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The reason why Mount Buddha is famous is that the temple on the top of the mountain has deep foundations and extremely strong incense. It is said that the Buddha is exceptionally effective.

In addition, a piece of land was set up in the backyard for the pilgrims to eat and stay on their own.

It just happens to be a place for them to solve lunch.

When the group arrived at the temple, it was just in the afternoon and the diligent children started to cook and the playful children had already begun to scurry across the mountains and plains.

Kapok dragged Lin Muan through layers of temples, to and from pilgrims and came to the Daxiong Hall with the smell of incense all over his body.

"I heard that the lottery here is very effective, let's ask for one too," Kapok was very interested and Lin Muan passively obeyed her.

"Donor, what do you want?"

Kapok, "Marriage!"

Lin Muan, "???"

In front of the kind-eyed Bodhisattva, Kapok knelt on the futon holding the bobbin with a pious face.

The bamboo stick in his hand was shaking and one fell out with a click.

Kapok picked it up excitedly looking forward to it.

On the light-brown bamboo sticks, it was written with a few small black tiny words: The autumn water is cold, fishing in the cold pool, it is difficult to fulfill the wish.

Even though Kapok didn't understand the meaning very well but the last difficult wish was easy to understand. Her face suddenly darkened. Lin Muan couldn't help but glanced sideways.

Then he was a little dazed.

His lips moved slightly and he was about to say something. Kapok had quickly got up and walked to the monk beside her and pitifully said, "Master, you can help me see this lottery--"

The monk with peaceful eyebrows took the bamboo stick, stared down for a moment and raised his head to narrate calmly,

"This sign is Zhongping and the donor is seeking marriage so it implies that the current chance is not right and it is not advisable to act arbitrarily. Otherwise everything will be in vain and nothing will be accomplished."

Kapok's face immediately became lost.

Lin Muan finally said the sentence that had been stuck in his throat for a long time.

"Believe in spirit or not believe in nothing."

Hearing the words, Kapok immediately cheered up and looked up at him pitifully with bright eyes:

"So you will fulfill my wish, won't you?"

Lin Muan, "......"


He lifted his leg, turned and walked outside. Kapok thanked the monk in front of her and quickly followed. The backs of the two gradually disappeared at the door and the girl's crisp voice could still be heard vaguely.

"Wait for me--"

In the hall, the kind-eyed monk looked at the direction where the two disappearedand his eyes were far away. For a long time, he slowly shook his head.

When Kapok and Lin Muan went back, there was already a burst of aroma in the small courtyard behind them. There were several bowls of fried dishes on the mahogany square table, braving the heat.

In the small yard, they all work together. You wash the vegetables and I add firewood. If you are in charge, I will take care of it.

Lin Muan walked straight to the mahogany bench in front of the table and lowered his head to press the phone.

It looks like a stranger shouldn't enter.

Kapok turned around and found that there was no room for her so she sat next to him bored. Resting her cheeks in a daze, turning her eyes, and moving her body in the direction of the person next to her.

After waiting for a few seconds, seeing that he didn't respond, she moved forward a few inches.

Until the fabric of their sleeves rubbed together.

Kapok stopped her movements contentedly.

The tip of the nose wafted the fragrance of silky vegetables. There were several blue and white porcelain bowls with a white background in front of them. One of them had a pair of chopsticks on it. Kapok looked around and saw that no one was paying attentionand quietly stretched out her hand.

Lin Muan next to her raised his head from the phone and glanced at her faintly.

Kapok pinched the chopsticks, stretched it into the bowl, picked up a piece of dried incense and put it in her mouth and immediately gave a soft compliment in surprise.

"It's delicious! Would you like to try—"

Kapok immediately caught another piece, pushed Lin Muan next to her, and brought it to her mouth. Her face full of excitement.

"Really delicious!"

She looked excited like a child sharing a surprise.

At this time at two o'clock in the afternoon more than a long time has passed since the last breakfast. Lin Muan only drank a bottle of milk in the middle of the day. At this moment, he looked at the delicious dried fragrant between the chopsticks in front of him.

