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Thank you so much to all who entered the art competition, you guys made it very difficult to decide on a piece.

That's mostly why this is so late, as I have been struggling to decide and I also just really didn't want to choose. But, after a long and hard process, I have finally made my decision and am ready to announce the results!!

To all the runner ups, please don't be discouraged by this. I truly would have had all covers at once if I could and you guys made it extremely challenging to choose. Every single one of you is incredibly talented and I encourage you to keep making art in the future.

That being said, allow me to announce the winner.

The winner of the Irkens can't love competition 2021, goes to.....


For this wonderful and very detailed piece!

The reason I chose this one in particular was due to the really expressive imagery and colours

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The reason I chose this one in particular was due to the really expressive imagery and colours. This piece is so detailed and I was very impressed by how colourful and symbolic it is. Zim and Y/n reaching for eachother is such a nice concept and I think that Irk and Earth being behind each of them is extremely clever and actually kinda poetic!

This piece is fantastic, so congratulations on winning!

And, as promised, I shall take a one shot request of any character in this story and I will make sure to dedicate such to you, as well as put your art on the cover and credit you in the description and first chapter of the book.

Once again, thank you to everybody who took part! I believe you all to be absolutely amazing and I am proud of each and every one of You!😘❤

Love you all, thanks for putting up with all these A/n's. I know the last chapter had you guys on the edge of your seats😅

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