softly. The expression on his face was focused and serious. His eyes stared at the screen unblinkingly and his lips pressed gently.

Occasionally, the brows are slightly frowned and the face is not worried and the eyebrows are stretched occasionally and the corners of the mouth are filled with childlike joy.

Kapok stood at the door, feeling that she was hopeless.

Because of Lin Muan like this, she really likes it too.

"I'm back..."

She forced herself to look away and lower her head to change shoes.

The person who focused on playing the game, immersed in it, ignored her. Or a single syllable overflowed from his nose but because it was too careless, he might only hear it.

Kapok walked over, raised his chin dissatisfied, rubbed her fingers on the white soft skin then leaned over and pressed down on the slightly opened lips.

Satisfied and kissed inside and out.

Swallow all her grievances into the belly.

When she let go of him, as expected only tenderness and moistness remained in those bright black eyes.

He looked down at the screen, muttering in his mouth.

"I'm driving the black, you look dead..."

"Is the game important or me?" Kapok raised his chin again, squinting her eyes and asked.

His facial features are excellent, especially the chin with exquisite shape and delicate skin. Pinched in a small ball between his fingers and feels particularly comfortable.

Since discovering this secret, Kapok has fallen in love with this action.

Without knowing when it started, Lin Muan became very docile and obeyed her almost unconditionally.

Whenever Kapok raised his chin, he opened his eyes and looked at her obediently.

Do not resist, nor get angry.

"You are important..."

He blinked the pair of long and thick eyelashes and replied slowly.

Kapok nodded contentedly, got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Not long afterwards, the sound of water came from the bathroom. He always liked to put on loose and comfortable short-sleeved trousers after taking a shower then eat and wash dishes and do his homework before going to bed.

Kapok held the bowl, looked at the fair and cute boy opposite and quietly swallowed his saliva.

After a while, he whispered tentatively speaking.

"Lin Muan..."

"Your cheap brother, is he as white and tall and thin as you..."

He seemed to react for a while, lifted his head from the bowl. Blinked extremely slowly and looked at him. Staring at her complicatedly.

"Why did you suddenly ask him..."

"Suddenly curious..." Kapok replied. Casually lowered her head and took a mouthful of food then raised her head to add seriously.

"In case you see it on the street someday, so I can stay away."

Lin Muan was stunned and then his complexion returned to normal. After thinking about it, he nodded, "Almost..."

"Oh", Kapok seemed to be just casual. Asked, after answering, she bowed her head and concentrated on eating. Her expression was not any strange.

Lin Mu settled down for a while and slowly brought the vegetable to his mouth.

The next day, Kapok spotted the boy again. She still pretended not to know anything, bought groceries as usual and went home.

After such a week, he himself couldn't bear it.

"Kapok, I'm Lin Heng." By the flowerbed at the gate of the community, he reached out his hand to stop Kapok and directly reported to his home. His expression was natural and calm.

There is no trace of the guilty conscience of stalking others and the rudeness of rashly blocking strangers.

Kapok raised her head and from this angle, she could see his balcony.

She smiled and spoke.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in knowing you."

After finished speaking, he walked forward without hesitation. There was footsteps behind her. Kapok swiped her card in two steps and stepped into the community and then locked the door with a bang.

She turned to the security guard in the door.

"Sorry, I don't know that person, please don't let him in. Thank you!"

The door was locked and a crack appeared on Lin Heng's calm face with a trace of irritation. Kapok retracted her gaze and looked at the security guard with a tone of voice. A hint of request.

"Uncle Security, please also tell the colleague you are handing over, don't let him in. This man has been following me for half a month. It's terrible."

"I really can't tell this. You're so gentle and white, girl. Do you want to call the police for you?!" He suggested enthusiastically.

Kapok quickly refused, "No, no, thank you, uncle. Don't let him in."

"By the way, you'd better take a picture and show it to the uncle on the night shift..." she reminded.

"Yes, yes, yes." The

security guard nodded quickly then took out his mobile phone and slapped Lin Heng who was still standing outside with a flash and a clicking sound.

Lin Heng was shocked and quickly reached out his hand to cover his face and ran away in a panic.

Kapok stood in place pinching the strap of her schoolbag and gently curling her mouth.


When she went home and opened the door to change shoes, Kapok still had the same face in her mind.

The first few times she only saw the outline from a distance and at the moment when their eyes met, his features were fully exposed in front of Kapok's eyes.

The face resembling Lin Muan is three points similar to Lin Muan.

In the crowd, it is still the most eye-catching one.

But compared with Lin Muan, it is still a bit less refined. In Kapok's mind, it is more like the difference between a fake and the original.

Even if he seems to be sunny and cheerful and people like it a lot.

But Kapok's favorite is the indifferent, fragile and gloomy boy who will act like a baby to her.

At the same time, the familiar voice rang in her ears, cold and clean with a trace of aggrieved grievance.

"You won't say hello to me when you come back-- " Kapok turned her head to the boy that sat cross-legged on the sofa, staring at her with those big eyes.

The familiar background music of the game came from the phone, but he didn't care. Just staring at her stubbornly, his black eyes filled with accusations.

Kapok chuckled, teasing him.

"Because you ignored me last time so I don't want to say hello to you."

After she finished speaking, she went into the kitchen, took out her apron and put it on. Just after she turned her back to tie the belt, footsteps were heard behind her and then the two light blue muslin strips between her fingers were taken away.

The hot and humid kiss fell on the back of her neck.

The waist was slowly tightened.

He fastened the belt and hugged her from behind with his lips attached to her ears, lowly admitting his mistake.

"I was wrong... I won't dare to ignore you anymore--"

The sound of the phone game in the living room was still ringing and the background music and the monologues of the game characters were mixed together, noisy and harsh and extremely noisy.

But at this moment it seems to be at peace.

Kapok only felt the warm chest behind her. The beating heart and the soft touching words in her ears.

She couldn't help turning her head, covering his lips, touching them and separating them and then whispered like a lover.

"Well, I forgive you."


Sister Naja: Muahaha Muan cannot bear when Kapok give him a cold shoulder. It is a mirroring of cause and reflect!  

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