He...can't help but open his mouth and bit into his lips.

The peculiar softness of Xianggan is wrapped in the rich flavor of light soy sauce, which is also stained with a faint green pepper flavor. It dissolves and spreads between the teeth in an instant.

Lin Muan nodded, secretly praised. It's really good.

Kapok tilted her head to look at him and smiled while holding her chopsticks. His eyebrows curled very gratifying.

In the small courtyard, most people are busy. No one pays attention to the movement there. Only one or two inadvertently saw this scene, their eyes froze and then they rolled their eyes nonchalantly.

The inner waves are raging.

Busyand finally all the food was on the table. After a group of teachers and students had a lively lunch, they organized the students to go to the back mountain of the temple.

Climbing up a few steps, turning around a bend along the cyan wall of the temple, the line of sight suddenly widened.

A large turquoise grassland and a few big trees next to it were lush and lush. The afternoon sun was shining from the branches. The head teacher took the lead in finding a shady place and everyone sat on the ground.

Kapok crossed her legs indifferently and looked around.

This is a bitter for those girls who wear skirts. All of them can only sit side by side on the ground with their knees sideways, like a mermaid.

It's not very beautiful.

The crowd formed a circle and the head teacher was standing in the middle announcing that he would play a very interesting little game——

Throw the handkerchief.

Those caught must perform in public.

Amidst a lot of boos, he calmly continued to announce the rules of the game.

Kapok held her cheeks in her hands, listening with gusto.

The wind gently blew the broken hair on her temples and her delicate profile was very peaceful.

Lin Muan withdrew his gaze.

The game is in full swing. Although it has only been ridiculed by the crowd, everyone is still excited like a half-year-old child after playing.

After several rounds of playing, Kapok was forced to enjoy some unbeautiful music, poetry recitations and imitating animal sounds.

A new round of games continues.

Lin Muan was staring ahead in a daze.

Behind him lies a bunch of flowered handkerchiefs.

Everyone held their breath. The girl who had dropped the handkerchief looked nervous and quickened the pace under her feet.

Getting closer and closer, she has already run most of the lap and is about to come behind her to catch him!

Kapok hit him quickly.

Lin Muan was alert, turned around, picked up the handkerchief behind him, ran, and then threw it away. The man immediately noticed, got up, ran and Lin Muan took a seat.

Beside Kapok, she became the girl who was just now.

She was still panting slightly and she was very complaining when she looked at Kapok.

Kapok smiled and looked at the person who had sat across from her.

It just so happened that he was also looking at her, his bright black eyes were clear and moist and the corners of Kapok's mouth deepened.

He lowered his eyes.

As the sun sets to the west, most of the lawn is shrouded in the shadow of trees. The sun is no longer the hot afternoon and the breeze is blowing, cool and pleasant.

There is a big temperature difference between morning and night on the mountain. As soon as the sun sets, I feel a little cool. Kapok folded her hands and breathed into the palm of her hand.

The head teacher is organizing the descent.

The group of people was mighty, riding the afterglow of the setting sun, walking down the stone path. After the cheerful game in the afternoon, everyone had a cheerful smile on their faces and the atmosphere was relaxed and happy.

Kapok and Lin Muan walked side by side, gradually falling behind the crowd.

The burning red sunset on the horizon, layer upon layer of brocade, the mountains and rivers in the distance, shrunk countless times and piled up under the eyes. It is extremely magnificent and beautiful.

The breeze hits and the body is comfortable from the inside out.

Kapok quietly stretched out her hand, tentatively holding the person next to him.

He did not respond, nor refused.

Kapok cocked the corners of her mouth, tightening her fingers one by one.


Sister Naja: Baby Muan not posing a hard reaction anymore when Kapok arbitrary held his hand. Later he will be the one who seek it the most! 

Truthfully speaking, sister don't quiet understand the 2nd game they are playing.

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